Speaking of Pandagon, I should not a rare occurrence in which I completely agree with Ezra Klein:
Kristof really deserves an award for the amazing work he’s done on Sudan. As Wolf Blitzer luxuriates in his “Iron Man of Journalism” reputation, Kristof is writing sentences like:
The Sudanese government refuses to give me a visa so I came here on my own, sneaking across the border into Darfur from neighboring Chad.
Yup, just another day, scurrying into a genocide. I know we’re all tired of hearing about Sudan. The enormity of the tragedy combined with our own powerlessness renders the situation a profound depressant with little-to-no outlet for activism. That these sorts of massacres seem so frequent in Africa, what with Rwanda and Sierra Leon barely fading from memory, makes it all the easier to ignore.
But if we can’t understand, we can remain aware. The only way I know is trite, groups like Oxfam. If anyone has other ways to make a difference, put ’em in comments. And go read Kristof’s column, he’s the only writer I can think of with the courage and compassion to really make his op-ed real estate count.
There are only two comments to that post over at Pandagon. Ezra is right.