I thought Martha Stewart was getting screwed until I read this:
Stewart said she hadn’t given much thought to what her life behind bars would be like when asked how she would handle prison food, fellow inmates and strip searches. “I could do it,” she said. “I’m a really good camper. I can sleep on the ground.
M. Scott Eiland
Clinton pulled the Mandela card too over his scandal troubles, and was deservedly ridiculed for it. I’d have thought that MS had more sense than to go to that particular well of idiocy–but then again, she wouldn’t be in the mess she’s in if she had more sense.
some of the the stuff she said was close to unbelievable – all about how she cared for everybody except herself: she said things that other people are allowed to say about you IF YOU ARE A SAINT.
and then told people to buy her magazine.
Russell Wardlow
Ok, so because she’s a little arrogant and said something mildly stupid, THAT changed your mind about whether she was getting screwed by the government or not?
Yeah, that makes sense. Geez.
The government went after her for publicity purposes, and then they prosecuted her to the nines for lying to a federal investigator (something that has NEVER been used as the sole charge in a prosecution) because they didn’t want to look stupid when they would have been forced to admit they were asses and had gone after someone who hadn’t broken the law.
But hey, Martha’s conceited and elitist and probably a bitch, so fuck her and the billion dollar company she created, I guess.
Poor Martha. If her daddy was President, she would have good have gotten one of his friends to tear up this ticket.
russell harris
Did you really expect an intelligent comment from someone who supports the dim-witted Dems and other lefties?
Well I won’t wander into was she or wasn’t she, but clearly since she said something (mind numbingly, mind numbingly[I could go on]) stupid she should be imprisoned, that nails it. She’s guilty. even though I don’t now the specifics of the case.
Charlie (Colorado)
Yeah, right. “I can take it in prison for five months. Nelson Mandela, whom I admire, handled it for 27 years.”
Martha’s biggest problem is that she pisses people off and they want to have a reason to hate her.
I can see this, and I don’t even like her.
That was not the most politic of comments, and Martha’s still getting screwed.
Nelson Mandela…
This is off topic, but whenever I hear or see Nelson Mandela’s name, I immediately think of a local ultra-liberal pacifist minister who, in an attempt to be totally PC from his pulpit referred to Mandela as an “African-American.”
LMAO! (These liberals are a rip at times!)