Jobs aren’t going overseas at any troubling rate at all, you demagogues. How many research articles and reports rae going to have to be thrown at you before you stop pushing these lies. Jeebus.
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by John Cole| 9 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
Jobs aren’t going overseas at any troubling rate at all, you demagogues. How many research articles and reports rae going to have to be thrown at you before you stop pushing these lies. Jeebus.
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I’ve watched a technical operations center at Hewlett-Packard (300 employees), get shipped to India. I was one of the operations managers. They didn’t reassign me, they told me the HP India was the future. And America isn’t. This operations center housed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Level technicians and engineers. CCNAs, CCDPs, MCSEs, SAP, DBAs, etc. And the other operation centers are in jeopardy. We are the future yet being shaken off for cheaper yet educated labor.
How can we now afford mortgages on $300,000 homes that we once could afford? How can using cheaper labor with the benefit the American consumer when we don’t have the same incomes to afford the product? Have you been laid off John and have 70 resumes turned down?
“how can we afford $300,000 mortgages on homes that we once could afford”
Well, one thing you could’ve done was not buy a house you were apparently only one crisis away from not being able to afford.
I’m a single guy who bought a condo a couple years back and believe me, i wanted the one right on the water (the Delaware River with a beautiful view of downtown Camden across the river), but instead opted for one for half the price, knowing what i could afford and still be able to take vacations, go out on the weekends, and not cancel my PSU football tickets, as well as not having to sell if something bad happened.
The fact that something has affected you in a detrimental way does not mean that it is affecting the entire nation in a detrimental way.
Gotta love that fallacy of composition…
Gregory Litchfield
ToddZilla: Yeah, no kidding. Last month I celebrated my one year anniversary at my new job. I’m making more money now than I ever have, and and my firm’s contract with the unspecified cabinent department I work in should extend another couple of years.
I plan on getting out of this in a couple of years to get a law or business degree, but by Marcy’s reasoning the whole country must be doing pretty well for itself.
I have no doubt that many people have experienced hard times. I spent several months in demeaning temp jobs before I landed this gig. But from where I stand, things do seem to be improving greatly, and not just for yours truly.
Let’s suppose for the moment that all the engineering and programming jobs were going to India.
All available political solutions, other than deregulating things to bring down the cost of living, reducing barriers to entry to other fields (licensing requirements, etc.), and making cheaper neighborhoods safe, will be pointless at best. Other than that, the only realistic answer is, yes, for the redundant workers to train themselve to work in some other field.
Now NCLB is completely irrelevant to that, although it will help the next generation. What’s needed is streamlining of post-secondary education so that one can be retrained for a real middle-class career without waiting 4+ years and blowing huge amounts of money.
At any rate, the answer that people seem to keep looking for is “if you lose your job, I promise to make it all better with this program”. That’s exactly the wrong way to look at the problem, and as long as people think in terms of President Bush or President Kerry “caring”, being “in touch”, or “doing something” about your job market woes, none of the real problems are going to get solved.
Yeah, Marcy…if only my family was still making buggywhips like great-grandpappy used to! Why didn’t the government step in and stop the loss of the buggywhip jobs?
When will liberals learn that the purpose of businesses and corporations is NOT to provide them with jobs?
First of all, I am not a liberal. I’m a card-carrying Republican. I’ve worked at HP for 20 years and earned the income to buy a $300,000 (6 years ago) and still live comfortably. When 20 years is thrown out and you watch operations and R&D go to another country (high-tech operations and R&D), you can’t help but get weird about it. I haven’t found anything near to what I have done and accepted a job paying 60% less. I don’t want government to solve ALL my problems or others like me. I want to government to see what NAFTA has done. This is a trend John. I’m no dummy. The are a sizable number of us and it’s growing.
Quick one-liners and snappy comebacks mean nothing.
I love these sob stories.
None of these engineers and software geeks cried when the manufacturing went.
Nows it’s their turn to feel the heat and they want government to protect their jobs dammit!
Don’t be an economic girly man. And save money for a rainy day like the rest of us.
Oh, and Marcy, unless you job was “stolen” by a Canadian or a Mexican, then NAFTA is not to blame.