Everyone is talking about the Washington Post Editorial slamming Kerry’s speech. Read the whole thing, but my favorite part was this:
Yet in economics as in national security, Mr. Kerry missed an opportunity for straight talk. His promises to stop the outsourcing of jobs and end dependence on Middle East oil are not grounded in reality.
Holy loads of euphemisms….
that was the exact instant i cursed the tv and turned to something else. nothing worse than kerry attempting to explain why outsourcing hurts the US more than it helps. oh wait, he didn’t even attempt to explain, he just stated it matter-of-factly. such a pompous douchebag.
first time poster
Not that I would agree, but I’m just curious if you agreed with the whole article:
A Kerry administration would find itself in a ditch dug largely by the irresponsibility of the current administration, with its heedless disregard for future generations. Mr. Kerry has offered a thoughtful approach to improving health care, and his plan to trim the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans to pay for health insurance and education is responsible.