“I think anyone who sees this movie will come out en masse to make sure John Kerry is elected president this November,” McAuliffe said after the premiere. “Credit to Michael Moore for taking the time to put this together.” – Terry McAullife, DNC Chairman, Moderate Democrat
“Michael Moore did this himself, he didn’t do it with the Democratic Party.” – Terry McAuliffe, DNC Chairman, Moderate Democrat
“This movie raises a lot of the issues that Americans are talking about, that George Bush has been asleep at the switch since he’s been President.” – Terry MCAuliffe, DNC Chairman, Moderate Democrat
When asked by National Review Online if he believed Moore’s account of the war in Afghanistan, McAuliffe said, ” I believe it after seeing that.” The DNC chairman added that he had not heard of the idea before seeing the movie, but said he would “check it out myself and look at it, but there are a lot of interesting facts that he [Moore] brought out today that none of us knew about.” – Terry McAuliffe, DNC Chairman, Moderate Democrat
Really though- most Democrat are moderates- it is just the extreme nature of Bushitler and Cheney that make them look extreme.
Chris P
Forgive me for being crude, but if that isn’t the most public dick-sucking I’ve ever seen seen, I’ll eat my hat.
Just today, Gore suggested that Bush believing in any connection between Iraq and al Qaeda would show he is unfit for office. So by the same token, McAuliffe isn’t fit to be the DNC’s janitor (but we knew that).
Ralph Gizzip
Chris obviously didn see Dan Rather’s interview of Bill Clinton on “60 Minutes”
Michael, baby–if you can’t lay off the doughnuts, at least keep several yards farther away from the camera lens. Because dark colors aren’t “slimming” on you.
You meant blocks, not yards, didn’t you. I think maybe the stress of making his “documentary” is starting to evidence itself in his girth. Do you see a resemb;ance to Jaba the Hut?
I don’t get why calling Moore fat harms his arguments. Really guys, it seems juvenile, and I’m seeing it everywhere.
You don’t like him? You don’t like his politics? You don’t like his style? Fine, say so and say why. Surely it’s not that you don’t like him because he’s fat, right? That’s just an easy way to make fun of him.
Just trying to raise the bar is all.
PS – you want a public dick sucking? Try any blog’s comment section.
And I’m sure the “Rush is fat” jokes five years after he slimmed down upset you too, bq. The difference is this shows again how much of a liar Moore is because he photoshopped himself looking slim on his poster.
M. Scott Eiland
He photoshopped himself as slim? Man–I wouldn’t think that even the computers on the starship Enterprise could handle *that* task.
Really, I could give a shit about whether or not Rush is fat. And if I were to criticize him, it would not be because of his appearance.
But it looks like you need a disavowl of those who joked about Rush’s weight. Fine. I hereby disavow those whose criticism of Rush was solely based on his weight.
(And yes, I cringe when that’s all the cricism is about, regardless of who’s being criticized.)
Lookit the picture, and tell me I wasn’t trying to give him good advice.
Compassionate conservative that I am.
I don’t like anything about him, which would include his physical appearance.If bin Laden and Moore were drowning, and I could only save one, it would be bin Laden.
PS – nobody was sucking dick on this blog, that is until you showed up.
willyb’s allegorical-type story about “drowning” is pretty good and would likely make a good polling question. It certainly would present one with a difficult choice…
I picked bin Laden so he could be prosecuted for his evil deeds. Drowning is too good for him.
M. Scott Eiland
Hmmm–never seen a guest of honor at a movie premiere with an event horizon before. Then again, it *is* the natural outcome of packing that much gas into that amount of space.