Really, now. The Democrats are now such spinmeisters and liars they are sucked into their own deceit:
Like many people, I’m puzzled that the Bushies have decided to unleash the attack dogs on the issue of John Kerry’s Vietnam service. It’s possible, of course, that they know something I don’t and have some devious trick up their sleeves that I can’t figure out, but the most obvious consequence of doing this is that it gives the press an excuse to revive the issue of George Bush’s military service, which until now had been allowed to die a conveniently quiet death.
Ok, Kevin, here is your challenge.
Show me one newsclip, interview, presss release, commercial, or quote from Bush, Cheney, anyone in the White House, or anyone at the Bush/Cheney HQ, or anyone at the RNC who has either questioned Kerry’s patriotism or his military record. Just one.
There have been afew rogue Republican congressmen who are also Vietnam vets who are pissed about Kerry’s post-war antics, and Karen Hughes mentioned Kerry’s lie about his medals, but that is it.
On the other hand, I can show you volumes of quotes from Terry McAuliffe and the DNC, Kerry himself, and hundreds of Democrats attacking Bush and calling him AWOL.
No one has questioned his service or patriotism, but you, under the guise of faux amazement, are bringing up this strawman to launch another ham-handed (should I just say typical?) assault on Bush’s record. You are also now resurrecting your ludicrous ‘file-cleansing meme.’
It is clear that Kevin’s goal is to create so many lies that not all of them can be refuted in a tiely enough fashion, and therefore might do some damage. Of course, once they are refuted, Kevin will just age them a few months and bring them back up again. Heya Ezra- fill me in on you moderates, again, will ya?
Kevin Drum- Master of Straw.
Lets keep having this debate. The public considers the Bush-Natl. Guard issue closed since the records were released. But lets keep this image of Kerry waffling and whining and offering Clintonesque observations going. It mints more votes for Bush every day.
Having a sleaze bag like Terry McAuliffe as head of the DNC speaks volumes about the character and quality of comments coming from the national Democratic party. Here’s a guy who made his name, not to mention fortune, by every shady practice known to man…from questionable S&L deals in the late 80s, suspect real estate ventures along the way, to taking at least $18 million out of Global Crossing stock sales before the small investor could bail out, and the list goes on. And of course, one shouldn’t forget that McAuliffe proudly boasted that he was the creator of the White House sleepovers and coffee klatches that helped fill the campaign coffers of Clinton/Gore campaigns.
Unbelievable that a major political party in this country is led by an individual of so little ethical and/or moral values. He has no standing whatsoever to comment on these issues.
The Bush/drug abuse/National Guard/AWOL case hasn’t been solved. Leave it to Republican morons to bring it to the fore. While Kerry was filling the enemy with bullets, Bush was filling his brain with drugs. As Karen Hughes might say, that’s very revealing.
Then the previous poster brings up S&Ls (brother Bush) and Global Crossing (Richard Perle). You guys are geniuses.
At one point, half of America thought some of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis. No one in the Bush administration made that claim, and yet these misperceptions were allowed to be accepted. How did that happen? Here’s your challenge: explain how intelligent Americans could be so, well, unintelligent. Do that and you might be able to figure out what’s going on here with the RNC and their lackeys.
Having a sleaze bag like Terry McAuliffe as head of the DNC speaks volumes about the character and quality of comments coming from the national Democratic party.
We tried having decent and honorable people in charge of things, but we kept losing elections.
M. Scott Eiland
“We tried having decent and honorable people in charge of things, but we kept losing elections.”
Sure–Boss Tweed, James Carville, and those in between were gentle, honest men who never bent a rule or slandered an opponent.
Oh, and Kimmitt? You got your asses kicked in 2002 with Terry the Bloody running the show, too. What does that do to your reasoning?
As much as it pains me (and it DOES pain me – Jeebus, how it pains me!) to admit that Kimmitt might even come CLOSE to reality in anything he posts (hey, even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut), I think he has something, here.
BOTH sides have moved the debate further and further into the realm of sound bites, “Willie Horton” ads (and HEY, Kimmitt, who “invented” Willie Horton? Ans: Your buddy, Al Gore) and attack ads.
I KNOW it is difficult to approach substantive policy arguments in a 30 second commercial – but does that NECESSARILY mean we have to reach for the stinkiest mud we can find????
Challenge (to BOTH parties): put together the BEST 30 second ad you can on the subject of the impending fiscal crisis in the Social Security system.
Rules: No “Willie Horton,” no scaring seniors – Statements must be factual and supported by evidence, and there must be at LEAST a reasonable effort at alluding to a solution.
Prize: The next election.
Any takers????
Show me one newsclip, interview, presss release, commercial, or quote from Bush, Cheney, anyone in the White House, or anyone at the Bush/Cheney HQ, or anyone at the RNC who has either questioned Kerry’s patriotism or his military record…
Wow, short attention span theater:
…and Karen Hughes mentioned Kerry’s lie about his medals…
Oh well, good luck to you, John, this is really boring.
M. Scott Eiland
Well, of course Kevin has to construct his arguments of straw. Given the loons who populate his comments section, leaving solid *anything* around is an engraved invitation for one of them to use it as a blunt object on some innocent bystander.
Jack Sparks (burn rate)
SAO – how does pointing out that Kerry lied about tossing his medals either 1) attack his patriotism or 2) question his military record?
For the life of me, I can’t see how it does.
David in NY
I’d watch who I called a liar. Karen Hughes on CNN’s Late Edition accused Kerry of making false accusations of atrocities (unpatriotic) or of committing them himself (questioning military record). See So no one was lying that such accusations have been made. I’m sure you’ll go ahead and split hairs, probably complain that Karen didn’t mean it the way it sounded. But they’ve said what they’ve said.
M. Scott Eiland
“I’d watch who I called a liar. Karen Hughes on CNN’s Late Edition accused Kerry of making false accusations of atrocities (unpatriotic) or of committing them himself (questioning military record).”
So, CNN (and, by implication, the Mouth From The South) have now joined Charlie Gibson and ABC in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy? Man–for Kerry to lose them would be like London losing Big Ben.