This is priceless:
Yes, I’ve looked at the full quote of Dick Cheney’s comments about a terrorist attack if Kerry is elected. Yes, he clearly did mean that the full scope of Kerry’s anti-terror approach would make us more vulnerable, a perfectly fair point. But it’s also indisuptable that his words are most persuasively interpreted the way everyone first interpreted them…
Maybe Cheney misspoke, and it’s certainly fair for a politician to clarify his remarks in retrospect. But Cheney makes no apology. He just says “I did not say if Kerry is elected, we will be hit by a terrorist attack.” This is what gets me about the guy. He cannot acknowledge even minor error. His attitude is essentially: I’m running a war and critics can go fuck themselves.
Shorter Andrew Sullivan:
I am a fathead who didn’t understand Vice President Cheney, and since he won’t apologize, he is a dick.
No pity for Sully here–a fairweather idealogue for sure. But really, if you must proudly drive the sensible world through a meat grinder, please, give it some upward tilt and a Hooraah.
And yes, I know what hoorah means past and thru yer wimpy 13 colonies.
Move yer ass, history awaits, Boneparte
Charlie (Colorado)
No, that can’t be it. Andrew likes dicks.
The Democrats have been saying for the last two years that we are less safe due to the actions of the Bush administration. How is this different from what Cheney said? All this outrage on the part of Democrats must get exhausting.
Andrew Sullivan about Dick Cheney – “I’m running a war and critics can go fuck themselves.”
what sullivan appears to not notice or seems completely blind to is the fact that it’s Cheney’s “go fuck yourself” attitude that appeals so some many people.
Cheney doesn’t think he’s wrong, so why should he have to appologize?
sean mccray
sullivan has gone off the deep end, ever since the gay marriage has become an issue.
he now bends over backwards to try to sound unbiased, but he has crossed completely back over.
curtis kreutzberg
Still reading Andrew and Oliver? Dosen’t that make your head hurt?
…, he is a dick.”
That’s an upper case “D”, as in Dick Cheney!
Hey sullivan, imagine this: you write an article, people don’t read the entiretiy of it or interpret it wrongly. Then they ask YOU to appologise for thier mistake. Yeah, see how rediculous your request (demand) for an apology is now?
ummm, maybe I shouldn’t ask this, but if Andy doesn’t like it so much, why doesn’t he move back to ‘merry’ ol’ England if it sucks so much over here in the colonies?