Once I get this puter fixed (I have spent the last 24 hours reformatting and the like), I have much more to say bot a lot of things. However, these consecutive headlines about sum up the current political state:
Senate Republicans Propose Plan for Health Insurance
Kerry Gathers Tales of Health Cost Burden
Talk amongst yourselves.
Kerry really needs to come up with real plans. His web site and policy statements don’t reveal much of anything.
Why should anyone vote FOR him, as opposed to AGAINST Bush?
what was most telling about the first article was kenndy’s response to the work done by the republicans. i commented on it over @ my space of the web, but basically, he said the entire thing was a sham.
funny, i thought that word better described his entire stint in the senate.
Why are the Republicans coming up any type of national health insurance? Why are they continuing to move to the left? There is no way they can succeed in placating the Dems by becoming less conservative and fiscally responsible. Of course, Ted Kennedy would be against it. Anything the Republicans do will irritate him.
We need to stop and think how we are heading down the slippery path towards socialized medicine. I wrote here and Thomas Sowell wrote here
Because it works in every other industrialized nation. Because the number of uninsured keeps gpoing up.* Because far too many American healthcare dollars get sucked into administrative costs.
And please don’t base your argument on what that moron Sowell wrote. One anecdotal (and probably apocryphal) story from 45 years ago does not a compelling argument make.
*Think: if a SARS outbreak hits the US, do you want your uninsured office janitor or housekeeper or Wal-Mart clerk coughing in your face?
Rob Read
The NHS in the UK is a disaster, like all coercion funded schemes, it’s run by bEUrocrats for the benefit of bEUrocrats.
Please America don’t inflict more socialism to hold back your successful! I need somewhere to escape to
“There is no way they can succeed in placating the Dems by becoming less conservative and fiscally responsible.”
I’m not sure Republicans could get less fiscally responsible.
So if the problem is insurance, someone please explain why we need to fix health care. Thanks.
Kerry will win in 2004, from one Republican to whomever else is listening. Bush is killing our men and women in Iraq, and it is time we admit we have lost a war we should have never begun to fight. The rest of the essentials is fairly rudamentary. Bush hasn’t done anything except add to his pocket book, like most who suck the blood out of the U. S. – Now that sums it up.