I see Mr. Cellophane is at it again, delivering another one of his overblown speeches:
If someone stood up in a crowd,
and raised his voice up way out loud,
and waved his arm and shook his leg,
You’d notice him.
“Dan Rather says that post-9/11 patriotism has stifled journalists from asking government officials “the toughest of the tough questions.” Rather went so far as to compare Administration efforts to intimidate the press to “necklacing” in apartheid South Africa, while acknowledging it as “an obscene comparison.” “The fear is that you will be necklaced here (in the U.S.), you will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck,” Rather explained. It was CBS, remember, that withheld the Abu Ghraib photographs from the American people for two weeks at the request of the Bush Administration.”
If someone in the movie show,
Yelled “Fire in the second row,
This whole place is a powder keg!”
You’d notice him.
“The Administration works closely with a network of “rapid response” digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for “undermining support for our troops.” Paul Krugman, the New York Times columnist, was one of the first journalists to regularly expose the President’s consistent distortions of the facts. Krugman writes, “Let’s not overlook the role of intimidation. After 9/11, if you were thinking of saying anything negative of the President…you had to expect right-wing pundits and publications to do all they could to ruin your reputation.”
Mister Cellophane,
Shoulda been my name.
Mister Cellophane,
‘Cause you can look right through me,
Walk right by me,
And never know I’m there…
“If the congress becomes an enfeebled enabler to the executive, and the courts become known for political calculations in their decisions, then the country suffers. The kinds of unnatural, undemocratic activities in which this administration has engaged, in order to aggrandize power, have included censorship of scientific reports, manipulation of budgetary statistics, silencing dissent, and ignoring intelligence. Although there have been other efforts by other presidents to encroach on the legitimate prerogatives of congress and courts, there has never been this kind of systematic abuse of the truth and institutionalization of dishonesty as a routine part of the policy process.”
Extra credit for the Godwinization of the speech, Mr. Gore.
All together now- really the Democrats are moderate, and Michael Moore doesn’t speak for the Democratic Party.
Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe says he believes radical filmmaker Michael Moore’s assertion that the United States went to war in Afghanistan not to avenge the terrorist attacks of September 11 but instead to assure that the Unocal Corporation could build a natural gas pipeline across Afghanistan for the financial benefit of Vice President Dick Cheney and former Enron chief Kenneth Lay.
McAuliffe and a number of other prominent Democrats attended a screening of Moore’s new documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11, at the Uptown Theatre in Washington Wednesday night. McAuliffe called the film “very powerful, much more powerful than I thought it would be.” When asked by National Review Online if he believed Moore’s account of the war in Afghanistan, McAuliffe said, ” I believe it after seeing that.” The DNC chairman added that he had not heard of the idea before seeing the movie, but said he would “check it out myself and look at it, but there are a lot of interesting facts that he [Moore] brought out today that none of us knew about.”
Cowardly Lion
If I ever run into Moore on the street, I’ll wrap him up in cellophant.
The Dan Rather quote jumped out at me. While I loathe this slimy administration, it certainly isn’t the admin’s fault the press is full of spineless, lazy wimps.
M. Scott Eiland
That Rather quote is the most pathetic South Africa-related metaphor since Our Bill compared his experiences during L’Affaire Lewinsky to the experiences of Nelson Mandela. Maybe Danny needs to go play with his “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” friends and leave the news to the non-delusional.
M. Scott Eiland
Aw, lay off poor Terry. The man has a right to speak. In fact, I hope he does so often. In public. Before lots of microphones and cameras. The Republicans will get more bang for their advertising buck if Terry the Psychotic Dumbass is writing their copy for them.
Poor, poor press in this country. Not only do they continue to marginalize themselves, now they’re whining.
Poor, poor babies.
Courage Dan…
Dean Esmay
Honestly, it’s like the Goldwater ’64 campaign, but raised an order of magnitude.
Of course, 16 years after the Goldwater campaign, we saw Reagan and the rise of the Republican party.