Max Cleland, 19 August 2004:
You know, this is a great country, everybody has got a right to their opinion and to vote the way they want to vote. But why trash somebody’s record?
Terry McAullife, 2 February 2004:
“I look forward to that debate when Senator John Kerry, a war hero with a chest full of medals, is standing next to George Bush, a man who was AWOL in the Alabama National Guards.
You have your debate Terry- except Bush isn’t involved. Doesn’t seem like you like it that much anymore, you pompous windbag.
Tom O'Bedlam
He’s asking this question on behalf of someone who got up in front of the Senate in 1971 and trashed the record of half a million soldiers?!
You mistitled this post. The previous post was “Dumbest statement of the decade.” This one should be “Dumbest question of the decade.