Oliver explains why the swift vets should not be trusted, linking to this story about Al French:
The Clackamas County Prosecutor who appeared in an ad against John Kerry has been suspended from his job, but not for speaking out. Al French has been the target of local protests after his appearance in a political ad questioning the the Democratic candidate’s war record.
On Thursday he was placed on leave by the Clackamas County District Attorney’s office. It wasn’t for his statements against Kerry, but for lying about an extra-marital affair. Reports say French misled his former boss ten years ago to avoid getting fired.
Oliver determines that lying about an extra-marital affair shows a lack of integrity, and opines:
People are trusting this guy and his pals more than the US Navy? For shame.
They don’t just think Bush is stupid. They think we are all stupid.
A.) No one is trusting the Swift Vets over the “Navy.” They are questioning the Navy Records- records which, even today, Kerry refuses to release.
B.) Since when is infidelity a character flaw? Who was that guy- the leader of the Democrats, who screwed a trail from Little Rock to DC to Chappaqua? Oh yeah- it was the CLENIS, aka, the greatest man to ever live.
You give Oliver too much credit. I don’t think he’s trying to put one over on anyone. I think he’s so blindered that he actually does believe his own reasoning, and can’t see why anyone would think otherwise.
That was then, this is now.
As noted on this site in the past, Oliver long ago crossed over the line that distinguishes individuals possessing a reasoned point of view from ones that are merely fucking morons. This latest post demonstrates not only his stupidity, but his absolute and totally unbridled hypocrisy!!
Next thing you know, now that he’s been caught with his overalls down, he’ll pull a Hesiod and make like he was being outrageous like conservatives always are.
I’ve stopped reading for the most part. Too much moonbattery there.
John, John, John. Willis has no integrity and this underscores it.
Clinton bangs anything with a vagina, then lies about it…and that’s okay.
Some guy in some heretofore unheard of county in Oregon has an affair and not only is he a liar about everything and anything, but everybody associated with him.
The only reason I can see to read Oliver’s site is to see if he has expired from having his head so far up his rear.
Francis W. Porretto
Willis is as integrity-free as anyone ever submitted to objective assay. He wouldn’t criticize a Democratic initiative, policy statement, or publicity bid if his mouth were full of horse feces.
Partisanry should be tempered by principle. Oliver Willis has no principles. Q.E.D.
capt joe
more “brown book” stuff. Willis is following the Carville way.
Thank you all for reading.
Don’t thank me. You stopped being interesting about nine months ago, Oliver.
To paraphrase the great American humorist, James Lileks, who once commented on a similar fatuous fool…..Oliver Willis is a gasbag who, if stuck with a pin, would fly around the room until he ended up on the floor as three pounds of wrinkled hotdog skin and a sweat-stained undershirt. And if he is a balloon, that would mean that his penis is twisted in a tight little knot….. that would certainly explain a lot.
Finding Oliver making duplicitous statements contrary to something he previously wrote is as difficult as scratching one’s naval.
DOn’t be so hard on Oliver. His idiocy isn’t his own. He gets his marching orders from Soros with each paycheck.
What I want to know Oliver- when the campaign is over and Soros money dries up because he shifts his spending to other crusades, and you’ve spent the money and your credibility and your self respect….will it have been worth it?
You adn Kerry can ponder that in losers row while watching the Bush re-inaguration
what was that about Bush being better than Gore in responding to the 9/11 attacks, again?
Oh, sorry, that was back before you souled your soul.
Sucks, huh? Tell Duncan I’m STILL waiting on that mea culpa, btw.
Shark’s comment raises a disturbing thought, one touched upon by Stephen Green and Roger Simon.
At the end of this election, we will remain one nation. We will still have to live w/ one another, work w/ one another.
The extent to which the press has sacrificed credibility, both sides’ partisans have been prepared to engage in scorched earth tactics, and people have been willing to put their reputations on the line is going to have repercussions.
Oliver, frex, was widely cited by bloggers of both right and left as one who was respectable. Matt Welch, Glenn Reynolds, and others included him in their blogrolls, out of respect. Yet, reading his comments on various blogs, one really does have to wonder what will happen after the election.
On a parallel note: Will Bob Dole and John Kerry be able to work together, ever again? And what will happen to Kerry, the Senator, when this is all done? Even if he becomes President, it looks like it’s going to be another 4 years of grudge-match.
I’m not sure, after 8-12 years of this already, that this is good for *either* side.
The one thing I really don’t like about Kerry is his spoiled, smirking frat-boy-ish inability to use the English language.
Thanks for reading.
J Bowen
The least he should do is correct his blog heading to read “like nectar to stupid”.
You mean the same Oliver Willis who gets his paychecks from George Soros? Why would you care about anything he said?
(Using his logic here, of course)
And this is why I keep comparing this to 1860. There comes a point where debate with words is no longer an option. Is this a good thing? No. Is it a true thing? Yes. I may hope we can avoid this, but I don’t expect to.
If he implied the man isn’t turstworthy because of an extramarital affair one would have to wonder if Clonton’s extramarial affair was worth talking about.
Thomas J. Jackson
The Democrats aren’t about to let anyone attack their “war hero” without making them pay. Just as the Democrats demonstrated their love of freedom at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Miami we witness another example of their true nature. Their double standards are beyond reason. 1984 is here.
I never said Bush would be better than Gore – another Ricky West lie ™. I said I thought Republicans would be better than Dems at waging war.
Obviously, I was fucking wrong.
Obviously, I was fucking wrong.
So true about so many things, Oliver.
too true
Count me among the many that never bother to read him anymore. Been true for a while now.
Really, Oliver? You gonna go with that?
So, you meant the Republicans versus the Democrats when you said this on October 22, 2001:
You had it at the URL http://www.oliverwillis.com/2001_10_01_archives.html#6539908 before you hid it (I can see why).
Here is a screenshot:
What’ll it be: haul ass or spin the definition of “current crisis”?
In the future, you might consider (a) easing up on the trash talk…..you never know who you’ll meet face-to-face one day; (b) choosing your battles more wisely.
wild bird
Who is the oliver is it north,stone or twist it sound a lot like the notorious director OLIVER STONE who we all know as a scum bag hollywood reptile
Haul ass it is.
I expected little else, actually.
Intestinal fortitude is a difficult thing to acquire when in short supply.