I could have sworn I wrote this post yesterday, but now it is gone. Weird.
At any rate, I am not thrilled at all by Slate’s decision to have a daily ‘Kerryism’, just as they have had a daily ‘Bushism’ for the last several years. Some may say this is only fair, but I have to wonder how being unfair to a Democrat and being unfair to a Republican somehow balances out to neutrality.
For the past three years, the idiot Weiskopf has contorted, distorted, and willfuly misinterpreted and misrepresented Bush’s comments to make him look like and idiot and a fool. Now the Slate buffoons intend to do the same thing to Kerry, with the idea that he exaggerates and is a liar.
Color me unimpressed. If they really want to do a public service, fire the idiots doing the Bushisms and Kerryisms and hire someone to check their new stories for factual errors and institutional bias.
Well, he does exaggerate and he is a liar, but I agree that doing this in the context of making someone look foolish is not a good idea. If they want to outline his lies and exaggerations in an objective and professional manner, I’m cool with that.
Chris P
Color me unsurprised. This is the state of political discussion in America these days. It seems nobody is interested in facts anymore. Just read the average post on the average blog. Look at the bottom of page two in your average newspaper and note the number of retractions. Objectivity and professionalism in politics and political discourse have gone the way of the dodo. Opinion, rhetoric, propaganda, misinformation, and even slander are the order of the day. I guess you can color me cynical too, but at least it matches the jaded glasses through which I’ve viewed the world lately.
Andrew J. Lazarus
A post I can agree with 100%.
I thought it was a kind of funny way to poke a little fun at the candidates’ respective human frailties.
The most recent had Kerry saying “ultimately”at the beginning and end of a sentence… Now that’s funny.