Let’s see where Kerry and Edwards are to date on the Democratic pre-election checklist:
1.) Have prominent Democrats introduce bills to re-instate the draft and the nclaim to the youth that Bush is going to re-instate the draft.– CHECK:
John Kerry said Friday there is a “great potential” for a new military draft to replace overextended U.S. troops in Iraq if President Bush wins a second term, despite Bush’s repeated pledges to maintain the all-volunteer service. Republicans rejected the suggestion as “fear mongering.”
2.) Scare senior citizens by telling them Bush is going to stop paying their social security. CHECK
Sen. John Kerry accused President Bush on Sunday of planning a surprise second-term attempt to privatize Social Security, and forecast a ”disaster for America’s middle class.” Republican party chairman Ed Gillespie called the charge ”just flat inaccurate.'”
3.) Visit black churches and start race-baiting and making false claims that minorities will not have their votes counted. CHECK:
On Sunday, he attended services at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio, where he delivered a 25-minute address laced with biblical references and promised to protect voting rights.
“We’re not going to let this be a repeat of 2000,” Kerry told the predominantly black congregation. “We’re not going to see a million African Americans deprived of their votes in America.”
He struck the same theme later in the day at a rally in Pembroke Pines, Fla., as he kicked off a two-day swing through the state with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and celebrities such as actress Alfre Woodard.
Kerry’s newfound focus on the group is more than October’s traditional get-out-the-vote effort. It comes amid signs that many African Americans remain ambivalent about the Democratic candidate, despite their antipathy toward Bush and ongoing anger about the contested 2000 presidential election, in which the ballots of hundreds of thousands of black voters were disqualified.
4.) Attempt to scare middle class whites and Jews with threats of Bush leading us into a theocracy. CHECK:
Kerry blasted Bush over his 2001 decision to limit federal funding to the research of existing stem cell lines.
Scientists believe embryonic stem cell research may lead to cures for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and to ways to repair crippling spinal cord injuries.
Kerry said Bush has “made the wrong choice to sacrifice science for extreme right-wing ideology.”
All this, and they are still tied or behind in all the polls. Better bust out the James Byrd commercials or start hoping for a stock market crash.
S.W. Anderson
You overlooked what may be the best one of all: Al Gore’s Monday speech, “The Failed Presidency of George W. Bush,” at Georgetown University.” It’s a solid, nail-him-to-the-wall indictment from start to finish.
Gore’s speech is everything the unbalanced Swiftbleat vets’ scurrilous spew is not, everything Dick Cheney’s specious spiels are not. Most of all, it contrasts sharply with Bush speeches by being backed by verifiable facts.
I know, I know, most who stop by this blog would vote for Bush if he were caught doing the wild thing with Barbra Streisand in the Oval Office and peddling Iraq drilling rights in Rose Garden auctions. Even so, take it as an intelectual challenge
Johnny Riley
let everyone one know the v.p. has a gay daughter.
try to do it in a ‘nice’ way, if possible.
either way ,though, do it.
During his eight years with the Clinton administration, VP Gore was an accomplice in the failure of our government to take action in protecting our Nation.
Today, everything said from his mouth is disingenuous.
From what I have read around the blogosphere, those who voted Gore in 2000 are choosing to vote a straight Republican ticket for the first time in their lives.
In other words, Gore is a liability to the Democrat Party.
OK, I took the bait. I’m only a couple of paragraphs into it:
– recycle claims about “interest of the wealthy, and of large corporations” – check. Hmmm, let’s see, the corporate scandals of Enron were happening while who was VP?
– “economic royalists”? I see, so the Hollywood superrich left has no influence over Democratic policy? You see, you can’t just complain about rich conservatives when you have rich guys who are frothingly partisan for your side as well.
– “social conservatives” who want to “roll back most of the progressive changes of the 20th century”? Yep, making the states accountable rather than ratcheting everything up to the federal level means my coathanger stocks will do really well during the next four year Bush administration.
– his “his refusal to even consider complexity” of complex issues. I see, he lacks the famous ability to use nuance as a tool. Those clumsy ol’ Ten Commandments are just not nuanced enough.
– throw in a quote from Paul O’Neill, totally out of context, for flavor.
Then I lost consciousness under the weight of all of the “verifiable facts”. If there is a more distilled reason why Bush will win and why the modern Democratic party is circling the drain than that speech, I haven’t seen it.
“Those clumsy ol’ Ten Commandments are just not nuanced enough.”
Well no.
The ’10’ commandments are rubbish, have nothing to do with law and nor should they.
Honor thy father and mother? Nope, dont have to do that.
Adultery? Available to all.
Thou shall have no other gods? Incompatible with religious freedom.
Taking the LOrd’s name in vain? Absolutely my right.
The Sabbath Day? Whatever I want.
Killing, stealing and perjuring are prohibited in a similar way in basically any set of laws; including those that pre-date and/or are entirely uninfluenced by abrahamic monotheism.
The speech is an entirely accurate and devasting critique of AWOL’s management style & his stalinist attitude to dissent. Especially this:
“..the simplicity of many of his pronouncements, which are often misinterpreted as evidence that he has penetrated to the core of a complex issue, are in fact exactly the opposite because they usually mark his refusal to even consider complexity. And that’s a particularly difficult problem in a world where the challenges America faces are often quite complex and require rigorous sustained disciplined analysis.”
Ah yes ape
Stalinist attitide to dissent?
Right, I remember the seeing the anti-war protester carrying a sign which said “F**K the Jews” and remember seeing him arrested by the secret police!
I believe Michael Moore, to this day, continues to steal from the poor and ignorant all their hard earned dinero.
Kerry CAMPAIGNS in church and not a word was said. Bush mentions God in his speeches and he is deemed as having a stalinist attitude towards dissent?
I live in an area where should I mention the Bush name in a positive light, I receive threats of physical harm from, of all people, Gore believers!!!
Gore’s Berekelian diatribe is nonsense. Ape, you must live in Gore’s alternate universe to say such things.
Because of you, GORE, those on the other side, and the head of the Democrat Party, I will be voting a straight Republican ticket for the first time in my life. I won’t be the only one!
And, I expect you to be far TOO SMART to understand this.
Christopher Taylor
Cheat. That’s how you make up the gap: cheat. Cheat outrageously, cheat blatantly, and howl intimidation and disenfranchisement when caught.
You know that link was on many Pro-Bush websites before you ever posted it. You know why? Because Al Gore is a nut-job and pro-bush people like it when he speaks, because it shows how irrational the far lefties are are. Reading Gore’s speech is not an intellectual challenge. There are some lefties that are worth reading and/or listening to, Gore’s not one of them. So if you want to be persuasive, which I doubt, maybe you should find a more rational advocate for you agenda. Of course you can continue to promulgte the point of view so common on the left that those of us who disagree with you are simply stupid. But that isn’t persuasive I know you think we should listen to you because you are clearly right and we are therefore stupid. But the fact is you are merely childish. I suggest you grow up and learn to argue like adult rather than throwing temper tamptrums.
Count me in as another lifelong, registered Democrat voting straight-ticket Republican this time. Never voted for an R in my life, but this Kerry-Gore-McAuliffe cabal is just too much. Plus, liberating 50 million people has to count for something.
I get the feeling from what ‘ape’ posts he would, if in power, destroy any faction, mention or celebration of anything that is religious. I mean this in the judeo/christian context.
He gives off the aura of hate/fear of anything that is ‘religious’.
Maybe he’s like one of those who from the past used to line up and do a final solution on any who professed a belief in G-d..
I can see you were able to read almost all the way through the ten commandments. Impressive. It says a lot about your great respect for humanity and your open-minded approach to politics and life. I’m sure your take on them is the most nuanced treatment they’ve ever received. Sheesh. You make Madonna look like a philospher.
Never bothered to vote before in all my 38 years on this earth. Voted a straight Republican ticket on my military absentee ballot today. The idea of serving under Kerry chills me to the bone…
mshyde – i do not believe these things you attribute to me. they are absurd and entirely illegitimate inferences from what I said.
Are you a Republican National Cttee campaign manager by any chance?
Their “Liberals ban bible” fliers in W. Virginia exhibit the same logic + truth defying daftness in the pursuit of fear.
Or perhaps you are merely an idiot who has encountered such a document.
Ernest Brown
The James Byrd nonsense is so repulsive to me.
Bush busted his ass to get those loathsome filthpigs their just due, for the first time in Texas history, and the NAACP chose to be filthy liars and projectile vomit on Du Bois’s legacy.
Two death sentences and natural life for the driver is not going easy on racist murderers.
What else did they want Bush to do, take away their pudding privilidges?
Paul B.
Since others have stated the same, add my name to those who for the first time will vote R for everyone from President down to Clerk of Court. I actually like one or 2 Dems in the race too, but there is no way I’m rewarding that party. Even volunteering for the President’s campaign, something I’ve never done before in my life. Ain’t blowback a bitch.
The Truth Hurts
Just to pick one little nit with you mr “ape”:
I noticed, like all good lib moonbats, you continue to attach “AWOL” to the President’s name (or in place of his name). Could you do me this one little favor? Please tell me exactly how Bush could have been AWOL? And I will give you fair warning: I’m an Air Force vet (with more than a few year’s experience in the reserves to boot), so please don’t bullshit me.
Prove to me that Bush was AWOL.
You know what? I’ll save you the embarassment: There is no legal way on Heaven, Earth or anywhere in the UCMJ that 1Lt Bush could have ever been AWOL. You know how I know? If he wasn’t on Active Duty orders during the time period in question, and only doing IDT’s (weekend drills)…then there is NO AWOL status! He couldn’t possibly be AWOL, legally or physically.
My apologies to the good denizens of this blog for going severely off-topic to whack yet another moonbat, but sometimes it just feels good to drop the clue-bat down on another tinfoil beanie.
S.W. Anderson
Patrick wrote, in part, “Those clumsy ol’ Ten Commandments are just not nuanced enough.
No one who supports George W. Bush should lean on the Ten Commandments in disparaging the opposition. When it comes to one about not bearing false witness alone, he’s in a heap o’ trouble.