The sounds you now hear are not thunder, but Lee Atwater having a deep belly-laugh in heaven:
In what may be a surprising move to some political circles, Democratic Presidential Candidate Senator John Kerry
(D-Massachusetts) has issued an invitation to former Democratic Primary rival Rev. Al Sharpton to address this summer’s Democratic National Convention in Boston…On Rev. Al Sharpton as a Speaker at the DNC …
Kerry: “I hope so. Sure … That’s my call … If he wants to do it, he can do it … Let me just say to you … if he wants to do it, I’d like him to do it. I think he’d do a terrific job. I think he’ll add something … there’s no plea necessary. It’s my invitation.”
Next on my wish list are Ralph Nader, Jim McDermott, Cynthia McKinney, Patty Murray, and Jesse Jackson. The Democratic Convention could become Must-See-TV.
In all seriousness, this probably means that the Democrats have some seriously troubling internal polling data regarding the African-American vote.
I also enjoyed Neal Boortz’s preview of the DNC Convention activities:
6:00pm- Opening flag burning ceremony.
6:30pm- Anti-war rally no. 1.
6:40pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:00pm- Tribute theme to France.
7:10pm- Collect offerings for al-Zawahri and al-Sadr defense fund.
7:20pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
7:25pm- Tribute theme to Spain.
7:45pm- Anti-war rally no. 2. (Moderated by Michael Moore)
8:00pm- John Kerry presents one side of the issues
8:25pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:30pm- Terrorist appeasement workshop.
9:00pm- Gay marriage ceremony.
9:30pm- * Intermission * (Refreshments hosted by Ted Kennedy)
10:00pm- Flag stomping and defacing ceremony
10:15pm- Re-enactment of Kerry’s fake medal toss.
10:30pm- Cameo by Dean ‘Yeeearrrrrrrg!’
10:40pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
10:50pm- Pledge of allegiance to the UN.
11:00pm- Double gay marriage ceremony.
11:15pm- Maximizing Welfare workshop.
11:20pm- John Kerry presents the other side of the issues
11:30pm- ‘Free Saddam’ pep rally.
11:59pm- Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
12:00am – Nomination of Democrat candidate.
Gary Farber
“In all seriousness, this probably means that the Democrats have some seriously troubling internal polling data regarding the African-American vote.”
That may be true, but it’s hard to see using Sharpton as a corrective, given how much Sharpton’s campaign totally tunnelled in votes gotten.
Even in NY, his vote numbers were *vastly* below what he got in his prior runs for Mayor and Senate. I don’t have them in front of me, and amn’t going to look them up again, but if you do, you’ll see what I mean. Specifically, that is, “black” people didn’t vote for him, including in NY.
He’s no Jesse Jackson (in terms of vote-getting numbers).
The only likely logic I can see to it is that Sharpton does have an excellent comedy act. He really was the funniest person in the Democratic debates, for whatever that’s worth.