So now the all-out jihad against Bush includes a trail of forged documents. Everything you could possibly want to know about this can be found here.
My Question:
“Who will be the first Democrat blogger, talking head, or reporter to claim that the forgeries were planted by Rove to ‘muddy the waters’ or ‘poison the well?'”
*** Update ***
We have a winner. Alert reader Mark L. points to this American Spectator piece, which contains the following paragraph:
“According to one ABC News employee, some reporters believe that the Kerry campaign as well as the DNC were parties in duping CBS, but a smaller segment believe that both the DNC and the Kerry campaign were duped by Karl Rove, who would have engineered the flap to embarrass the opposition.”
Good question, John. I couldn’t say WHO but the WHEN is not in doubt.
Mark L
Talk about a target-rich environment. Will it be like velcro to stupid? The Daily Caws? Maybe a Michael Moore-on letter? Babs?
This whole thing is just TOO funny.
I want to know which Democrat blogger, talking head, or reporter produced the forgeries. My personal guess: Susan Estrich.
I want jail time for whoever did this. Lots of jailtime. HARD jailtime. I’m not talking country club prison, I’m talking shiv in the shower prison
My counter conspiracy theory is as follow:
Recently due to the RNC convention bounce, Kerry campaign have to make drastic personnel changes with plenty of Bill Clinton crew ending up calling shots. Kerry’s old staff is kept merely as token. This gives Clinton the perfect opportunity to torpedo Kerry campaign by floating an obvious forgery, clearing the way for Hillary
I see that the other part of the CBS and Dan Rather jihad against Bush is falling apart also. WBAP, the most popular and listened to radio station in Dallas/Ft.Worth, is reporting that the daughter of former Texas Lt. Governor and all around sleazebag, Ben Barnes, is claiming that her father made the whole story up. Certainly, what he said about it on 60 Minutes was at variance with what he has said for a decade, as well as with all accounts by any living person in a position to have the facts.
“I’m talking shiv in the shower prison”
Damn you, shark. Major spewage to clean up over here now…
(in an alternate universe)
George Bush, realizing the Rove screwed up, quitely typed out the ‘missing’ documents on his trusty NEC 486. He set them aside in an off-channel repository, knowing when the time was right, they would be found. Rove figured the real story would never see the light of day. But Bush knew that his month long sex-fest with seventy-some Saudi provided (unprotected) virgins, frolicking in cocaine sand, with a Haliburton wellhead converted super bong, was bound to come out. Understanding that such a inconceivable event would be, well conceivable, especially to the idiot media, Bush knew that if he could discredit the source BEFORE the real story came out, well then the real story would never be believed.
Ralph Gizzip
I visited the CBS News website to see if they’d retracted anything on this story and they’re sticking to their guns. Or rather they’re sticking to their bias. Then I thought I’d send them an E-mail chastising them for their lax and biased reporting. I even wanted to tell them I’d write to every company that advertised on CBS to tell them I’d not patronize them. Imagine my surprise when I looked at the banner on top of their webpage. It was an ad for I figured, why waste the effort. They’ve already admitted CBS News is nothing but a dog pile.
Kieran Lyons
Well, I speculated about it on my blog, but if it is a (deniable) scam by the Bushies, I think it’s brilliant!
Ah, yes, deniable plausibility.
Remember, Kieran, never assign maliciousness to what could be explained by sheer stupidity.
The Kerry campaign has displayed a surfeit of breathtaking stupidity, non?
Mark L.
We have a WINNER!
In the American Spectator, the Washington Prowler has an article titled “Anatomy of a Forgery.” The url is:
Near the bottom of the article it contains the following:
“According to one ABC News employee, some reporters believe that the Kerry campaign as well as the DNC were parties in duping CBS, but a smaller segment believe that both the DNC and the Kerry campaign were duped by Karl Rove, who would have engineered the flap to embarrass the opposition.”
Randal Robinson
I post regularly on a political forum and one of the regulars there is a hard core lefty whose posts are indistinguishable from the insane crap on the Democratic Underground. He started out condescendingly dismissing any claims that the memos were forgeries but now he’s already starting to float the “Rove must have forged them” rebuttal. You can bet that’s going to be the fallback position on the DU. Will any blogger, talking head or reporter actually try to make that claim? Wouldn’t surprise me.
DRUDGE REPORT is running a CBSNEWS LAUNCHES INTERNAL INVESTIGATION article now. Don’t know that I want to hold my breath waiting on CBS though.
Actually, I think Boing Boing may have won the prize before you even posted the contest:
The weekly standard also had William Flynn (considered the nation’s top analyst of computer-generated documents) and several other forensic document experts look at them. Says one: “I’m a Kerry supporter myself, but . . . I’m 99% sure that these documents were not produced in the early 1970s.”
The CBS documents in question are here here here and here.
It’s just amazing how stupid the ABB crowd can be. So they want to blame the forgeries on Rove. O.K. In order for such an ingenious plan to come to fruition, one thing must already be in place.
An incompetent press harboring blinding hatred for Bush that will not only believe unsubstantiated sources, but will run them as prime time news.
I’d cede evil genius to Rove as long as the left admits the deceitful (leftist) partisanship of the media necessary for the “Rove did it” charge to hold water.
Oh, yes, I love the Karl Rove conspiracy theory. I wonder how long it will be until the Jews are blamed?
I wonder if the MSM will hint that Rove might have purposely floated these crudely forged documents as part of a brilliant scheme?
This would mean admitting that the MSM has a reputation for laziness and partisan hackery, and that Rove could count on them lapping the memo up and insufficiently fact checking it.
It all really is just too funny.
Ken Hahn
It wouldn’t take Karl Rove to dupe CBS and the Democrats. Most 6 year olds could do it. In fact most dogs have a better than even chance.
Bob Hawkins
DNC bigwigs hired a 6th-grader to forge the documents and pass them on to the Kerry campaign. They now have the perfect excuse to Torch the Dukakisoid. They can put in someone who will not drag the Party quite so far down.
From Drudge Report: Marjorie Connell
“…a smaller segment believe that both the DNC and the Kerry campaign were duped by Karl Rove”
Here’s a response to the above from a comment thread on another site:
“If this is true:
“(1) Kerry is to stupid to be President. If he could be sucker punched this bad I don’t want him going head-to-head with terrorist and tyrants.
“(2) Rove should be fired as Bush’s campaign manager and immediately rehired as Director of the CIA. That kind of effective deviousness is hard to find.
“I think however, this will turn out to be wishful thinking clouding peoples judgment not any grand conspiracy.”
I believe this commenter got it about right.
Anyone with an average brain and a major in conspiracy theory can see how obvious it is that the forgeries were originally set up by a devious Democrat hoping for recognition and advancement in the new Kerry Administration and was clever enough to put Karl Rove’s “fingerprints” all over it by disgusiing it to appear as though the documentation had actually originated from the Democratic side.
Or maybe Rove, the cad, has a “mole” deep inside the DNC , etc. who convinced the forger to generate the documents in the first place and Rove actually supplied the “fingerprints” to make it appear to be a Repub conspiracy.
“It’s elementary, Watson,” as Sherlock Holmes would have said.
LMAO! However it began, I don’t see it getting the type of traction someone had hoped for…
Notice the conspicuous silence from left-leaning commenters here.
I guess the motto holds: Can’t say anything nasty about Bush don’t say anything at all.
Speaking for the left-leaning, the reason for the silence is utter embarrassment. CBS should be ashamed for being duped and for their shoddy journalism. These forgeries, (and as far as I’m concerned there’s no doubt about that), are a travesty and deserve a thorough criminal investigation.
Outrage is the only appropriate response.
CBS gots lots ‘o splainin’ to do.
Nice to find someone guided more by virtue than politics.
Thanks for your thoughts on the issue.
Since CBS Evening news is 3rd place in a field of 3, Viacom should clean house and start over with “Fair and Balanced” Evening News. What do they have to lose aside from an unobjective dinosaur whose appeal lessons with each passing day.
Vaya con Dios Dano.
doug roberts
angela davis, a 60s radical, forged the national guard documents at the school where she teaches. the F.A.R.C. is involved. the F.A.R.C is the revolutionary armed forces of columbia. doug. [email protected]