There are two sides for the GOP to be on:
1. Principled opposition to John Kerry. You don’t like him personally, or his policy, and don’t think he should be president.
2. Wallow in the mud with racists, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, Matt Drudge and the rest of the smear machine.
Play with fire, gonna get burned.
Right back at ya, buddy:
1. Principled opposition to George Bush. You don’t like him personally, or his policy, and don’t think he should be president. Again.
2. Wallow in the mud with theanti-semites, the religion-bashers, Margaret Cho, Michael Moore, Terry McAuliffe, Molly Ivins, The ANSWER crowd, MoveOn, the Bush Hitler Crowd, the Hollywood pottymouths, “Bush Knew” Conspiracy theorists, Ted Rall
Woops. Seems like you guys already made your choice.
*** Update ***
After reading the pointless pissing contest that the comments to this thread had become, I decided to delete them all and close all comments.
Scream censorship all you want, but the comments didn’t make anyone look good or smart or even someone I would want to know.