Just what the hell is going on in Florida?
When poll workers could not find Kelly Pierce’s name on the registration rolls during the primary here in March, they told him to take advantage of a new election rule that allowed him to cast his vote using a provisional ballot.
The rule is intended to prevent one of the major problems experienced in Florida during the 2000 presidential election, when scores of voters, especially minority voters, were turned away at the polls over registration questions that could not be resolved quickly.
So Mr. Pierce, who had voted regularly since 1989, filled out his paper ballot. Election administrators then proceeded to throw it out, determining that poll workers had Mr. Pierce file it in the wrong precinct.
He was hardly alone. Of the 5,914 provisional ballots cast in the Chicago primary, 5,498 were disqualified, mostly on technical grounds.
I do not believe that all of the voting woes in Florida are some large conspiracy, with Jeb Bush as the mastermind. At the same time, what the hell is going on down there? What is so damned complicated that they can not get it right?
And while we are at it, can someone give me a good reason why felons can not vote? I understand the logic behind refusing them the franchise while incarcerated, but the logic of returning them to society as rehabilitated (*cough, cough*) individuals but refusing to allow them to live as full citizens makes absolutely no sense to me, and it seems to me that this is the one of the major problems with the Florida voting system.
*** UPDATE ***
I understand that the story I linked to occurred in Chicago- the word Chicago is only used 75 times throughout the piece. I was trying to ask a broader question- why does it seem like things are so screwed up in Florida regarding elections? I guess I wasn’t very clear (which should come as no surprise). At any rate, check google news- there have been umpteen stories on Florida election problems in the past week.
Ummm…hello, this happened in Chicago, not Florida.
Felons can’t vote (in some states, not all) because that is one of the sanctions set down by the legislature (in advance of the commission of the crime) as a means of making the potential cost of felonies high enough to deter people from committing them. Others include not being able to own a gun or get a state-issued professional license (say what you will about voting but it makes more sense to be denied that than the ability to cut hair for a living, which requires a Cosmetology license).
Heh. Here’s a copy of the first several entries:
Gallagher Calls Upon Martinez to Comply With Florida Election Law
PR Newswire (press release) – Aug 2, 2004
… Pinsky. Mark Herron, election law attorney representing the Gallagher campaign said, “Florida law is clear on this subject. The …
2002 Florida election data found
Indianapolis Star, IN – Jul 31, 2004
… week, state officials stressed that no votes were lost in the actual election. … the latest in a series of embarrassing episodes involving Florida voting since …
`Fahrenheit 9/11′ director promises to document Florida election
Kansas City Star (subscription), MO – Jul 28, 2004
… In Boston, Democrats listed a litany of complaints about Florida’s election system this year – ranging from criticism of the state’s creation of a new potential …
Computer problems raise new fears about Florida’s election system
Kansas City Star (subscription), MO – Jul 28, 2004
BY BOB MAHLBURG. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – (KRT) – In the latest blow to Florida’s increasingly embattled election system, state and local officials scrambled …
Moore Says He’ll Turn His Cameras On Florida Election
The Ledger, FL – Jul 29, 2004
… right. But Moore’s involvement in the Florida election could have an impact. He has become a political icon for many Democrats. …
Undervoting Added to List Of Florida’s Election Woes
The Ledger, FL – Jul 22, 2004
… of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, says Florida moved too … “A small but significant number of voters in every election intentionally undervote …
In Florida, election reform a priority
Fitchburg Sentinel, MA – Jul 29, 2004
… sure it’s a free and fair election,” Nelson told delegates yesterday. “You know how to avoid this? Let’s not make it a close race. Let’s win Florida big for …
Nelson wants Justice Department investigation into Florida’s …
Tallahassee.com, FL – Jul 19, 2004
Bill Nelson calls for an investigation by the Justice Department into Florida’s election equipment and calls on Secretary of State Glenda Hood to test the touch …
The first one is an injunction to keep Martinez from using pictures of Bush in his campaign ads. Hardly a polling issue. The second and fourth ones are just examples of how screwed up polling in Miami-Dade is, and has been for the last decade, at least. Third and fifth are residual Michael Moore stupidity. Sixth and eighth are touch-screen issues. Seventh is another Michael Moore advertisement in disguise.
So. Michael Moore, touch screens, and Miami-Dade. Hardly symptomatic of a screwed-up Florida. Florida passed several elections reforms following the 2000 campaign, and they were largely effective.
It’s part of the Kerry teams “lawyering up” strategy. They have absolutely zero interest in making sure FL elections run smoothly. Nothing to litigate that way you know.
Comon, ever wonder why elections are always screwed up (or claimed to be screwed up) in minority districts which are run and controlled by DEMOCRATS??? Besides giving them legal grounds if they need, they get to use scare tactics to keep minorities on the Dem plantation (evil republicans trying to take your vote away)
What do they care if some blacks and latinos don’t actually get their votes in? It’s all for the greater Democratic good after all…
I suspect that it’s not that Florida is worse than other places but that the press is paying more attention to Florida. (And no, the obvious implication is not a comforting thought.)
Ken Hahn
Do we want fair and honest elections? The cost for this in a complex technological society is mistakes. Florida mistakes will be reported first because the press is sure Al Gore should be President. Corruption in Illinois? No story, Illinois honesty would only hurt Kerry. Overregistration in Missouri? Hey, it might be a safe red state without it. Couldn’t have that. Illegal aliens voting in California? Oh those poor people. But Florida? Florida!
Florida is like Abu Ghraib. Any little glitch is a chance to hide the fact that Gore and the Democrats tried to suppress thousand of absentee military votes. Florida hurts Bush, report it loudly. Ignore Democratic corruption, that migh help Bush. Florida has no more problems than any other large state with a growing population.