In my previous post about McGreevey, a commenter stated (I have deleted the comment because I don’t want that person to think I am picking on him/her):
The interesting thing will be whether any Republican finds the courage to criticize McGreevey, whether for infidelity or for homosexual sodomy.
What is there possibly to be gained?
Is there anyone on the planet who does not know that Republicans (in theory) are against marital infidelity?
Do you want to spend another month talking about Henry Hyde’s zipper and Newt Gingrich’s young girlfriend?
Maybe we can get Larry Flynt to spend another million outing some more Congressional hypocrites. That would be helpful in November.
Is there anyone in the country who does not know that the right wing of the party is against sodomy and homosexual marriage? Do you want tto spend another month before the general election being tarred and feathered by the press as a party of bigots?
And could some please explain to me one little thing? Why is it that every time the Democrats are about to shoot themselves in the foot with both barrels, the social conservatives in my party have to open their big, fat, moralizing mouths, and place all Republicans heads between the barrel of the gun and the Democrats big toe?
Can you people not learn? Do you not understand what people mean when they say ‘Bill Clinton was blessed in his enemies?’
For the love of everything holy, NJ could be a win for Bush in November- don’t blow it. McGreevey’s administration was hopelessly corrupt, he has now admitted to having an affair while being married, is about to be charged with sexual harassment, and rather than just give the Democrats all the rope they need, the right wing is tempted one again to take the rope away and give it to the media to horsewhip the entire GOP.
Just be quiet. Trust me.
*** Update ***
On the other hand, this characterization is laughable:
A dedicated, if occasionally inept public servant resigns because of his sexuality.
He resigned because he is about to get HAMMERED with a sexual harassment suit or something of the sort. Not because he is gay- the last time I checked, that ws not an impeachable offense. Anywhere.
Have you taken into account the DATE which he says he will resign? November 15th. Could this be a New Jersey conspiracy to eliminate any pull through for Bush by having the gubernatorial election AFTER the general election, and therefore neutralizing any assistance that this might provide?
No one in NJ would do anything like that, would they?
Trey, by resigning after Sept 15 (i think) the leader of the state senate gets promoted to Governer. Resignation prior to that date necessitates a special election. Admittedly, it’s a partisan move, but one many republicans would also do given similar circumstances.
I’ll heed to John’s sage advice.
Non Event
“I love my gay ex-Governor! (Sob.)”
Zaki Ahmed
This is the gayest fucking site I’ve ever seen. Another American faggot shooting his mouth off…
Justin Ogren
Let’s deleto every commento we don’t seeo we don’t liko
John Cole
Get your own damn site, spam the comments with pissing contests that have nothing to do with the thread, and then get back to me.
And another thing…
If this kind of scandal were to come out of the Right, you’d be sure that immediately Kos, Drum, Atrios, Willis, et. al. would be screaming that it was just a ploy to detract attention from, say a Swift Boat Vets for Truth style politics of personal destruction.
Speaks volumne for the differences between the underlings…
James Rall
Gay? How about employing his lover in government positions for which he wasn’t cleared? How about employing a clearly unqualified individual as security advisor after 9-11? Isn’t this a question of gross misuse of public office?
What the hell does this corrupt politician have the nerve to indicate he had a crisis of identity rather than judgement and morals.
Translation of Justin Ogrenish: “Let’s delete every comment we don’t see we don’t like.” Anyone care to venture what’s wrong with this statement (hint: think English grammar)?
M. Scott Eiland
Hey, give the New Jersey Democrats credit on this one–at least they’re exploiting existing state law rather than getting their tame State Supreme Court to ignore it in order to steal an election. Kudos!
Let New Jersey Vote!
Yet another example of Democrats not caring a damn about National Security. This guy McGreevy appointed his lover to be his Homeland Security advisor- a NON CITIZEN INELIGIBLE TO RECIEVE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS FROM DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY!
And he made this appointment as the smoke was still rising from the 9/11 rubble.
Thank you Gov. McGreevy, because I really feel Bush will carry the Garden State now this election.
McGreevey’s entire career, from mayor to governor, appears to demonstrate that gay’s can be ever bit as corrupt as straight politicians.
you know, I don’t want McGreevy to resign. Like those idiots in CA who elected Grey Davis, the good democratic voters of NJ elected this guy, they deserve to suffer with him.
Let them suffer, maybe teach them a good lesson
Justin Ogren
I mean, even if the comment sucks, it shouldn’t be forgotten…..
I didn’t spam any contests…..
And yes haha I will create my own site, just needa toss in the time at this mug.
I mean I kinda see this as one big bitchfest, you gotta let that shit roll, and if I fuck up a comment, let me get flamed for it at least, I deserve that right? haha