More proof that Porter Gossis the right man for the CIA:
Former Vice President Al Gore charged Thursday that President Bush’s nomination of Republican Rep. Porter Goss to lead the CIA continues the president’s pattern of using the Sept. 11 tragedy for political benefit.
Gore, in a speech to the Music Row Democrats, said that with the selection of Goss, an eight-term congressman from Florida, Bush “just thumbed his nose” at the bipartisan commission established to investigate the attacks.
This type of crazy Al endorsement is good enough for me.
(via Powerlineblog)
“It matters not at all in what direction I lay this poker on the floor. But if Bonaparte should say it must point south, we must unconditionally insist that it point north.”
–attributed to Lord Nelson.
M. Scott Eiland
I suspect the Goss confirmation hearing will look like the one Justice David Souter had in 1990: a few interest groups will show up and insist that he’s evil incarnate, Captain Teddy and the rest of the Senate Moonbat Caucus will take their shots at him, after which Goss will be confirmed 90-10. A bit of red meat for the fringe voters without doing anything that might make the Ticket of the Lesser Johns look bad.
Hmmm, is anyone actually paying attention to what the SUPREME GORON whines about anymore?
Justin Ogren
He did say himself, in March, he was unqualified for the job, far from it.
Goss also aided with Bush in suppressing the 9/11 commission.
Oh yeah where were was that information huh, that was secret, that just couldn’t be let out, so the commission could be held off?
No, Justin.
He said in March that he was unqualified to be a CIA field officer. Not that the didn’t understand the intelligence business. Not that he was never qualified to be a field officer. Just that he is long past the days when he could be a field officer.
Does this mean that he can’t do the ID job? No. It takes a different set of skills, skills who many people, including Nancy Pelosi up until recently, believe he has in spades.
Seriously, how many generals do you think would claim to be qualified to perform a modern Infantry or Special Forces job? Should Bobby Cox or Joe Torre get up off the bench and take a turn in the batting rotation? Should Gates be required to actually write all of Microsoft’s code?