This Farleigh Dickinson University PublicMind poll provides some good news about New Jersey- the average voter is not as stupid as your average Democrat.
According to the poll, when asked why McGreevey resigned, 48% of respondents correctly answered ‘corruption,’, 25 % answered ‘other reasons’, 11% answered ‘because of his extramarital affair,’ and only 8% stated ‘Because he’s gay.’
Eight percent. Explain to me again how Kos and Atrios represent mainstream opinions?
At any rate, the rest of the poll spells danger for Democrats, as 51% believe the state is on the wrong track, 48% believe he should have resigned, 48% believe he should have resigned immediately rather than the shenanigans he is currently running, and 46% believe there should be a special election this year.
This can help Bush.
And if they think running Jon Corzine- who had to spend the most money ever spent on a Senate campaign just to squeak in- for Gov. is going to be the answer, they’re sadly mistaken.
The NJ Reps. are no great shakes either- but seeing as McGreevy, Torricelli and company are currently in power and stinking up the joint- I think Bush has a shot at grabbing this state.
Sorry, shark, I think that Dubya has as much chance in NJ as he does grabbing NH or NY. Not zero, but pretty darn close.
john b
There’s a good chance that state level Republicans will benefit from the amazing corruption of NJ Democrats, but as Dean says, it seems unlikely to happen at a federal level.
Voters know perfectly well that the sleazoids who ru(i)n NJ aren’t the same as federal Democrats, any more than John Rowland represents the federal Republicans.
BTW, the opinion poll was taken *after* the full facts of the McGreevey case were published, whereas Atrios and Kos commented while the story was breaking. Just saying…
This state would elect Elmer Fudd if he ran on the Democrat ticket. The Jersey Democrat Power Brokers will have McGreevey out of office in a week’s time, and then, with the help of Jon Corzine’s money (He spent $63 million for the Senate seat) and the Democrat machine, Jon Corzine will be the governor for the next fourteen months and thereafter as well.
Sad. Just plain sad.