I have written before about how stupid the Daily Kerryisms and the Daily Bushisms are, and I am glad to see others are beginning to agree. Well, sort of- mainly they just don’t like Kerry being bashed.
However, that is enough for me. Maybe one day they will realize the Bushisms are just as stupid and unfair.
But you see, Kerry is a very nuanced, intelligent man who states his positions the way an intellectual might. He never, ever leaves himself open to change positions in the future when it’s politically expedient, no way. Obviously the left is too nuanced in their thinking for these “-ism” features.
Bushisms, however, are good because BUSH IS DUMB! Har-har-har!
The problem being that President Bush really is kind of dim and inarticulate.
We ought to trust Kimmitt’s word on this, because he’s spent a great deal of time in the company of GWB.
It’s not like the man hasn’t ever been on TV or anything.
Oh, I see. By “really”, you meant “apparently”. I know, it’s so easy to get those two mixed up.
I think people mistake the ability to communicate with intelligence. Unlike just about every Democrat politician out there, I think Bush has trouble spinning the truth to suit his political needs. I guess they are more practiced at the art of lying with sincerity and perfect elocution.
Bush needs to take a few lessons from Bill & Hillary, who have both perfected the art of pathological “truth” spinning. But then they don’t mangle their words, so they’re just brilliant. Right?
I’d hold that “apparent” inarticulateness and “real” inarticulateness are indistinguishable.
They made be indistinguishable, but they are different!
And the dimness, Kimmitt? Are you claiming apparent=actual? If so, I’m going to express how apparently dim this idea makes you.
I’ll grant you that GWB isn’t the finest example of public speaking ability available to the public, but I didn’t vote for him for saying things well.
It is my opinion that the man’s intellectual laziness is so profound that it has the same effect as outright stupidity, so I call him “dim.”
You don’t agree, fine. But since the “Bushisms” were only making fun of his inarticulateness and you have conceded it, then we’re all done here.