Sat down to watch the HD broadcast of the Olymis, and true to form, Adelphia’s coverage died. It first started to pixelate, and then the screen just went blank.
Fabulous. Adelphia keeps telling me to leave them and get Voom! or Directv!, but I just don’t seem to be able to take the hint. Adelphia’s latest insult to customers is to get rid of the phones at the local office. If you want to talk to someone at Adelphia, you must call an 800 number, and fill out a complaint/work request. Then, they will dispatch a worker to come to my house in two weeks. Of course, you can see how useful that is in my case. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my equipment or connection, but with the broadcast. IN two weeks, some clueless worker will come check out all my eq, which I know is ok.
End result, I hate Adelphia.
In other Olympics news, Kevin writes:
Alternatively, of course, you could be like Max Boot and decide the Olympics are no fun because it’s not us vs. the commies anymore. Those neocons really miss the Cold War, don’t they?
Max is right, Kevin. Go watch Miracle.
M. Scott Eiland
The Cold War won’t *really* be over until we get the gold medals back that the East Germans and other commies stole with their state-run “turn your athletes into mutants with experimental steroids and other crap” program. Oh, and lining up the officials who stole the 1972 Men’s Basketball gold from the US and beating them into pulps wouldn’t be a bad finish.
The Olympics Bore Me
I wouldn’t put all the loss of significance down to the end-of-the-Cold-War aspect (though that plays a big part). Another big thing leeching meaning from “the games” is, as Mr Eiland suggests, the end of our underdog status so far as we used to send more-or-less amateur pups to the games, while the eastern bloc countries (e.g., the USSR & East Germany) sent their state-funded, steroid-enhanced professionals, who had been bred for the Olympics from birth & playing together for years. That, and (as Mr Eiland correctly remembers) the officials/judges for the events used to be so much more corrupt (& blatantly anti-American) than they are now.
Ah, the Olympics are still great, but the drug scandals are a bummer. You never know who actually won because so many medals get taken back these days.
But as for the days of college kids against the commies, they were great. Unfortunately, 2 of the 3 cold war olympics of my sports watching life time were wrecked by boycotts. I never understood those boycotts. It’s like the Iranian wrestler who would not wrestle and Israeli this week. If you don’t like the guy, beat him, but don’t refuse to play. But the 1980 boycott is long, long ago at this point.
Ralph Gizzip
When it comes to the Olympics
I. Couldn’t. Care. Less.
Maybe you can help with a HD question or two.
What do you think of DLP big screen. I guess this may be a dumb question but if it says HD turner built in that means I don’t have to by a box?
Russell Wardlow
DOn’t be so sure about the whole commie-hating pleasures being done and gone. I expect China to come in second place in terms of overall medals this year. And in 2008 they’re shooting for being first.
Add to that the fact that China will be the next aggressive military rival to the US (I think the WOT will be considered a burp between the Cold War and whatever we end up calling our conflict with China, be it cold or hot), and you’ve got yourself the makings of another great US-commie contest.
Even though they’re not really so much communist as fascist nowadays.
John Cole
DLP is just another system of projection. It has its ups, it has its downs.
If you have a built in tuner, itmeans you can get terrestrial signals (broadcast). Really, a built in tuner is nothing, because most people are going to be signing up for service, and getting a box from their cable or satellite operater.
Honestly, if I could have fit it in my apartment, the television I would have purchased was the Hitachi 51s500. I loved it.
Justin Ogren
I think we shouldn’t have the olympics every four years….why isn’ t it an annual thing now? I mean athletes should be able to compete on this level more often to keep them on their toes and evolve the sports.
Man, this sponsership craze really needs to end though, Mcdonald’s all over the Olympics nuts, yes fake, oatmeal and water toasted hamburgers! YUM. When I was seven,and the happy meals went to $1.99 it was all good though.
DirecTV? **chortle**
I blurt-laughed at their commercial that said their signal is on 98+ percent of the time. It’s a rare half-hour show that isn’t interrupted by a hiccup, and a thunderstorm within 20 miles blocks the signal completely.
I have DirecTV, and we were getting a 2-3 second drop every 100 meters (or less) of a swimming race. Which means we were losing about 5% of the race. 98% would be merely annoying; 95% is infuriating.