As I can’t access the WSJ article, I’d have to use the story from California about the state’s largest charter school collapsing as a potential tie-breaker. Also the fact that the data was released, but not publicized, many months ago.
It’s not just the WSJ attacking the NYT, but several other major news sources. Oh, and never trust the guy who is selling you on an idea when they have a vested interest in the outcome. The NYT wants to punish Bush because he represents a challenge to their “vision” of the world, facts not withstanding.
Be thankful that bad charter schools can fold.
They won’t let the horrible public schools fold. Schools that are ruining the lives of millions of children are protected by teacher’s unions and democrat politicians.
64 articles in the WSJ about clinton-as-murderer./ you decide.
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Sharp as a Marble
Hmm. Can I take what’s behind door #3 instead?
As I can’t access the WSJ article, I’d have to use the story from California about the state’s largest charter school collapsing as a potential tie-breaker. Also the fact that the data was released, but not publicized, many months ago.
It’s not just the WSJ attacking the NYT, but several other major news sources. Oh, and never trust the guy who is selling you on an idea when they have a vested interest in the outcome. The NYT wants to punish Bush because he represents a challenge to their “vision” of the world, facts not withstanding.
Be thankful that bad charter schools can fold.
They won’t let the horrible public schools fold. Schools that are ruining the lives of millions of children are protected by teacher’s unions and democrat politicians.
64 articles in the WSJ about clinton-as-murderer./ you decide.