I told you they would try to do it. I told you they would watch the new Bush video and squeal because they would misinterpret it and think they were being compared to Nazi’s. Not only are they stupid, but they are predictable. At any rate, here is the GOP official response, which says just about everything I have to say:
On Thursday, the campaign launched a web video titled Kerry’s Coalition of the Wild-eyed. The video featured Democrats who support John Kerry making negative and baseless attacks against the President. Interspersed in the video were segments of two ads that appeared on a website sponsored by MoveOn.org – a group campaigning for Kerry – in January.
On Friday night, John Kerry’s campaign denounced our use of these ads, and called that use “disgusting.”
The Kerry campaign says, “The use of Adolf Hitler by any campaign, politician or party is simply wrong.”
We agree. These ads, like much of the hate-filled, angry rhetoric of Kerry’s coalition of the Wild-eyed, are disgusting.
– Where was John Kerry’s disgust when he hired Zack Exley – the man responsible for encouraging the production of these ads as part of a MoveOn contest – to run the Kerry campaign’s internet operation?
– Where was John Kerry’s sense of outrage when Al Gore, just yesterday afternoon, compared the Bush Administration to the Nazis saying, “The Administration works closely with a network of ‘rapid response’ digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for ‘undermining support for our troops.'”
– Where was John Kerry’s anger when Al Gore in May spoke of “Bush’s Gulag”?
– Why has John Kerry not denounced billionaire and Democrat Party donor George Soros for comparing the Bush Administration to Nazis. Soros stated, “When I hear Bush say, ‘You’re either with us or against us,’ it reminds me of the Germans. It conjures up memories of Nazi slogans on the walls, Der Feind Hort mit (‘The enemy is listening’).”
– Why has Kerry not spoken out against filmmaker Michael Moore who last October compared the Patriot Act to Mein Kampf. “The Patriot Act is the first step. ‘Mein Kampf’ – ‘Mein Kampf’ was written long before Hitler came to power.”
We created this web video to show the depths to which these Kerry supporters will sink to win in November.
Is this the Democratic Party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who reassured his countrymen we have nothing to fear but fear itself?
No. This is John Kerry’s Coalition of the Wild-eyed, who have nothing to offer but fear-mongering.
Ken Mehlman
Campaign Manager
No more apologies, no more backing down to their faux outrage. The Democrats have spent the last year lying about Iraq, lying about the way we went into Iraq, calling the President stupid, calling the vice-President a crook and a war-profiteer, lying about the economy, lying about the start of the recession, lying about asbestos in the water, and so on and so on.
The Leahy-Cheney dust-up really sums it all up. The Democrats think they can say and do anything they want, and then we will be chummy with them anyway. Finally, the gloves are off.
And- Get it through your thick heads- it was you who compared Bush to Hitler- all this commercial does, as Mehlman said, is demonstrate the depths to which Kerry supporters will sink. Think about that while you ar chewing your popcorn in Fahrenheit 9/11. You lie down with dogs…
*** Update ***
Not only are they unable to understand the commercial, they are lying about it:
Dear [Name Withheld],
Yesterday, the Bush-Cheney campaign, losing any last sense of decency, placed a disgusting ad called “The Faces of John Kerry’s Democratic Party” as the main feature on its website. Bizarrely, and without explanation, the ad places Adolf Hitler among those faces.
The Bush-Cheney campaign must pull this ad off of its website. The use of Adolf Hitler by any campaign, politician or party is simply wrong.
We sent you a fundraising plea earlier this morning. But when this came up, we decided it was important to show you just what we’re up against: a presidential campaign that is willing to do or say absolutely anything to win.
Democrats continue to live in denial — they look in the mirror, when they don’t like what they see, their answer is to break the mirror. A classic example of blaming someone else for their problems. If it wasn’t so pathetic, it would be laughable.
And if the Dems don’t like it…….too bad. As Oliver says, the name of the game is “giving as good as they got”
Floyd McWilliams
Here’s the text of the link to the story on the San Jose Mercury News website:
“Hitler image used in Bush campaign Web ad”
There is no liberal media bias!
Ara Rubyan
Actually, I kind of like it. In fact, I’d like to see MORE pictures of Hitler on the Bush web site. More, more, more.
All Hitler, all the time, on the Bush-for-President web site.
What’s next? Maybe pictures of Hitler on Bush bumper stickers. Pictures of Hitler on Bush t-shirts. Maybe they’ll show the Hitler ad at the RNC Convention in New York City.
More Hitler, please!
P.S. Did I mention that Hitler appears on the Bush web site? Right.
Ara Rubyan
Just saw this on Newsweek:
The content developer is a moron… anyone who would look at the web-only ad is well aware of the MoveOn ad.
It would appear that Ara Rubyan is trying to game google into returning georgewbush.com as a result for a search for “Hitler.” I only mention this in case anybody out there was feeling, you know, deletey.
Susan M.
When I went to look at the ad on the Bush website, all I got was audio and I was appalled by it. Without video, I did not realize that the Hitler images were from the ad submitted to the Moveon.org contest. Call me stupid, if you like, but it felt a lot like being told that disagreeing with the president makes me a nazi.
To call it Moveon’s ad is disingenuous, by the way. There was a contest; this was submitted; it lost because the voters (left-wing types who came to the website) agreed that it was in poor taste.
Surely you will admit that there is some difference between the President of the United States using images of Hitler in an official campaign video and an amateur filmmaker doing same against the President in an internet contest, which he lost. This was before there was even a dem nominee so you can’t even say the clip was on behalf of Kerry. Heck, at the time you’d have said they made it on behalf of Dean.
As far as the DNC faking their outrage, yes, I’ll give you that one. Because had I seen the images in context (as the DNC officials did) I would have recognized them (as I’m sure they did) and I may not have been as upset by it. However, I did not get upset by the DNC’s description, but by the soundtrack of the video, itself. So let me tell you that my disgust and outrage were not faked. I called both my senators and my house rep. today (all republicans) and told them to check out the video and see if they wanted to be associated with that kind of thing. You guys can defend it all you want, but I’m pretty sure they won’t.
Ron Johnson
Now, I don
Thank you, Susan M., for bringing a little reason to this ridiculous discussion. It is wrongheaded of the Bush campaign to try to tie Kerry to the Hitler ad. And it is a shame that he- the great uniter- feels the need to disparage those who disagree with him as “wild-eyed.” I also do not agree with referring to people as right wing nuts. It adds nothing to the public discourse.
The Viking
No, no, the gloves most certainly are off like the old fellow above suggested; only…some of us are more accustomed to taking our gloves off than others. It is time to put a stop to the contagion of fat, middle-aged, white, bald men who play golf regularly and imagine that this keeps them combat ready. If it’s a fight you want boys, how about we start at your house? You can show us how tough you are, you big, bad, Ameican heroes you.
The Bush family had very close ties to Hitler, and Bush’s simple-minded SS sturm-gruppen, door kicking-in tactics while in office are nothing if not reminiscent of the brown-shirted fascists; Democrats needn’t worry about making the comparison between the lesser Bush and the Fuhrer, its an accurate one.
The Viking
Little George went and bombed a nation for specious reasons and singlehandedly destroyed the credibility of the state in the eyes of the entire world. In this most recent war tens of thousands of people have died, you can’t really hurt a people more than that so likely lesser George could skip the torture chambers. But it’s interesting what happens when you follow the links to Ken Mehlman, the Bush political campaign manager, he leads you to some very interesting people like…the YJLPAC and other less than subtle committes interested in fostering close relations between Israel and Conservatve politicians here in America, you’ll forgive me I’m sure, but this seems a amtch made of one-sided political expediency rather than any humanitatian interests. Well, look at that! Ken is political chair of the Bush reelction campaign…isn’t that odd? What would a red-neck drug burnout from Texas be doing hiring so many functionaries of the “let’s go to war for Israel” committee? It’s a real puzzlement, ain’t it girls? I’m saving a space on my wall for that pretty little head of yours Kenny, and then I can practice my Khaddish.