I guess Iraq is part of the War on Terror, after all:
”Today marks a tragic milestone in the war in Iraq; more than 1,000 of America’s sons and daughters have now given their lives on behalf of their country, on behalf of freedom, the war on terror,” Kerry said as he arrived in Cincinnati on a campaign stop.
ooh, snap! You got him on that one.
Should I look for this “catch” as the next Fox News lead, or maybe even…Drudge.
The operational word in that bit is “today.” Who wants to wager that “tomorrow” his stance will flip?
Or flop!
Ian Wood
I heard him say that on NPR.
He sounded like someone had pulled the string on his back to make him talk. Not one iota of conviction. Not even a demi-iota. He was to sincerity as his wife is to self-serve car washes.