If you are a member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy such as myself, after learning about the anti-Bush jihad the mainstream media has planned for the electorate, you probably can’t help but feel like the press is nothing more than cheerleaders for the Kerry-Edwards campaign. After all, they have admitted as much:
The media
The big upside for you might be that AJ Lazarus will be lured back with his colossal catalog of links proving Bush deserted the TANG, and led the VC in their firefights with Kerry’s Swift-boat flotilla.
As Jim Geraghty has argued, the problem for the anti-Bushies, including those at the major media organizations, is that the various charges leveled at Bush might have had an impact if the Left hadn’t spent much of the past two years trying to argue that the president is evil personified.
We’ve had Howard Dean spreading the rumor that the Saudis warned Bush about 9/11. Ted Kennedy contended – in an argument that defies logic – that the war on Iraq was “planned in Texas” to benefit the president politically. We’ve had Michael Moore making the case that the war in Afghanistan was about a natural gas pipeline and oil company profits. We’ve had Paul Krugman arguing in the pages of the New York Times that Bush is trying to destroy democracy. We’ve had the antiwar left arguing, again and again, that Bush is the second coming of Hitler. I suspect that after a while, the public just tunes out this stuff.
I mean, once you’ve killed thousands in a war to boost Halliburton’s profits, repealed the Constitution, and destroyed democracy, isn’t cocaine use kind of mild?
Agreed. This simply won’t work at this time. Most of this stuff has been used before, and the shelf life isn’t long.
I’ve had Bush-hatred-fatigue syndrome for months. Is it the election yet?
Nobody Important
Can’t we just put the Bush-hatred behind us and move on?
All I can say is:
“Can’t we just put the Kerry-hatred behind us and move on?”
Great lift Troll, er, I mean Terry.
Kerry needs an underdog’s strategy to beat an incumbent.
I suggest that from now on, refer to movon.org as ‘the ironically named moveon.org’. Kind of like the “French looking” John Kerry.
fwiw –
The exercise in question that atrios and much of the lef is all ga-ga over required the unit to have two (2) aircraft on alert.
Per our good friend Bob Mintz at Texans for Truth we know that there were 20-30 pilots available to fly the mission.
I think the nation was safe.
gives Mintz’s side of the story before the ad came out.
A couple of points –
1) describing an F4 as an aircraft that is very similar to an F102 defies belief. Sure, they have wings and engines, but Bush would not have been qualified to fly the F4 nor, given his location and time remaining, would the unit have cross-trained him. The unit had plenty of pilots already qualified on F4s.
2) I put more credence in a woman saying she remembered George Bush than a man saying he doesn’t.
In order to make the supposed cocaine use be not kind of mild, the moonbats insist that Bush avoided a flight physical because he knew he’d flunk due to cocaine use. It takes a little effort or a lot of abstention to test clean for marijuana, but cocaine is water soluble, and all evidence flushes away in a few days. Which is why the Air Force wasn’t interested in testing for it at a regularly scheduled exam which was only being given to pilots trained to jets which were remaining in service.
Casey Tompkins
Not to mention that the armed forces didn’t even start drug testing until the early 80s. Drop by Baldilock’s blog and read her personal expereiences in the Air Force on this one.
Chris Christensen
Lest we forget: Even The Gorginator could not stomach JFrickenKerry as his VP and picked Joe “Wait, I’m not dead yet!” Lieberman instead. Something funky in his background back then? Same something funky now!
52 days and counting …
i hear that MoveOn.org can changed its name to Moron.org…is this true? or does it just seem true?
M. Simon
This one’s for triticale,
Why did John Kerry meet with the representatives of the Viet Cong and Communist North Vietnam on his honeymoon in Paris?
I guess selling out his home country was more exciting than his new wife.
New Soldier html
What is the War Hero Afraid of?
Form 180. Release ALL the records
That Oregonian guy
A brief reading of these comments strongly suggests that Republicans are now A) shitting their pants, B) running for cover, and C) not finding many holes to hide in.
When it comes down to a debate over the solubility of cocaine in the president’s pee-pee, you know that the Bush campaign has a problem.
“ironically named Moveon.org” –
I’m a Kerry supporter, but that’s funny.
Oregon guy…you are smoking crack…Bush in the National Guard…misses a few meetings but more than fulfills his training requirements…Oh btw if you add it up Bush put more time in than Kerry did….anddddddddddd….John Kerry, that naval officer…treasonous behavior in France, sells out his fellow vets.
Lets see which one???
Geez, even if you believe everything that “Texans for Truth” says, how does it even compare with Bush’s opponent, who:
1. Volunteered for “hazardous duty” which was safe when he volunteered;
2. Shot himself in a non-combat situation, and then lied about it to get a purple heart;
3. Lied about enemy fire to get himself a silver star;
4. Lied about his service to get out of Vietnam in 4 months, when others, like my dad, didn’t lie and stayed a full year;
5. Came back to libel his “band of brothers” in the most egregious way;
6. Gave testimony that encouraged the enemy to torture our POWs;
7. Met with enemy officials while still in the US military;
8. Snipes millionaire widows for a living;
9. has spent 20 years warming a seat in the Senate, making no appreciable contribution except for trying to undercut the military and intelligence community;
10 And can’t make up his mind whether he’s for or against supporting out troops in the field?
Given Kerry’s record, it seems that even if you assume the truth of the accusations currently being levelled at Bush, they pale in comparison.
Lets see:
A) Nope, the drawers are clean
B) Sitting at my desk.
C) See (B), supra.
Three out of three would be pretty good, except you missed with each one. (Before you ask, yes, I know what a metaphor is, TYVM.)
Pres. Bush fulfilled all of the training requirements. He asked for and received an early out. (So did Sen. Kerry, BTW.)
This is so six months ago. Do you have anything, anything new to add to this dead horse?
I refer to them as “moveonouttothelunaticfringe.com” whenever I need to reference them at all.
I was on active duty (USMC)from 1971-1977 and the random drug tests were instituted somewhere during that time period.
The Dems have no clue. Questions about Kerry’s military service resonate because they raise questions about whether he will vigorously prosecute the War on Terror (he won’t). Bush has already demonstrated his resolve. That is why they will be dismayed to see how little bite these inane stories have and how much the next wave of Kerry bashing ads will.
You’ve established that partisan Democrats are making certain assertions about Bush, but you have not established that the assertions are false.
Although there may be inconsistencies, the weight of the evidence is that Bush blew off some of his service obligations, and John Kerry journeyed to Vietnam as a member of the military.
But I could be wrong.
Pleassssse! Your chart is too complicated.
You are. Bush completed his time; it looks like he slacked off at the end but he still met all the requirements for an honorable discharge.
Kerry also served. However we don’t know all the details because he won’t release his full record, or his wife’s tax return, or his medical records. Bush did. So what’s Kerry afraid of?
Can we stop talking about 35 years ago and discuss maybe something important like Kerry’s voting record in the Senate, his position on Iraq and the war on terror, gun control, etc? Since his voting record and past comments suggest to me he’ll roll over like a good dhimmi for the terrorists, I’m getting tired of the “Bush was bad” line.
Why is the Globe and Times so upset with a few of the President’s missing drills and totally unfazed by the 2.5 years of drills that Kerry missed. See the Kerry web site under his military records. Read paragraph 4 of his “Contract for Officer Candidate”. Remember, he was only released from active duty, not from his drilling obligation. He was not discharged until 1978. And why is noone asking why a Navy Lieutenant was in Paris in talks with the North Vietnamese. Isn’t anyone held to their oaths anylonger?
Why is the Globe and times so upset with a few of the President’s missing drills and totally unfazed by the 2.5 years of drills that Kerry missed. See the Kerry web site under his military records. Read paragraph 4 of his “Contract for Officer Candidate”. Remember, he was only released from active duty, not from his drilling obligation. He was not discharged until 1978. And why is noone asking why a Navy Lieutenant was in Paris in talks with the North Vietnamese. Isn’t anyone held to their oaths anylonger?
Jim, good catch. Few remember that Kerry also has a Reserve record, at least as questionable as Ws, thought we don’t really know as he won’t release his records. You would think doing a 180 comes natural to Kerry. Not always.
Can’t we just refer to moveon.org as moron.org?
Gene Neary
Any man who can invent a fable and
later describe it as the defining moment
of his life is a fantasist as well as a liar and unfit to be president. His
Christmas-in-Cambodia lie must be
directly confronted.
Till then:
Captain Fraud
I am Captain Fraud
And I am, by gawd,
Captain of Cambodia.
With my lucky hat,
From a spy, at that,
I stormed into
With camera and gall
I re-enacted all
My exploits in
My fantasy, seared”
in memory,
Will end with me in
the presidency,
President of
For I’m Captain
And remain, by gawd,
The Liar of Cambodia
Gene Neary
USS Fantasy
Dan Kauffman
some of the new memos may be forgeries.
Read here and pass it on.
September 09, 2004
Who Forged Bush Records?
CBS News and 60 Minutes claims that it has documents from George Bush’s TANG service that prove undue influence had been used to get Bush his excellent ratings. As one of the exhibits, CBS produced this internal memo, dated but unsigned and with no letterhead, stating: “Staudt has obviously pressured Hodges more about Bush. I’m having trouble running interference and doing my job. Harris gave me a message today from Grp regarding Bush’s OETR and Staudt is pushing to sugar coat it. Bush wasn’t here during rating period and I don’t have any feedback from 187th in Alabama either.”
As Power Line notes and Free Republic first saw, something is terribly amiss with this memo. Take a look at “187th”. The suffix is represented in superscript, which in 1973 could only be accomplished with a typesetting device — which in 1973 would have cost thousands of dollars, making it extremely unlikely to have been used for a simple memo like this. Also, take a look at the apostrophes. Typewriters use straight up-and-down apostrophes rather than curved (same for quote marks), and these are curved.
Funny thing is that the first two things you list as liberal media attacks, 1,000 dead & budget deficit, ARE FACTs, not propaganda spewed forth for political gain, FACTS. No 527’s needed, no spin, no BS. FACTS.