Instapundit links to this piece:
Sen. John Kerry is angry at the way his campaign has botched the attacks from the Swift boat veterans and has ordered a staff shakeup that will put former Clinton aides in top positions.
“The candidate is furious,” a longtime senior Kerry adviser told the Daily News. “He knows the campaign was wrong. He wanted to go after the Swift boat attacks, but his top aides said no.”
You just know that this was intentionally planted to make the candidate look better while hiscampaign is faltering, but it really doesn’t.
How are we supposed to trust this man to lead us in the War on terror and in the War In Iraq when he doesn’t even have enough courage to follow his own convictions in a political campaign?
As much as I dislike the campaign season, I will admit that there is intrinsic value. Running a good campaign, while not proof, is indicitave of the talents the candidate may bring to the table.
Kerry’s inability to show well, especially against a rather mediocre GW Bush, seriously calls to question his ability to lead.
There’s a reason one ought to finish reading all the sources and commentary before responding. Oops.
Here’s a thought, possibly a useless one.
“It’s not him; it’s his staff.”
George Bush seems perfectly content to let people say this of his successes. Kerry wants to make sure it’s said of his failures.
I guess the buck doesn’t stop here (points to Kerry’s desk); it stops there (points to staffer’s desk).
Why all the fuss? No need to fire staffers. Just release the military records (all of them) to prove that those awful Swift Boat Vets are the liars that he, his staff and the mainstream press has been saying they are.