I don’t know what to say when I see things like this:
Osama bin Laden: “Look, infidel, that’s the most important reason I want a Bush victory: the historic prize would be an Islamic revolution in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, and that would give us a base and perhaps nuclear weapons. And Bush’s talent for antagonizing Muslims makes such a revolution more likely. You know, I’m now a believer in Pakistani democracy because a Pew poll found that only 7 percent of Pakistanis have a favorable view of Bush, while 65 percent like me.
So let the Pakistanis choose their own government! And then, when I have my nuclear weapons, look out. Thank you, President Bush!”
And Kevin Drum is upset about a two hour movie in selected markets, when every day conservatives wake up to more attacks from the mainstream medias jihad on the Bush administration.
It’s a 45 minute movie, actually.
dwight meredith
If a column suggesting that Osama prefers prefer Bush constitutes liberal media bias, what do all of the columns claiming that the terrorists favor Kerry constitute?
John Cole
Overt obnoxiousness, Dwight.
Ernest Brown
Simple statements of fact straight from the mouths of terrorist-supporting states, Dwight.
I’m not sure what the controversy is here. I see a quote posted but no real rebuttal. Bush has done almost exactly what Osama bin Laden would have wanted him to do. He’s attacked a country in the Middle East that was very unfriendly to al-Qaeda, which means he’s helped boost anti-American terrorist recruiting without compromising the al-Qaeda network. For some reason a lot of people still believe Iraq had something to do with 9/11, but that’s not based on any legitimate available evidence whatsoever. Bin Laden called Saddam’s government an “apostate regime” and “infidels.” Saddam kept his country free of Islamic extremists, believing them to be a threat to his SECULAR regime. The IAEA told us before the war that Saddam had no nuclear program. The other stuff was dilapidated at best, and Saddam wouldn’t have given stuff to terrorists even if he had it. If he had had something, he would have used it as a deterrence against his rivals in the Middle East like Iran and Israel, both of whom have “weapons of mass destruction” (sorry, but that’s a throwaway term because it equates too many things that can’t be equated).
Bush has done more to stir anti-Americanism in the Middle East than any president in history. Of course bin Laden is thrilled with his policy. Maybe someone can explain to me the other side, because I don’t see it. To me this is pretty straightforward.
p.s. The fact that bin Laden is alive, by itself, ought to make the guy happy. Any competent president would have gotten him by now. I’m angry that Bush has gone on a goose chase in Iraq — a goose chase that was planned in the 90’s — and let the most notorious mass murderer of Americans in history slip through the net. That infuriates me, actually. I think this president is irresponsible; and certainly bin Laden is happy with an irresponsible president in office.
Irkd, I don’t know a single person who thinks Iraq definitley had anything to do with 9/11, but folks like you just keep hammering it over and over again.
Now, if I were on the receiving end of a poll two years ago that asked “Do you think it’s possible Iraq may have had a hand in 9/11?” I would have answered yes, it was POSSIBLE, and perfectly understandable based on the general enmity and small involvement of Iraq in the 1993 bombing.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Josh Martin
The fact that bin Laden is alive, by itself, ought to make the guy happy.
It’s not a fact because you say it is. His failure to appear on TV in light of his long history of regularly releasing videos is pretty compelling evidence that he’s dead.
Harry in Atlanta
Why does the left believe that if we leave the insane death cult alone that they will leave us alone. I continually hear this, “don’t make them mad or they will attack us,” stupidity from the left as a foreign policy position. Undoubtedly the Democrats either did not get the memo from OBL, ignored the memo, lack basic comprehension skills to understand the memo, or are just stupid and can’t read. If the Democrats want to get themselves killed by ignoring the problem like an overdue credit card bill fine by me the gene pool could stand some bleach. They are just putting off the inevitable hoping that will OBL to come to his senses have a change of heart and sit down at the table with the smart people and work things out. But they need to leave the rest of us out of that moronathon. Jeeesuss Christ!
Irkd has the analytical skills of a sophmore in high school (hence the term “sophomoric analysis). The idea that we somehow went from being universally liked to universally despised by “Abdul Q. Public” is absurd. Can anyone forget the dancing in the streets by men, women, and children from the West Bank to Teheran (sp?)after 9/11? Arabs, especially terrorists, don’t need an excuse to hate us.
Besides, how can we take seriously a people,50% of whom believe the CIA carried out the attacks on 9/11? Or Mossad? These are people who JUST NOW are debating whether or not beheadings, shooting children in the back, or using children as human bombs is consistent with Islam.
The fact is, Irkd, that the “other side” you wish to see is right in front of your nose…you’re just too busy looking down it at others you consider your intellectual inferiors to see it.
WHO THE F**K CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF US!!!!! That attitude will not keep us safe! Changing national policy to make us popular in the Mid East (pulling our troops out, turning our backs on Israel, overthrowing corrupt kleptocracies like Saudi Arabia) will not make us safer and would not be in the national interest of the US.
But that’s the point for you, isn’t it. Anything that smacks of America standing up for its own vital interest is just plain wrong.
And that’s what scares the crap out of me thinking of a Kerry Presidency.
“Irkd, I don’t know a single person who thinks Iraq definitley had anything to do with 9/11, ”
Dude, over 60% of Bush voters. Either you know a lot of liberals, or you have an unusual set of friends.