Jeralynn points to this piece listing who of prominent Democrats, Republicans, and journalists has military service, and then urges us to view this ‘astute analysis’ from Markos “Screw ’em” Moulitsas:
Look at the military records of prominent Democrat politicans and their Republican counterparts. It’s not even close. In fact, the entire Republican leadership has either not served, or went AWOL playing pool volleyball with ambitious secretaries. It’s no accident that Lindsey Graham of SC (who did serve) was one of the harshest Republican critics of the Abu Ghraib scandal…
Finally, yet another publication gets my last name wrong (it’s Moulitsas — always address a Latino by the first surname, not the second). But I don’t mind a reminder to the world that I’ve actually served my country and wore combat boots. Unlike the vast majority of the chickenshit war-cheerleading wingers.
Astute, indeed- if you think Michael Moore is a deep thinker.
My question- If Florida had not been so disputed in the last election, would Democrats be this bitter and obnoxious?
*** Update ***
Regarding Kos and those who ‘served’:
Look, I would rather talk about the war. The current one, I mean
capt joe
Did he read the same list?
Clinton entire foreign policy team – no military service
Bush’s foreign policy team – 50% had military service
Damn! I’m a former Marine AND a chicken hawk!
Kick ass!
Same here Marble,
Former Marine, 0331 as a matter of fact. I’ve worn combat boots lugging a M60E3 machine gun all over, but I guess that just makes me a ckickenhawk.
Jay C.
The list has one error that I can see. William F. Buckley was in the Army. Served during World War II.
Personally, I’ll cut kos some slack….when I was his size (back when I was 11) I had a smart mouth, as well.
However, I can’t wait to watch those folks begin spinning Hillary on the first Wednesday in November.
The Lonewacko Blog
When a mere child, I distinctly recall another child being ecstatic that someone with whom he didn’t agree had been the victim of an assassination attempt. Said other child was a “liberal.” So, there’s always been that element. At the same time, I wouldn’t attempt to claim that Daily “ is the al Jazeera” Kos reflects more than, oh, 50 or 60% of Democrats.
totally agree. seen this?