Withoutwatching one minute of the debate, one minute of the post-debate coverage, and none of the online spin, I hereby declare the winner of the 3rd debate to be:
Rupert Murdoch.
Sorry folks, I can’t see this debate getting any ratings when you have college football on ESPN, and Fox Sports is carrying the Yankees/Sox and the Cards/Astros.
Speaking of college football, my beloved WVU Mountaineers beat UConn 31-19, although it was a hideous performance. The ‘Eers had 12 penalties for 103 yards, and were awful the entire first half. They did gain 323 yards on the ground again, which is decent.
Snarky comment about “that’s why you’re a Republican” here.
No, I didn’t watch either…
Just sayin.
Justin O.
It’s not about who wins….it’s about what’s right….
And Bush has none of that, he’s a boat upside down in water.
If you agree with all the crap he just shot out of his mouth tonight…..there is some problems…heavily.
He doesn’t offer shit…..he offers you bullshit in fact!
Gregory Markle
Frankly, watched the entire Yanks/Sox game and said “fuggit” to the debate. Like EITHER one was going to say anything a political wonk like me hadn’t already heard!?
Let me guess, Atrios and Oliver say it was a BIG WIN for Kerry and the conservative blogs claim victory for Bush? How amazing…is it election day yet so I can see Bush win and listen to the cries of voter fraud and disenfranchisement yet?
Ralph Gizzip
If you’re still undecided by this point in time you have absolutely no business voting.
Chris P
All I can say is, thank God we have Ralph Gizzip telling the American people their business. To hell with ruminating over arguments and looking at things from all possible angles before casting a vote. It’s tough, firm decision makers like him that make this country what it is today. Where would we be without him?
Ralph is absolutely right on that! If you’re still undecided you’re either lying or just not paying attention to the world around you. In which case, we’d all be better off if you stayed home on election day. A vote ought to be a reasoned decision based on knowledge of the candidates and issues, not some random whim.
I wish I rooted for a team that gained a “decent” 323 yards on the ground. That’s decent total output for a game. I saw a bit of the first half and saw WV receivers whiff on two passes. I have a soft spot for WV since my grandparents lived in Ansted and we visited quite often.
Gregory Litchfield
I can’t vote for either candidate in good conscience, and I hate watching baseball anywhere but in a stadium. Last night the roomate and I watched Master and Commander. I consider it time well spent.
Maybe a little B’burg hang over for the ‘eers in the first half? Go Hokies! Sorry, couldn’t resist.