I really don’t have anything to add to this piece discussing the shameful display of behavior during Giuliani’s testimony before the odious 9/11 commission.
Radio’s and Rudy killed those people, don’t you see? Disgusting.
by John Cole| 6 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
I really don’t have anything to add to this piece discussing the shameful display of behavior during Giuliani’s testimony before the odious 9/11 commission.
Radio’s and Rudy killed those people, don’t you see? Disgusting.
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Rudy Rants
“Our enemy is not each other, but the terrorists who attacked us….
The blame should be put on one source alone, the terrorists who killed our loved ones.”
Rudy Giuliani addressing the 9/11 Commission
9/11 Commission Blog Ro…
Welcome To America Of States United
We are living in the bizarro world. Everything is backwards. Left is right, right is left. Up is down, down is up. Right is wrong, wrong is right. I have never seen or heard something so profound and disgusting as what read and heard about yesterday…
S.W. Anderson
Hey, something we agree on!
Disrupting proceedings of things like the 9-11 Commission proceedings has gotten to be a bad habit.
I understand that family members of many of the people killed in the attack are dealing with some heavy-duty grief and with the very human tendency to indulge in “if only . . .” questioning and speculation. Maybe their presence and pressure will help keep the commission focused on finding ways to prevent a repeat or better handle one if such should occur.
Even so, the families would do well to mind teir manners and remember that inquiries take time and aren’t going to ever be to everyone’s satisfaction.
Too many people have forgotten about 9/11 already.
Fricking idiots…
I was there in NYC for the commission hearings. My brother was there on the 104th floor of WTC on September 11. The families are not stupid and realize that no one is coming back and that no one is to blame but the terrorists. The objective is to find out what was wrong with the system – honestly – and fix it so that when this happens again, communities will be ready to respond effectively. Some people at the hearings were interested in focusing on the specific things that were wrong and have them acknowledged. IMHO the Mayor’s comments that everyone involved should be treated with compassion and that there is only one group to blame and we know who that happens to be.
The Lonewacko Blog
I think it’s great to see something like that, even if I might not agree with them. Especially because they interrupted a real kissy-face waste-of-time comment. If it had just been some jerks chanting Shrub this, Shrub that I wouldn’t think the same.