Oliver demonstrates what passes for logic on the left today, and provides ‘evidence’ of Bush’s failing to fulfill his National Guard service. Prepare to giggle:
Bush used his connections to get into the guard.
Bush may have refused a direct order.
Bush may have been suspended for failing to meet standards.
Bush may have missed a physical.
Want some more ‘evidence?’ I can make some shit up too:
Bush may have been in the Swift Boat with John Kerry when they went into Cambodia.
Bill Clinton may have been with them.
Oliver may have something in his head other than conspiracy theories and a hatred of Bush, but that is doubtful.
Oliver’s a bit like cryptosporidium to digestion.
The problem with ‘Forgery-based Contention’ is that, taken to its extreme, you end up justifying the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ because, despite the fact that they’re forged, they raise some serious allegations.
What Oliver, Duncan et al are missing is that Guard service is based on yearly total points and not ‘miss a month’ which is the focus of the DNC’s AWOL allegations. According to official documents Bush met his yearly points requirements so he wasn’t AWOL, despite the presence of a website dedicated to that purpose.
The guy I feel sorry for is the owner of http://www.Selectric.com — the poor bastard was running a hobbyist site about, of all things, IBM typewriters and a shit-flood of traffic came crashing down on him.
God help the guy who’s set up a just for fun Dynamo Label site if Bush’s records show up in a crate with a Dyanamo label on it.
Why don’t you just admit it, John (and leave up the post for once): Oliver is a fat, lying fuck.
Welcome to the club, John. Been holding the door open for a long time.
Let me get this straight. The Commander In Chief for the last four years might have had some problems with his guard duty 30 years ago. This is relevant how, to his ability to be an effective Commander In Chief, as he’s already demonstrated he can be?
Perhaps Bush was in Vietnam (covert mission of course) since
A: he’s been an effective CIC and
B: Vietnam experience is essential to being an effective CIC.
What Oliver, Atrios, et. al. are demonstrating is that they are dogmatic idiots. This is basic logic here. When evidence comes out that suggests your initial stance is incorrect you should veiw your initial stance as less likely to be true.
However, with Atrios, Willis, and others they ignore this evidence comepletely and forge ahead. They are in the same boat as Young Earth Creationists and Flat Earthers.
Dr. Weevil
Wow, ‘dave’ just posted his most intelligent comment ever on any website! He takes dozens of characters to express a single very simple thought, but that’s a huge improvement on his usual mixture of utter intellectual inanity and foul insults. It looks like he’s evolved from the intellectual level of a baboon aggressively displaying its multicolored butt to a sleepy and inoffensive chimp.
Bush has admitted that he missed five months of duty. He claims that he made the time up but national Guard records show otherwise. he also has admitted that he refused to take the physical and that he was grounded. the national Gaurd records also show that he was allowed to genter the Gaurd even though there were people in line ahead of him.
It requires a great deal of intellectual dishonesty to conclude that all of this special treatment is in no way related to the fact that his multimillinaire dad was Governor at the time.
Actually none of this would matter if Republicans weren’t paying people to tell lies about kerry. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.
Dr. Weevil
Although he has a well-stocked resume, George H. W. Bush was never governor of Texas or any other state. I could accuse ‘laura’ of “intellectual dishonesty” for stating otherwise, and imply that the Democrats are paying her to “tell lies” about Bush, but more likely she’s just honestly confused. Either way, there’s no reason to believe anything else she says.
Further, “laura”, the governor of TX was a Democrat at the time. GWHB was one of, I believe, four GOP congressman out of 22 (IIRC) from Texas, while the state was virtually controlled by the Democratic party.
It really helps to have the grasp of the elementary before forging ahead with arrogant commentary, “laura”. And reading duncan & kos doesn’t qualify for “elementary”, as they’ve shown their complete ignorance on this matter, to date (adding to a growing list of subjects, outside, of course, ad hominem attacks from the safety and security of their personal keyboards).
“Actually none of this would matter if Republicans weren’t paying people to tell lies about kerry. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.”
Actually, I believe the Dems have been talking about Bush being AWOL for about a year longer than the Republicans have been talking about the swifties… Why is it Dems cannot seem to let go of the Vietnam era? It is all about Bush being AWOL during it and Kerry committing war crimes (his own admission) during it. Perhaps if you guys stopped living in the past and caught up to the present you would be doing better.
I think the real story is being missed in all of this…. What did the White House do when CBS faxed them these new, never before seen documents……without checking them out on their own, they released them to the media. I think that goes to show that GWB is not trying to cover anything up.
He released these documents as soon as he got them!
ER, they were supposedly someone’s memos to themself. Exactly what were they aupposed to check them against?
Good lord, is there a single lefty commenter on the planet who does something other than spout the talking points put forth from the top 10 lefty blogs?