That was McCain’s best spech ever, although he seemed sedated while delivering it.
Giuliani was genius, and I loved the Kerry quips (Playing off the boos was brilliant- “but ohh- he must have heard you…”). The Ewards quip was also memorable.
Ron Silver’s speech means I can keep watching the West Wing.
The surest sign it was a good night for the GOP- Chris Matthews looked like he was passing a watermelon sized kidney stone afterwards and Andrea Mitchel looked so angst-ridden and distraught I thought she was going to seize up. Then when she spoke, her tone was so bitter I thought she was going to undo all that wonderful cosmetic surgery she has had over the years to fix her ugly skin. What an ugly shrew.
The highlight of the night for me- the choir singing the service songs. I could listen to a good choir sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” so this was a special treat. Plus, I got to see the whole thing on INHD2, with no interruptions by idiot announcers, and in digital surround sound and hi-def. Pretty cool.
Agree with you on all – especially INHD. Just got a Hitachi 50″ LCD Ultravision and Comcast HDTV service, and the contrast between the Fox broadcast and the INHD broadcast was simply breathtaking.
Oh, and the speeches were great too.
Justin O.
Where’s Delay?????!!!!!
Justin Ogren
Sorry I didn’t put this comment into one……
Guiliani is basically a man who ‘cleaned-up’ New York so to say by riddening all that was visually ‘unacceptable’ to tourists and citizens of the city. This included arresting waves of poor people, the mentally ill, drug addicts, and many of it’s ‘we wanna forget about you, your not New York’ citizens and reorganization of the city that left the problems not visually noticable as possible for all those Staten Island fuckers to lander in what they want New York to be. A new New York is what he wanted it be, he just put the problems in other, non noticeable areas to tourists.
Bloomberg, is over here like, Affix a “Peaceful Activist” button and a protester can claim a free glass of Montepulciano wine with dinner at La Prima Donna, rent a room at the boutique Dylan Hotel ($150 a night) and get dibs on discounted theater tickets. Perhaps “42nd Street” for the Quakers from Kansas and “Naked Boys Singing” for the South Beach set *rubs coupons in hands*
One senses a bit of not-so-quiet desperation in the little screed posted here by Justin. He must have been reading the latest polls. Only members of his twisted little “set” would find his childish rants amusing.
I’m genuinely moved by Ron Silver’s courage. If ever there was a serious Hollywood lefty, I’d point to Ron Silver. He (and Ed Koch) are still serious lefties: they’re so serious they know that the war on terrorism is more important than their liberal agendas – that they know they can pick up where they left off on prior to 9-11. These are good people.
It’s nice to see that former squeegee bums have found their way to the web, even if they’re bitter and still off their meds. Justin, Bezerkley awaits you.
Yes Justin, Rudy cleaned up NYC, and not just for tourists but for those of us who actually LIVE here and pay taxes here and wanted to have a safe, clean place to live in. Shame on us – for wanting to be able to drive down the street without being assaulted by a drunk or a junkie threatening us bodily harm if we didn’t give him a dollar to smear his filthy rag across our windshield. Clearly those of us who work hard, pay our rent or our mortgages & our taxes, care for our homes & neighborhoods, and are generally productive members of the city should have simply handed the city over to those who didn’t work, contributed nothing to the community, and (literally) pissed on their neighborhoods.
Thank God for Rudy.
capt joe
And Guilani did it in spite of people like Sharpton and a cabal of like minded knobs who tried their best to derail his efforts.
Staten Island fuckers? Bite me.
Guiliani cleaned up the city. The murder rate went down. If that means that some smelly bum can’t panhandle on the ferry while smelling of pis, then so be it.
Maybe Guiliani’s legacy will be enough to wipe out the stain of Dinkins mayoral tenure.
Having worked and spent so much time in NYC in the mid-90’s, I can say that Rudy Guiliani was the best Mayor the city ever had.
The ‘unacceptable’ people that Justin seems to be complaining about were common criminals that were virtually ignored by police under the reign of David Dinkins. Quality of life crimes didn’t mean a damned thing to him or most anybody else in his administration.
Guiliani changed all that. He said the cops were going to start arresting people who jumped turnstyles, pissed on the street, harassed people in their cars, etc. These arrests often revealed the perp had warrants for more serious offenses, and was dealt with, instead of ignored.
With Guiliani’s guidance, the 42nd street area, which had been a haven for drug addicts, hookers, peep shows and other foul elements I wouldn’t want to be around, was transformed into a mecca for business, tourism, and family fun. Bryant Park, well known for being a place where heroin addicts gathered, became a place where they put on fashion shows and small concerts.
The subways became safe to ride again. The mob influence in the meat and fish markets downtown was eradicated.
It was said that New York City was ‘ungovernable.’ Rudy Guiliani proved everybody wrong.
Justin Ogren
Shame on us – for wanting to be able to drive down the street without being assaulted by a drunk or a junkie threatening us bodily harm if we didn’t give him a dollar to smear his filthy rag across our windshield-bklyngirl
Bklyngirl are you afraid of the homeless? Have you ever been to a homeless shelter, are there just rabit homeless people waiting to attack you? No. You know what, I come across those people daily, and I have no hard feelings toward them, and I give people change everyonce in awhile even though I can’t do it for everyone, you really look at homeless people and you won’t see they are a ‘drunk’ or a ‘junkie’, sure there are lots of homeless who are drunks and junkie’s as part of there habits, but there are lots of homeless in America. You can’t just go out and get a job and support yourself on minimum wage to start off, I’m sorry it’s not gonna happen, even if you do hard labor it only pays like 7 dollars an hour. There is a great amount of homeless in NYC, but where was Giuliani to take better care of the situation, man he just basically picked up a buncha lost souls forgotten by their city, and government, and dump them into another part of NYC, that’s what happened, they didn’t go anywhere, it really was for those Staten Island fuckers. They are still there, just not as abundant anymore in the areas tourists mostly frequent, and there is a reason by that, so people can’t see the reality of society. A a drunk or junkie causing you bodily hard doesn’t really come through on the street out of nowhere, in my life, never had that happen to my once, and there are waves of homeless here in Sacramento.
My old mayor Gary Podesto of Stockton touts ridiculous campaign commercials for his run of the senate that he uses what ‘supposedly’ he done in Stockton. Clean it up, bring Stockton jobs, tidy up the Fox Theatre and get it re-named to Bob Hope, buddy buddy with the heavy corruption of law enforcement in the valley area. There are not jobs in Stockton, barely any, most people commute from that town, and opening up one movie theatre ain’t gonna make a town with a heavy population grow any quicker, because that town is very far behind. He basically picks up one bottle in the commercial, that’s all that’s really happened, because nothing has really changed except maybe a new toys r’ us while taking out the old one and a fuckin TJMaxx and Linen’s and Things, oh wow a new Target. That’s great, that really helped the city out Podesto, lets see how good ya do in the Senate if ya even make it there, cuz you don’t have alot of fans in Stockton, or your grocery store that’s only for rich folks who can pay 2.50 for a head of lettuce, unless you want good sandwich meat.
Ranted a little too much, but what I mean is, there is a reflection in my mayor, and mayor Giuliani, you can’t fix the problem with your citizens and say you fixed it by simply moving citizens around to other parts of the city, what does that do, you gotta fix the programs by applying more mental health techniques especially on people more abundant with a disorder, such as in prison, and on the streets, but even the people in prison have been admitted to not having proper care for the mentally ill, maybe if someone got to them before they go t into prison, it’d be a little different situation. The thing is, there are people who are mentally ill who got into prison because of no control from their mental state, and society has really been extremely slow on that issue, when we have the ability to help them.
John Cole
Quit being stupid. No one is afraid of homeless, per se. A large number of people in their right minds, however, are afraid of drug addicts, mentally ill, mentally disturbed, and drunks who make up the majority of the homeless population.
Would you like to take a wild guess which party, in the name of humanity, unleashed these poor souls onto the streets? Which party had the great idea to deinsitutionalize these people? Take a wild guess.
Thomas J. Jackson
Why is it people like Justin have so much compassion for the dregs of society while shamelessly robbing the bread from the tables of those who have to work in order to pay for the fantasies of the “compassionate” like Justin. Apparently his compassion extends only so far. Far better for law abiding citizens to endure the ranting, crime, and molestation of mental defectives then allow the tax payer to enjoy a peaceful stroll or an uneventful subway ride.
Justin Ogren
I think alot of people hold an indirect fear of homeless people, although people don’t really get scared at the sight of a homeless person, they will look down and gain alot of quick judgments on their personality, just because they are homeless. I don’t know anyone who was assaulted by a homeless person cuz you didn’t help em out with a few quarters. There are junkies who won’t think twice to rob ya, and there are drunks who may fuck with ya, but in a population of the homeless, it’s few and far between in the population of the homeless, I have never met one violent homeless person in my life, even though I’ve been in some heavy homeless areas. Even though that’s not abundant and only a piece of homeless issue. I think Giuliani recieved alot of negative comments on the homeless population in NYC and reacted in a short,simple,cheap way without expanding the cleanliness in numerous directions, he didn’t put electrical tape on the wire he left undone. There is alot of fear of the underground society on the streets, and that problem is just shoved aside is what I’m saying. It’s not taken care of in the right way, instead of helping people by helping people get back on their feet, people run into problems in life and they aren’t going to mirror everyone else’s daily problems in the same way. Giuliani does things to help people forget about em for a few years, without the problem actually being taken care of.
Why is it people like Justin have so much compassion for the dregs of society while shamelessly robbing the bread from the tables of those who have to work in order to pay for the fantasies of the “compassionate” like Justin -Thomas J. Jackson
There aren’t people just waiting to shamelessly rob your bread. Instead of sharing the bread with a fellow citizen in heavy and deep need, we like to toss em, toss em’ wherever we can so we don’t see them with our eyes, but we can still hear their cries daily. It’s not a fantasy like setting up better mental health programs and instead of imprisoning the mental health we can give them real help.
I suppose you are watching West Wing re-runs from seasons 3 and 4 when Silver was on the show. Post Sorkin the show has gone down hill.