Get ready for the next ‘manufactured scandal’ to bubble up from the barking moonbat left. It has already started in the comments section of this Washington Monthly post. Be warned- Kevin Drum’s comments section is not the same as it was two years ago- now it is a cesspool for DU groupthink.
At any rate, the next manufactured scandal will be that the ‘Bush/Cheney campaign is comparing Democrats to Hitler.’ Where do they get this wild idea- hold on to something, because you are going to laugh out loud.
The Bush Campaign has released a new campaign video titled “The Faces of John Kerry’s Democratic Party: The Coalition of the Wildeyed.” The commercial then splices together the following pieces:
1.) Al Gore at a podium, yelling: “How dare they drag the good name of the United States of America through the mud of Saddam Hussein’s torture prison?”
2.) A small portion of one of the controversial Hitler ads made for the MoveOn.Org contest, in which a picture of Hitler with the words “What were War Crimes in 1945” morphs into President Bush, and the words “Are Foreign Policy in 2003” are shown. That was a clip from the “Lies Fuel Fear” ad which can be found here.
3.) Howard Dean yelling: “I want my country back!”
4.) Michael Moore, at the OScars, stating: “We live in a time, where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons.”
5.) Dick Gephardt stating emphatically: “This President is a Miserable Failure.”
6.) Another small clip from the MoveOn.Org ad contest commercial, with pictures of Hitler speaking and audio a Hitler speech, with these Bush words on the screen: “God told me to strike at Al Qaeda and I struck them.” The picture then changes from Hitler to Bush, with the words “and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did.” All of this is taken directly from the MoveOn contest commercial “Sound Familiar,” which can be found here.
7.) Al Gore yelling: “He betrayed this country! He played on our fears!”
8.) John Kerry at a stump speech: “Today, today, George Bush will lay off your camel, tax your shovel, kick your ass, and tell you there is no Promised Land.”
9.) The commecial fades to black from the picture of Kerry, and these words appear: “This is not a time for pessimism and rage…”
The commercial ends with a picture of Bush, light music, and the following words on screen: “President Bush: It’s time for optimism, steady leadership, and progress. Paid for by Bush/Cheney ’04, Inc.”
And that is the whole commercial. Go watch it.
And that is how the loony left is going to claim that Bush is comparing Kerry and Gore to Hitler. A commercial in which clips of THEIR COMPARISONS of Bush to Hitler are being used to show you how outof control and crazed the Democrats have become will be willfully and intentionally spun to mean the polar opposite of its intent.
Watch this meme spread. I will try to track it from its birth at the Washington Monthly comments section.
*** Update ***
Does Karl Rove read the JunkYardBlog?
*** Update #2 ***
The folks at aim to please:
Remember how the Busheviks screamed about the two Moveon ads from volunteers (out of 1000+) that compared Bush’s dictatorship to Hitler’s? Well, if they hate those ads so much, how come they keep finding ways to promote them? These Moveon ads are featured in Bush’s latest Web ad, sandwiched between clips from Al Gore, Howard Dean, Michael Moore, Dick Gephardt, and John Kerry. What unites these widely-divergent figures? The introduction calls them, “The Faces of John Kerry’s Democratic Party – the Coalition of the Wild-eyed.” Obviously the Busheviks have given up all hope of winning the election, so they are resorting to pure trash.
All eyes on the meme, please
Yeah, the Drummettes…
The commercial doesn’t do a very good job of pointing out the fact that it was MoveOn and Co. that brought up the BushHitler meme — those brief clips from the MoveOn video showing the President on that red background should have been a little longer, in order to somehow make it clear that an all but 527 displayed that ad on their website.
I can’t say I like the ad much, it’s too ambigous as to the origin of the “Nazi” meme. The DU’ers, of course, love it…
Ah well, Bush & Cheney have played the Election year gentlemen long enough — everyone deserves a shot back across the enemy’s bow.
– D
Yeah, but did Bush question their patriotism???
What a GREAT ad. They should show that one over and over and over again.
I don’t think the Dems attack will work this time. Just today you’ve got Al Gore, America’s first certifiable former vice president, comparing the Bush administration to the Nazis.
OT, but I found this comment hilarious:
Hear that flushing noise? That’s the sound of a moonbat’s credibility!
Kind of like the manufactured scandal the RNC set up around the moveon ad submissions in the first place.
Bush and Cheney have played gentlemen? Did you miss the $85 million of wildly dishonest negative ads they’ve been running?
John, you’re right that the intent doesn’t seem to be to equate Kerry with Hitler. The problem is that it’s incredibly poorly made and it’s not clear what the Hitler shots have to do with anything unless you know the background. Otherwise, you’re just looking at shots of members of the other party criticizing the president (how shocking!!). Is calling the president a failure really supposed to be crossing a line? Because, you know, Republicans never launch into vicious attacks on Democrats. Michael Savage is calling Clinton’s book “Mein Kampf.” Where’s the right wing outrage over that? It’s just a stupid ad.
John Cole
Well. For starters, there is the MOVEON.ORG emblazoned on the end of theclip.
That might be a clue.
Chris P
“Is calling the president a failure really supposed to be crossing a line?”
No but comparing an American president to a psychopath who killed 6 million Jews is.
“Michael Savage is calling Clinton’s book “Mein Kampf.” Where’s the right wing outrage over that?”
OK. Here’s your outrage. Michael Savage is an ass. Comparing Clinton’s piece of crap and waste of trees to a manifesto on eugenics is not only stupid, it’s…well…outrageous.
HH confirms many suspicions about the intellect of your average Democrat…
Gregory Litchfield
Stalwart – Indeed comrade! When the revolution comes all the running dogs in the Bushitler administration will be the first up against the wall.
Andrew J. Lazarus
I’m not sure that showing a clip of empassioned Democrats is going to make people forget Bush reading about a lonely goat while the country was under attack. Indeed, the two would make a pretty interesting juxtaposition.
OTOH, maybe we can make an ad featuring VP Cheney washing his mouth out with soap.
**I’m not sure that showing a clip of empassioned Democrats is going to make people forget Bush reading about a lonely goat while the country was under attack.**
Funny how the 2002 mid-terms are quickly forgotten.
“. . .Bush reading about a lonely goat. . .”
Just got back from F9/11, Andrew? I see that’s going to be the new lefty screech now – that as soon as Andy Card whispered in his ear, Bush should have jumped up, ripped off his suit to show us the Superman costume underneath, growled “ah’ll be bock” and run off to personally take down the hijacked jetliners. Instead, he just sat there because – well, because he knew, or he’s really a moron, or whatever.
As far as Cheney is concerned, I e-mailed the White House and said I’d give a thousand bucks if he’d kick Ted Kennedy in the balls. Leahy’s a disgrace to the country who should have been put out to pasture years ago.
Funny, but somehow, I can’t seem to find any outrage from Andrew Lazarus about the Democratic nominee for *President* using the F-word.
Wonder why?
now it is a cesspool for DU groupthink
I’ve decided to post here regularly, to prevent this place from becoming a cesspool for GOP groupthink. No need to thank me. ;)
“I’m not sure that showing a clip of empassioned Democrats is going to make people forget Bush reading about a lonely goat while the country was under attack…”
Is this the new standard? Demonstrating self control during a crisis is not as presidential as ranting and raving like a lunitic?
What have we got; 70 odd days until the 2004 election?
Jesus, this is boring….
Gregory Litchfield
There is a story about Reagan I always liked. I cannot remember exactly what the context was, I think it was right after the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon. A reporter had asked the President why he seemed so cold and emotionally detached after whatever incident had occurred. Reagan became visibly angry and short back, “Well what did you expect me to do? Jump up and down and beat my breast?”
Our current President should use that one should anyone ask him why he didn’t immeadiately spring to action after learning we were under attack.
You ever notice? Most of the people who claim that Dubya didn’t do enough in the minutes after the first plane hit, are the same ones who don’t think it’s a “war on terrorism,” but instead some form of advanced law enforcement.
If that’s the case, as the nation’s chief executive, what was Dubya supposed to do? Issue warrants (a judge’s job, actually)? Round up a posse?
Bush: The Democrats are comparing me to Hitler
Democrats: DON’T CALL US HITLER! (or question our patriotism)
Heck, even Andrew J Lazarus can see this for what it is, but of course he proves his intellectual dishonesty by peddling some meme about a lonely goat.
Have some plastic turkey Andrew…
“Just today you’ve got Al Gore, America’s first certifiable former vice president, comparing the Bush administration to the Nazis.”
Really, Terry? Let’s check your honesty.
You can find the full text of Gore’s speech here. Show us the exact part of the speech where Al Gore compares the Bush administration to the Nazis.
Direct quotations only, please.
And, Sharky, while we’re checking the right wing’s ability to tell the truth, let’s see some evidence from you as well. Show us the official Kerry campaign announcement that compares Bush to Hitler. Or show us the elected Democratic officials who have compared Bush to Hitler. In fact, show us anything at all that makes the comparison and carries the imprimatur of the Democratic Party.
Time to put up or shut up, folks. If you can’t back up what you say, then maybe you should keep that plastic turkey for yourselves.
Stalwart Whiteman
Dean wrote:
“You ever notice? Most of the people who claim that Dubya didn’t do enough in the minutes after the first plane hit, are the same ones who don’t think it’s a “war on terrorism,” but instead some form of advanced law enforcement.
If that’s the case, as the nation’s chief executive, what was Dubya supposed to do? Issue warrants (a judge’s job, actually)? Round up a posse?”
Wow, you’re right, Dean. I guess Bush did the right thing, then, by sitting there with his thumb up his ass, reading a book about a pet goat to a classroom full of students. Clearly, it’s either that or issue warrants or round up a posse–no other options were open to him.
You guys are real good at building strawmen and tearing them down, I’ll give you that.
Stalwart Whiteman
Dorian wrote:
“Is this the new standard? Demonstrating self control during a crisis is not as presidential as ranting and raving like a lunitic?”
I guess “looking like a scared, nervous pussy” is the new “demonstrating self-control.”
And it’s lunatic, not lunitic.
gore never openly compared bush to the nazis, or called them nazis. he spoke before and ‘accused bush of seeking world domination, referred to abu ghraib as bush’s “gulag”, accused the president of “war crimes”, and intimated that he was a murderer.’
in his most recent speech, while he again didn’t compare them to nazis, he did a nice job of comparing the admin to South Africa, albeit in a merry-go-round fashion, contributing the comparison to dan rather and attempting to cover it up with “an obscene comparison”. if it’s so obscene, why make the comparison? because it gets a point across, namely that the bush admin is similar to south africa during apartheid.
with these comparisons, the comments regarding the president taking power and justifying torture (something not done, read the memos again if you are uncertain) and the flux of ‘environment of fear’ rhetoric spewing forth from gore’s mouth, it’s not hard to see what he is implying.
and a nice lie, including “..even without a declaration of war by Congress, to launch an invasion of any nation on Earth @ any time he chooses for any reason he wishes”. maybe this wasn’t easy enough for gore to locate before making his speech.
it’s also quite interesting to hear him speak on the “rupture [of] careful balance between executive, legislative and judicial brances of gov’t” given the current practice of 3 judge panels to impose new laws on the public (i.e. gay marriage in mass).
there was also the nice bit about the 9/11 commission finding “no meaningful relation ship between Iraq and al Qaeda of any kind”, which has been extensively blogged and reported already. the idea that he and his followers are the only ones who can see past the ‘smoke and mirrors’ is as unsubtle as the gut on MMoore throughout that entire part of his rant.
From Reuters:
“In an hour-long address punctuated by polite laughter and applause, Gore also accused the Bush administration of working closely
While JohnO took care of your snarky comment from the first post, you might try to put your obviously damaged brain around the folloiwing remarks from America’s first certifiable former Vice President:
“They dare not admit the truth lest they look like complete fools for launching our country into a reckless, discretionary war against a nation that posed no immediate threat to us whatsoever.” Al Gore – June 24, 2004
Did it occur to you that the
Andrew J. Lazarus
Yeah, Dorian, once Cheney gave Bush his talking points, he didn’t look so confused. I think the problem isn’t that Bush was scared of his own skin, but that he can’t improvise, and terrorist attack wasn’t on his script. So he stuck with the pet goats.
I see that the defense of Bush’s weird passivity is going the be the false dichotomy: that if Bush had jumped up, torn off his shirt revealing the superhero costume beneath, we would have criticized that, too. You really think those are THE ONLY TWO POSSIBILITIES? (Say, didn’t that Lionel Chetwynd TV movie show Bush doing pretty much that superhero act?)
I think I realize Bush gets a lot of his support from people like Dorian, who find his recklessness (masquerading as boldness) appealing. Hundreds and hundreds of Americans are dying for Bush’s mano-a-mano with Saddam, and all we can do is vote him out of office. I can’t wait.
You said:
“Hundreds and hundreds of Americans are dying for Bush’s mano-a-mano with Saddam”
Contrasted with thousands and thousands at the hands of people of like Saddam (proven links to AQ aside).
Choose your “poison” carefully. I prefer domestic.
Andrew J. Lazarus
Really, Dorian? Where are our troops in Sudan? Burma? Zimbabwe?
Don’t pretend we’re in Iraq for the Iraqis. We went for the WMD, remember?
Strange how Bush’s alleged “passivity” at a particular moment taints his character while his subsequent actions on the 9/11 issue are characterized as too aggressive and devastating. But of course your going to tell me Cheney wasn
Gary Farber
“And that is how the loony left is going to claim that Bush is comparing Kerry and Gore to Hitler. A commercial in which clips of THEIR COMPARISONS….”
Simple question, John, which I will be very gratified if you’ll answer: are you familiar with the term “lumping” and what it means? If so, when do you believe it is justified, and when not?
Found more sarin canisters recently… Time to go back for updated talking points…
And it’s John Kerry’s campaign itself which is now attacking Bush for comparing Dems to Hitler. Liars or incompetent… either way, it’ll be hard to take with a straight face anyone calling Bush an “incompetent liar, so vote Kerry!” anymore.
Andrew J. Lazarus,
“Don’t pretend we’re in Iraq for the Iraqis. We went for the WMD, remember?”
Wrong again, we were not in Iraq solely for WMD. There were a number of reasons stated in support of the “Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq.” (Iraq’s noncompliance with the conditions of the 1991 cease fire; Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and programs to develop such weapons, posed a “threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region” ; Iraq’s “brutal repression of its civilian population”; Iraq’s “capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people”; Iraq’s hostility towards the United States as demonstrated by the 1993 assassination attempt of George Bush Sr, and firing on coalition aircraft enforcing the no-fly zones following the 1991 Gulf War; Iraq’s connection to terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda; Fear that Iraq would provide weapons of mass destruction to terrorists for use against the United States.) The following premise perhaps best summarizes the reason for going after Iraq:
“Whereas the United States is determined to prosecute the war on terrorism and Iraq’s ongoing support for international terrorist groups combined with its development of weapons of mass destruction in direct violation of its obligations under the 1991 cease-fire and other United Nations Security Council resolutions make clear that it is in the national security interests of the United States and in furtherance of the war on terrorism that all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions be enforced, including through the use of force if necessary;”
IT WAS ABOUT ENFORCING U.N. RESOLUTIONS! But don’t take my word for it, read the whole Joint Resolution for yourself. The authorization was sought by President Bush, and it passed the House by a vote of 296-133 and the Senate by a vote of 77-23, receiving significant support from both major political parties. Just to jog your memory, this resoultion that was agreed to by John Kerry. The authorization section of the law clearly states our objectives:
(a) AUTHORIZATION. The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to (1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and (2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.”
Your Sudanese, Zimbabwean comment would have much greater resonance if you also opposed Kosovo and Bosnia.
Care to believe that?
Kosovo, in particular, of course, had NO UN support. And people’s lives (ex post facto) are hardly better. Nor did the mass graves ever turn up.
Yet, it was done, despite no imminent threat to the US from Milosevic, and we didn’t save Rwandans, Zairians, or North Koreans at the same time.
capt joe
The relationships between MoveOn, Soros and the DNC are intricate but they are there. The DNC has been appluading the efforts by MoveOn and Soros in their contests to see who can be more over the top in comparisons. Dashle and McAuliffe were at Moore propaganda fest praising the movie even though they know a majority of the facts were completely off base. Did we go to Afghanistan for an oil pipeline? Puhleez.
Like it or not, they are part of large group, sharing employees even, and as such, one must not complain when the brush catches them.
Did Kerry talk a stand when MoveOn ran their Bush=Hilter contest. Did the DNC take a stand when Al Gore (who was speaking for them) called people who disagree with him “Digital Brownshirts”.
Last time I checked, is not the DNC. How an official ad featuring Hitler can be justified because a special-interest group did one is beyond me.
Are you familiar with the expression, “living in denial”? This reminds me of a career criminal that commits a crime and gets off on a technicality.
I think the ad is good at showing the lengths to which the wacked-out left will go to win. All you guys have is finger pointing and pessimism.
Do these moonbats know what Card told the President? They cannot think past their hatred. The President was advised that a plane had struck the WTC. He did not tell the President that we were under attack. No one knew at that time why a plane had struck the WTC. For heaven’s sake, Bill Clinton never even visited the site of the first 1993 WTC bombing which was basically the same attack on our country as 9/11 except that the terrorists failed that time.
richard mcenroe
How crazy is Al Gore? I’m not sure he is. I think his current actions are quite deliberate:
hypothesis: Al Gore is positioning himself for a VP bid. The plan is, Gore becomes the lightning rod (or lodestone) for the moveon/DU wing of the Democratic party. This nails down their support and frees Kerry to move back to the middle as The Great Conciliator.
This also makes sense of Kerry’s new “Bush, too” campaign posture, which otherwise alienates a large element of his own party and won’t attract Republicans and undecided independents.
Sam proudly posted this on Jan. 4, 2004:
GOP Demands Censorship of Moveon Ad Comparing Bush with Hitler
Bush Dictatorship
Once again, the comparison of Bush with Hitler strikes terror in the hearts of Republicans – because they know how close it cuts to the truth. A proposed TV ad submitted by a Moveon member had RNC chair Ed Gillespie spitting bullets. According to Drudge, Moveon removed the ad from its contest – one more victory for GOP censorship, bringing us ever closer to a Nazi dictatorship.
It is still there, on the page with all the other Bush-Hitler comparisons”
Well, seeing as Democrat moneyman and all around sugar daddy George Soros compared Bush to Hitler…….
half-vast conspirator
Michael Moore and are joining forces, at (actually, only Terry McAuliffe fell for this one, what a maroon!)