So the GOP and the City spend a bunch of time and money getting people in place toi help guide delegates tothe convention. The typical Democratic response- dress up like the people the GOP has trained and give conventioneers false directions in an intentional ‘disinformation’ campaign.
Petulant children.
Oh, how I hope the police bust so many fricking protestors heads the blood flows down 5th Ave.
And after the riots and such, it will sure be fun to hear NYCer whine about a GOP congress shorting the city when it comes to funding…
I love it!
The Republicans have spent four years lying about where their leadership is directing the country and now the rest of us have four days to lie about where our directions are leading the Republicans. That’s just too appropriate…
And of course Ted Rall (and the previous commenter) support it wholeheartedly. You’ll note that despite numerous flip-flops about where Kerry will take the country, there was no campaign to tell people one set of directions, then change those directions in Boston.
Justin Ogren
I’d rather have a fish go flip-flop than tat-tat.
Justin Ogren
I think it is ridiculous how they are almost setting this up to be a war in the town of NYC, I mean we know there are gonna be a few fucked up protestors, but noone’s gonna take it to the extreme as some of the pro-life peeps. Just a buncha demonstrations that I believe reflect the current state of the nation, the state of people looking back at the administration and getting the attention of the ones who wouldn’t think too much about politics. This is reality, people should be allowed to protest to the fullest extent. But, they just don’t wanna hear it, it’d be a pretty fuckin’ huge protest, but there is always gonna be someone on the other side trying to squirm and wormhole their way through the rights someone should have to protest.
The party of tolerance, understanding, acceptance and compassion for the Little Guy, ladies and gentlemen!
Notwithstanding the blather and other inanities expressed by some above, a very great many of these demonstrators do NOT represent the views of a majority, or even a sizeable minority, of Americans…Hell, they don’t even represent a majority of the views of members of the Democratic Party, according to the AP. As we’ve seen thus far, many, if not most, represent trouble-making scum.
See Lee Harris’ article on Fantasy Ideology. You’ll see what drives a lot of these protestors is ego, not ideology.
Think about it: when was the last time a protest actually changed someones mind?
The wrong-direction people? That’s the prank of a middle school student. It says more about the prankster than the pranked.
Andrew J. Lazarus
Two sides play this game
(excerpt below0
Don Hajicek, a 36-year-old graphic artist from Wyoming, was planning to travel 2,000 miles to New York City to join the anti-GOP protests and stay at an apartment belonging to a sympathetic New Yorker.
But then he learned that the person who had offered him accommodation had tricked him, and the shelter he had been promised was a lie.
When planning his trip, Hajicek found an offer of housing on an Internet bulletin board for would-be protesters,
The host — describing himself as “an architect who specializes in low income housing” — was so accommodating that Hajicek became suspicious. “I’m originally from Chicago, so I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck,” Hajicek told by telephone.
The assholes are getting their directions from established assholes:
The Democrats’ strategy, announced Thursday by party Chairman Terry McAuliffe, seeks to define Bush as an underachiever. Their theme, “Mission Not Accomplished,” pokes fun at a banner displayed behind Bush on the USS Lincoln after major combat ended in Iraq last year.
“Bush has misled America for the last four years, and now he wants to mislead us for four more nights,” McAuliffe said. “But it won’t work. We will point out the truth. America can do better than George Bush. And under John Kerry and John Edwards, America will do better.”
McAuliffe has asked Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack to lead next week’s offensive in New York with assistance from New York Sens. Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer. Other participants include Reps. Charlie Rangel (N.Y.) and Ciro Rodriguez (Texas) and retired Air Force Gen. Merrill A. McPeak.
Republicans held daily events in Boston during the Democrat convention. However, the Republican National Committee and the Bush campaign chose not to air television or radio ads – a stark contrast to the Democrats’ advertising plan.
where in the URL you provide is there any mention of giving false directions to convention-goers?
As a conservative resident of New Jersey I can only add the following:
1. I’m really glad I don’t commute to NYC.
2. I’m really glad I don’t live in NYC.
3. If these protestors make a pest of themselves the residents of NYC will break their kneecaps.
4. If these protestors really go over the top, and they will, NYC and NY might go to Bush.
New Yorkers will put up with a lot. But they will not put up with another 9/11 caused by protestors.
Justin Ogren
New Yorkers will put up with a lot. But they will not put up with another 9/11 caused by protestors. -ed
Damn, you watch network news too much!
Oh, man. Right, complaining about a disinformation campaign. Someone clearly hasn’t done his research on how this administration handled Iraq. (Yes, they manipulated intelligence. I can show you 100 reasons they did, but I’m sure you can find a few yourself.)
But you know what they say, the character of a nation reflects the character of its president. And in this case, its president is an arrogant yet insecure child. In the 90’s of course, we were all — well I won’t get into it, since we’re all children, and the topic would be inappropriate. But I think the Constitution should be changed to read “Must be 35 years of age EMOTIONALLY.” George would have missed the cut by about 15 years.
I’m joking. I kid the guy only because he’s a stupid moron.
“Oh, how I hope the police bust so many fricking protestors heads the blood flows down 5th Ave…”
Saddam Hussein? I didn’t know they were giving you internet access.
“And after the riots and such, it will sure be fun to hear NYCer whine about a GOP congress shorting the city when it comes to funding…”
Yes, it sure is fun to hear NYCer’s whine about how the federal government is shortchanging the SINGLE-GREATEST-TERRORIST-TARGET in the world the money it needs to combat terrorism.
I’m sorry. It’s hard to make out identities over the ‘net. Maybe you’re bin Laden?
“And of course Ted Rall (and the previous commenter) support it wholeheartedly. You’ll note that despite numerous flip-flops about where Kerry will take the country, there was no campaign to tell people one set of directions, then change those directions in Boston.”
This would be interesting, but as all of us who follow politics know, John Kerry does not have a monopoly on flip-flops — unless you trust campaign commercials. Actually, Bush has flip-flopped a lot more than Kerry, which may be one reason why the flip-flop smokescreen was used in the first place. I have trouble thinking of a single issue on which Bush has not flip-flopped in some fundamental way. In Iraq he says he’s a beacon of strength. What’s he talking about? He’s flip-flopped on everything over there. UN. No, no UN. Yes, UN. No, no UN. Disband the army! No, wait, that was a bad idea. Kill all the bad guys! No, wait, let’s negotiate. No, wait, let’s kill them all! No, wait… The Baaths will not have a role. Yes, they’ll have a role. No, no role for the Baaths. Jay Garner’s in charge! No, wait, L. Paul Bremer’s in charge. No, wait, I know! The UN! Troop numbers will be cut within a few months. No, wait, they’ll go up and we’ll be extending tours beyond their deadlines. Again. But we see troop numbers going down in the near future. No, wait, they’re going up.
States’ rights for gay marriage! Sure, both Cheney and I agree on that one. It’s a no-brainer. No, wait, we need a Constitutional amendment to limit states’ rights. That’s what we meant.
Free trade! No, wait. We need to put tariffs into effect so our guys have an advantage.
No, wait. Our foreign policy is going to revolve around nation-building.
We are ALL FOR the Road Map for Peace in the Middle East.
No, wait, Ariel Sharon doesn’t like it. Never mind.
No, wait, we DO support the plan.
No, wait. It would be placating the Palestinians.
But what I do know is we’ve GOT to do something about global warming! This is a key environmental issue for our time.
No, wait, one of the key sources of my support says global warming is bad science. Let’s skip that.
No, wait, let’s pretend I’m doing something about it. Say it’s “official policy,” but then not do anything. That way everyone’s happy.
What’s important, though, is that we NOT create an independent panel to investigate intelligence failures.
No, wait, let’s investigate them.
No, wait, let’s set up a panel that’s entirely appointed by me and very friendly to me, that will only focus on what we can do in the future to improve intelligence. That way everybody’s happy.
I know what’s really important right now, though, is homeland security.
No, wait, let’s underfund it. We are, after all, doing nation-building in Iraq.
But that doesn’t mean we have to pay attention to fiscal responsibility, like I promised!
After all, as Rush Limbaugh noted, I’ve outspent Clinton!
But none of this is REALLY important. What’s REALLY important is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
No, wait.
But seriously, we all know that the real key is getting bin Laden “dead or alive.” If I said it once, I said it dozens of times: “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden.”
No, wait. “I don’t know where he is. I have no idea and I really don’t care.”*
*actual Bush quotes
Now, onto the Kerry flip-flops. Let’s just cover the most famous “flip-flop,” so this message doesn’t turn into a masters thesis.
Kerry voted for one version of the $87 billion spending bill. At that time, the Republican-led Congress was NOT prepared to vote for it. So Kerry supported the bill before the Republican-led Congress did. Then another version came up, one which didn’t require us to actually COME UP with the money we’re spending in Iraq, but rather to pass the bill on to future generations. Knowing that a spending bill had to pass one way or another, Kerry didn’t vote for this version of the bill. Two distinct pieces of legislation came up. Kerry was in favor of a bill to support the troops. He wasn’t in favor of passing the bill on to his kids. We ARE talking about $87 billion dollars. This was not a bill someone threw in to add potato skins to the appetizer menu at the Congressional cafeteria. $87 billion is serious, serious cash. You want politicians to just vote for any old way of spending what averages out to several hundred dollars of cash per person? People complained about the international space station because we had to keep pouring money into it — it cost SO much. But if it’s a bill to support the troops, just throw any old bill together, it doesn’t matter. It could allocate $85 billion to tricycles in Iraq, for all we care. As long as it’s for the troops! Spend all our money! Please don’t pay attention to how you do it! And if possible, make our kids pay for as much of it as humanly possible. (Oh, and if you have to, take the money out of the veterans fund. We don’t need them anymore.)
God bless America.
And God bless George W. Bush. May he enjoy a happy, fulfilling retirement in Crawford, Texas.
I see that “krj” has given us a voluminous dump from the selected droppings of atrios, Daily Kos and a number of other rabidly anti-Bush sites. One can’t help but wonder what these rather sad individuals will do if Bush is reelected….I believe suicide should be kept on the table as one of their options, since Canada appears to already be overflowing with useless idiots.
Justin Ogren
Those damn anti-bush sites, supporters of gay people and killing of babies..god damn them. They don’t even believe in the death penalty, oh Jesus gimme some water. Gotta open up the Patriot Act full force before RND, must find all protestors, must scare all. Damn I might have to go to my ranch for another couple months to think of how to bring back this anti-stem cell legislation. Hmmm maybe even some more anti-people legislation, yes like in Iraq :)
I’d like some of what Justin is smoking… anti-people legislation, yes like in Iraq?
Justin must have political ties to Saddam and his relatives along with Muqtada and al-Zarqawi… hell, I’d support anti-people legislation against those folks.
I hate “what-abouts” but it seems Kerry is anti-Swifties that disagree with his scenario… but that’s not considered anti-people enough?
Justin Ogren
Yeah dude we murdered waves of civilians not just whatever clan was rebelling in Iraq. CadillaqJaq, lets keep telling ourselves, lets just keep using the word ‘Freedom’ in every sentence of the war like we actually protected an ounce of whatever we have here in the United States, which Bush pushes against, he pushes against the joining of people with his policies, he splits them apart rather than joining them together.
CadillaqJaq, the policies in Iraq are anti-people legislation. The whole war was…..the thousands of dead, for fuckin what?
Thousands dead for what?
Gee I don’t know. One government that hated the USA and yearned for its destruction is out of power. One psycho dictator toppled (would that we could do that to every psycho dictator on this planet). One totalitarian government that supported terrorist groups gone.
Hmm. Three good reasons right there.
wild bird
Just your avarge bunch of jerks showing usial amount of stupididy and getting the predictible amount of covarge from the New York Pravda(Times)the talking heads and the likes what a bunch of idiots i hope they get arrested and fed nothing but bread and water
Bussing delegates to Harlem.
Genius, pure genius.
Yay team!
Justin Ogren
Thousands dead for what?
Gee I don’t know. One government that hated the USA and yearned for its destruction is out of power. One psycho dictator toppled (would that we could do that to every psycho dictator on this planet). One totalitarian government that supported terrorist groups gone.Hmm. Three good reasons right there.-Mikey
Mikey!, we were never threatened from Iraq, the government yearned for our destruction supposedly, well why didn’t they just attack us like they ‘supposedly’ would have? Alot of nations would like our destruction, who actually goes out and attacks us? Al Qaeda, who do we actually go after, Saddam! Even though they didn’t have the capability to do harm us. Yeah man, we only go after one psycho dictator every couple years, we all know they get replaced somewhere else in another country, because they were quite pissed at what we did to that one country. You can’t stop an idea, by killing one man, or two or whatever, or crippling one nation. There are billions of people in this world, and how the fuck is invading a nation that didn’t have shit to harm us gonna make us look? They all don’t think the same way we do, just Bush doesn’t have that in mind, his diplomatic stature is pretty low, you’ve got to realize how hated America is currently and how will we disolve that and get the world and our country to trust again. It’s endless, when you use the policies as used in Iraq. Let’s remove one psycho dictator who never said he was gonna harm us. We started the war, for nothing, oh wait, removal of Saddam and liberation. We didn’t liberate the hearts of Iraqi’s, or most Muslims, we infuriorated them, because now that the US can do whatever it wants, without plausible reason, there is a reason to be scared. There are lots of dicators in the world, some we supported, some are our enemies. But it’s not gonna end by saying, ok we need to remove this dictator then this dictator then this dictator. Nothing is solved that route.Only death, and it comes full circle back to the United States. Which terrorist groups did they support- Al Qaeda? (Laughing my fucking ass off)
Only death, and it comes full circle back to the United States.
Mikey you just love to take in all that unlovable fecal matter info dontcha.
wild bird
So how amny of these idiots are terrorist supporters are there in these bands of idiots i saw a picture over my internet which showed a protestor with a sign reading VOTE SOCIALIST yeah and end up with oppression like you have never seen before we dont need socialism and we dont need the UN