I will never understand the stupidity of those who are gleeful because an Appeals Court ruled the authorities can seize and peruse at their leisure Rush Limbaugh’s medical records without his knowledge.
If they can do it to him, they can do it to you. And I doubt you can afford Roy Black.
For some sane commentary on the matter, go read Jeralynn’s take on the issue (and follow the links she provides to previous commentary).
I hate Michael Moore, but if this were happening to him I would be just as pissed. I am so sick and tired of people bitching and moaning about the erosion of our civil rights because of the Patriot Act and completely turning a blind eye to what has really destroyed our civil rights- the government’s illegal, immoral, and ill-conceived war on your neighbor War on Drugs.
Are you serious when you say you can’t figure them out?
They’re Democrats before anything else. Party is all that matters.
the war on drugs sucks and perhaps the more white republicans who get to realise this first hand the closer we are to redirecting our cops to fighting AQ; tech fraud; child abuse etc.. instead of rowing against the tide overseeing private morality.
the fall in gun crime might cause a truce in the battle over gun laws or the wider culture wars too.
Alcohol being the WASPish drug-of-choice; GWB used to get drunk and drive his car. (like cheney; they both have convictions).
they got another chance.
others (especially african americans) who use drugs dont get that chance whether they are risking the lives of others or not.
instead, tax payers get to waste money keeping them from their families.
Sharp as a Marble
Speaking of heavy drug usage, ape’s post is a clear examoke why you should not comment under the influence
“Alcohol being the WASPish drug-of-choice; GWB used to get drunk and drive his car.”
Well at least he hasn’t killed anyone with his car like a certain senator from Massachusetts, (who had been drinking, and still does).
You’re right; it’s much better to post stoned off your ass, and dude, I want some of what you’re “exa(s)moking.”
You’re right as well, completely. But I prefer to view this from an hypocrisy/just-desserts perspective, which softens the blow.
Suck it up son!
Your hero better start picking his preferred big house right now because he is going down, and will be going down a lot more in the future if you know what I mean, he he.
Agreed. I just don’t understand how people who loathe the Patriot Act can want that same government to supply health insurance.
The sad irony is that these are usually the same people claiming catastrophic loss of individual rights vis-a-vis the Patriot act.
Keep in mind that when you wish to limit someone else’s liberty, rights, etc; You also trample your own.
While true they may be breaking laws to gather information against Rush, also is true the fact he admitted using and buying thousands, thats thousands, or Oxycotins in the state of Florida.
His admissions to committing a first degree felony in the state of Florida would have gotten any normal, see: not filthy rich and in the public eye, person arrested and booked. Rush Limbaugh has not been booked.
Jeb Bush’s own daughter was made subject to drug laws in Florida and she was dabbling in minor amounts. Again Rush dealt in “thousands”. To do anything less that arrest him displays a basic problem in our judicial system.
But on another tack consider if the evidence is gathered somewhat illegally then his lawyer has a good chance of getting the case thrown out. If parts of the Patriot Act are being used then where was the outrage when Tommy Chong got canned for dealing in pipes?
I’ve killed sixty people and shoot heroin into my arms all day long. And I jaywalk. Now that I’ve announced my crimes to the world, when should I count on being arrested?
S.W. Anderson
Yes, that gleefulness is unseemly. No, two wrongs don’t make a right.
But in Limbaugh’s case, I’ll offer this much by way of explanation: He invites mean-spirited glee because he’s dished out so much of it.
Are treading into l(L?)ibertarian waters? The whole drug war has been a dismal failure, since its inception. Legistlating morality always insure for poor morals.