Count me among those who could never work up a strong case of idol worship or the warm fuzzies in response to Reagan’s politics or presidential leadership. But that was about politics and public policy, not personal enmity.
Unless you’d just rather present examples of mean-spiritedness at its most calloused and thoughtless as somehow being representative of everyone on the left, you could stop by the Oh!pinion weblog:
One last thought: Mean-spiritedness, callousness, vindictiveness are very much equal opportunity failings, with people all over the political spectrum saying and writing hurtful and regrettable things. After all those years of so many people on the right circulating so many lies and distortions — really vile, outlandish and hurtful things — about Bill and Hillary Clinton, that should be obvious.
And please, spare me the “two wrongs don’t make a right” come-backs. Nothing I’ve written in any way excuses the meanness some few are displaying about Reagan. I, too, think that’s wrong and uncalled for.
I knew this sad day was coming soon but your never fully prepared.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!
And the wall came down.
A hundreds of millions of former slaves to Marxism are now free thanks to President Reagan.
Well done, sir.
In the immortal words of Hank Hill:
“Lord, I miss voting for that man.”
S.W. Anderson
Count me among those who could never work up a strong case of idol worship or the warm fuzzies in response to Reagan’s politics or presidential leadership. But that was about politics and public policy, not personal enmity.
Unless you’d just rather present examples of mean-spiritedness at its most calloused and thoughtless as somehow being representative of everyone on the left, you could stop by the Oh!pinion weblog:
to read “And now, it’s mourning in America.”
One last thought: Mean-spiritedness, callousness, vindictiveness are very much equal opportunity failings, with people all over the political spectrum saying and writing hurtful and regrettable things. After all those years of so many people on the right circulating so many lies and distortions — really vile, outlandish and hurtful things — about Bill and Hillary Clinton, that should be obvious.
And please, spare me the “two wrongs don’t make a right” come-backs. Nothing I’ve written in any way excuses the meanness some few are displaying about Reagan. I, too, think that’s wrong and uncalled for.
S.W. Anderson
I’m sorry, I posted the previous in the wrong comments area. Please feel free to delete it. I’ll re-enter it in the correct place.
On the issue of human rights, Reagan demoralized the Soviets.
Unfortunately, thanks to Abu Ghraib, the US can no longer contend on that very effective front anymore.