You couldn’t pay me to read or watch this interview, and I am beginning to wonder if Jesse Taylor is a masochist.
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On O’Reilly Factor, Coulter denied Limbaugh compared abuse to hazing: “[H]e definitely didn’t say that”
Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter denied that radio host Rush Limbaugh ever compared U.S. military guards’ abuse of Iraqi prisoners to hazing or ever said that it wasn’t a big deal.
Coulter: Liberals “would enjoy” Abu Ghraib “activities”
In her June 3 column, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter attempted to disprove liberals’ assertion that the Bush administration “somehow ‘misled’ them about the war,” arguing, “[Y]ou’d have to put liberals
Rich Arnone
I see many people dissing Ann Coulter but no one dealing with her on a factual basis. Why not take something she recently wrote and fisking her so that we can see some basis for your disdain.
John Cole
How about this jewel of ignorance from THE SECOND SENTENCE IN THE INTERVIEW.
O’REILLY: Wow, good for you. Why has Bush fallen in the polls?
COULTER: I suspect a lot of people aren’t paying attention right now and basically the same 500 people are being polled and you’ll see them go up and down and up and down until the election gets closer and then I think people will pay attention, we’ll have more of a sense
IS she really implying that every polling service is polling the same 500 people out of 300 million, in essence conducting a longitudinal poll of the same sample without telling anyone in the United States about theire methods?
Do I have to go on?
Rich, just google anything about her two books, and you will stumble over numerous fact-checks of hers.
The problem with Coulter isn’t even that her conclusions are wrong. It’s that her basic grasp on facts and reality is so shoddy that whatever she concludes, she took a totally invalid route to get there. If she told me my middle name, I’d demand a birth certificate.
Monica Crowley and Michelle Malkin were on O’Reily tonight. Bill must be doing an attractive rightwing women week. I would add crazy on top of attractive but Crowley is generally sane.
While he’s at it maybe he can notice in a more recent transcript where it’s noted that John Podesta threatened to sue O’Reilly and Michael Moore (and previously, Al Franken) egregiously took him out of context alleging he had made a serious threat to his life. Instead we’re treated to “Ann Coulter is a nutcase” for the umpteenth time for no apparent reason… O’Reilly’s grilling of her (and Lying in Ponds’ analysis of his columns vs. hers) says a lot by the way.
Other than the fact that she IS a nutcase…
Did he threaten to sue moore and franken also? Please, make this more clear.
John Cole,
I agree with you about the poll question. Bad answer. Since I didn’t see the interview, is there any chance she was being sarcastic?
That said, I did read the entire transcript, without pay I might add, and failed to see that her answers were that outrageous. Is there some history behind your comment that would help me understand where you are coming from?
No, John Podesta said quite clearly “It’s time to sue Bill O’Reilly.” If O’Reilly had made a threat, we’d hear about it from the left and mainstream press all day long.
I believe Podesta’s statement was made in jest, but check out O’Reilly’s screwball reaction here
> is there any chance she was being sarcastic
Sadly, Coulter seems to believe every crazy thing she says
Not to blogwhore, but there’s also this.
Joe Gandelman
I tried watching it but watching her adams apple bob up and down made me dizzy….
Actually, in all seriousness, as a “swing voter” I simply can’t read or watch her and remain a swing voter. She does not tell the whole story when she documents or cites an argument and she is so on the attack against her goes, doing a kind of nuclear weapon scorched-earth rhetoric, that she pushes me over to the other side. As someone who enjoyes reading and considering both sides she is too much a weapon for her FOES. If I want to consider an issue I prefer reading people who deal in arguments versus personalities so I have simply stopped reading her books and don’t watch her on TV. Zero credibility.
She is to the right what Michael Moore is to the left: provocative and entertaining but in the end not enlightening. And a bit more than obnoxious. Or look at it this way: a slimmer, more feminine (minus the Adams apple) version of Michael Moore. All she needs is a camera and a stubble beard.
“I believe Podesta’s statement was made in jest, but check out O’Reilly’s screwball reaction”
Yeah it was implied that he should be sued for libel or slander by a former adviser to the president… how “screwball” to demand an example. By the way, what’s “in jest” about that?
Except that Moore is far more embraced by his side and the mainstream as a whole than Coulter.
Yes, Henry, it is, after all, my job to write to satisfy you, especially about things that I haven’t heard about yet.
As a matter of fact, why don’t we just set up a little conduit where you send me blog entries and I post them for you? God forbid I talk about something you don’t approve of.
And I did give O’Reilly credit for the interview, which, if you’d read the entry, you’d realize. And Moore is “far more embraced” than Coulter? How many books has she sold? How widely syndicated is her column? How often is she on TV? Moore and Coulter both lie, but with respect to the severity, scope, and nastiness of the lies, Coulter does eke out a victory.
Fat Cracker
I should have been paid to follow that link to that crappy website. What the hell was I thinking?
Coulter is a partisan and makes no bones about it and at times she does go over the top with her hyperbole. I believe a lot of what she says is pure sarcasm and tongue in cheek which for some reason a great many people can’t figure out, O’Reilly included. And I don’t think she really gives a flying fuck what ‘ol Bill thinks.
That said, the funniest thing I heard about smarmy leftoids was this statement by someone on Tim Blair’s site, “If there is a Hell Ted Rall will spend enternity smelling Michael Moore’s farts.” Talk about your killing two birds with one stone. Bwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
most polls appear to be worthless ie. zogby and cbs.
Look, as a center-lib guy, I wish you guys on the right would stop trying to defend anorexic skanks like Coulter.
Couldn’t you guys talk about, or link to PJ O’Rourke? He’s just as conservative as any of the current crop of cool conservative kids, but he’s funnier, smarter, and actually has something interesting to say.
It isn’t because his vocabulary’s too advanced… is it?