You just knew this was going to happen (via Dean Esmay):
I guess we are just going to have to keep mocking some Democrats until they grow up and understand what fascists really are and what they really think. I sitll can’t believe the mainstream press has not called Gore on his remarks.
Funny place, Washington, DC. Only place I know where a man can call you a war profiteer, a war mongerer, and a liar, and then try to cozy up and be your best buddy, and when you tell him to “Go fuck himself,” you are seen as wrong.
Funny town, indeed.
I’m curious as to why Jewish organizations such as the Anti Defamation League have not come out hard against Gore’s statement. It completely diminishes what the Jews went through before and during WW2 to compare some computer pundits to gangs of brutal thugs.
Sharp as a Marble
Don’t forget to display your icon
Jeff G
I’ve got mine up. Digital earthtones, is it?
…wait, this doesn’t mean I have to slide my tongue into Tipper’s pinched little pie hole, does it?
Andrew J. Lazarus
On what do you base the “cozy up”?
You know, I kinda feel my patriotism is being questioned. Like Max Cleland. Yeah, *that’s* the ticket.
John Cole
The incident happened at the Senate photo shoot, and by all accounts, Leahy tried to interact with Cheney as if he had never said any of those things- kinda like the old days when you fought each other all day and then had drinks together.
But back in the old day, thefights were about policy, and not the vile persobnal attacks Leahy and the Dems have been leveling.