Although it was rude, and impolite, and the Democrats are going to try to make a big deal out of it, if there was anything Dick Cheney could have done to re-affirm my suppoort for the man, it was to tell Pat Leahy to “Go Fuck Yourself.”
I just wish he had time to throw a couple F-bombs at Ted Kennedy, Jay Rockefeller, Robert Byrd, Frank Lautenberg, and Chuckie Schumer.
*** Update ***
I was wrong- he didn’t tell him to fuck off, he told Leahy to ‘Go fuck yourself.’ Having been known to turn that phrase myself, my admiration only deepens.
Kerry cursing his Secret Service agent was barely covered outside the blogosphere, not to mention his Rolling Stone interview. The Dems, when they were even confronted with it at all, defended Kerry and now they’ll attack Cheney. Pathetic.
Jeff G
I took special care of Mssrs. Byrd and Kennedy today.
Good for Cheney. He’ll get my vote for Veep.
PS- Oliver, before you open your big mouth, remember your non-reaction to Kerry’s profanity in Rolling Stone…
Oh, it was even better than “Fuck off”, John…
It was “Go fuck yourself”.
Gary Frazier is Insane
“If this is true [Cheney’s remark to Leahy], it’s the opening shot of the second American Civil War.
“Seriously, the GOP is going to not accept a defeat in November. They’re going to attempt to defy the Constitution itself, and those who support this blatant attempt at a coup will find themselves on one side, and the rest of us, who believe in the Constitution will be on the other side.
“I think most of the armed forces will be with us.
“It will then be time to take out the trash.”
Gary Frazier
Andrew | BYTE BACK
Wow – Republicans get further and firther down on the “family values is important” list don’t they?
Publication in Rolling Stone is, some would say – even with declining sales – ergo, in the public domain.
I saw A LOT of coverage of Kerry’s supposed swearing at a Secret Service agent.”
It didn’t ge tmuch play because it was UNTRUE.
PS, We no longer vote for VP seperately, so if you were already voting for Bush ….
Chris P
“I saw A LOT of coverage of Kerry’s supposed swearing at a Secret Service agent.”
It didn’t ge tmuch play because it was UNTRUE.”
First I heard of it (being untrue that is). Since when?
“Publication in Rolling Stone is, some would say – even with declining sales – ergo, in the public domain.”
You’re kidding me right? If Cheney had said it on national TV and no one had said anything about it, THAT would be comparable. Instead now we have wailing and gnashing of teeth. Kerry dropped the f-bomb on Bush in an on-the-record interview. Watch for the new spin to be “Bush and Cheney’s secretive administration – Their cuss words are hidden in
Sorry Andrew, it’s true –
The sad part is, frankly, I think that Cheney’s comment was uncalled for, whatever I might think of Leahy.
It is the responsibility of our leaders to at least TRY and behave civilly. Call it “grace under pressure,” or call it “being a better person.”
And that applies not only to Cheney, but also to Kerry and any other politician, whatever their stripe.
I generally agree with your assessment. It does reflect a lack of civility on the part of Dick Cheney, and it shows that Dick Cheney has human failings. It was not polite or courteous for Dick Cheney to suggest to Patrick Leahy how he could spend his free time.
However, it wasn’t polite or courteous for Leahy to spin lies about Cheney, and generally attack his integrity. And since the press had nothing to say about that, and in general encouraged the Halliburton conspiracy theories, what’s a fella supposed to do? In hindsight this was a great way to highlight a problem no one was talking about. And somewhere, deep down inside, I have this little voice that’s saying, “Yeah! it’s about time someone stood up to these lying, pontificating piles of shit.”
I have two (partial) responses to this:
1. SOMEONE has to stop the madness. This cycle of descent into the muck is going to hurt democracy. I’ve no problem w/ the VP using a nice turn of phrase, even something along the lines of “Senator, exactly how DO you manage to insert your cranium so far past your lower sphincter” or somesuch (mild) scatology. But there are a few red-lines out there. (Yes, the previous Prez already has gotten us into the situation where one has to try and explain to one’s child what a “blow-job” is, this didn’t start here.)
2. A serious question: What was Leahy’s comment that triggered this “flame-war”? Have you seen what the actual commentary was (short of the Congressional record, which I”m not prepared to go through). I’m genuinely curious, and if you’ve got a good ref, I’d appreciate it.
That said, if I were Cheney, I’d be pissed to high heaven w/ the crapola out there about me, too. And eventually pop my top (probably a good thing, given his heart conditions). But time-and-place, time-and-place.