Go read this letter that Sully put up. I could have written that.
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Rant: The Moderate Voter
John Cole points out a letter that Andrew Sullivan received today from a disaffected voter in Tennessee. I can’t tell whether Cole agrees with the letter, or he agrees that he knows a lot of people like that. I think…
I’ve long said that principled conservatives have no voice in this country; they simply do not share the views of the Democratic Party, and the Republican leadership doesn’t know which end of a principle you hold.
Could you really have written it? Are you prepared to just not vote?
The problem with voters – or non-voters as the case may be – like this is that they think that they want someone to be bold in what they believe – so long it is what they themselves believe.
They want someone who doesn’t talk about abortion and that icky social stuff, but they don’t want anyone who panders to others. No, just to them. Because for a president NOT to talk about that stuff is to let the status quo be.
And a lot of folks aren’t quite happy with the status quo, at least on those kinds of issues.
It all kinda souns good, but its just impractical. Really, if the choice between Bush and Kerry is that hard to figure out, you probably should stay home.
Could it be that is just what the fella from Tennessee wants, for people to stay home? Personally, I don’t think there are too many people out there on the fence, looking for which way to jump. You either lean left, or you lean right. The term moderate is code for a liberal.
That line about fessin up to mistakes takes me back to the last big press conference where the media was swarming around how things were going for the president and encouraging him to fess up to mistakes that he had made in Iraq. I give credit to Bush for being smart enough to know that the media was looking for a sound bit to throw in his face. What mistakes should he admit to, relying on his intelligence agencies to provide him with accurate intelligence?
And what the hell is this “creative class” this guy is talking about. Is that the group of people that believe a good public speaker is an intelligent guy? Personally, I’m more interested in what somebody believes in, not how eloquently they can SAY what they believe in. Kerry has clearly shown he believes in whatever will get him elected, or re-elected. He’s the guy that voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it. And he’s the guy that owned an SUV when he was in Detroit, and didn’t an SUV when talking to environmentalists.
I’m with Blaster on this one, “if the choice between Bush and Kerry is that hard to figure out, you probably should stay home.”
“The term moderate is code for a liberal.”
I hate it when people who don’t recognize that they are outside the mainstream attempt to label the mainstream.
Hint: You’re a conservative, possibly a wingnut. I’m a liberal. There’s a lot of space between us; some of that space is moderates.
Immediately, you call willyb a “wingnut” – why?
Actually, I only think he’s possibly a wingnut; I’ve only seen a half-dozen posts of his. They are consistent with “wingnut” and “dyspeptic conservative,” so I’m throwing out my two current hypotheses.
That said, I’m starting to think that willyb is well-represented, if you catch my drift.
My comment about moderates relates to my believe that a person that is informed, has an opinion. If these
BTW, I never said I was in the mainstream (and I consider that a blessing). And I certainly realize that pretty much nothing is black and white. What I said was “You either lean left, or you lean right.” Now there is a lot of room for gray in that description, if you take the time to think about it.
The thing is, there’s a world of difference between “Tower of Pisa” leaning and “skyscrapers are built to sway in the wind” leaning.
You have a point, I’m sure. And it is?