That didn’t take long. Another hit piece trying to stir up racial divides.
Did you know that as a Republican today, you are responsible for Jim Crow? Time to go cut some holes in my pillow cases, I guess.
If the African-American community continues to buy this shit wholesale from the Democrats and the professional race-baiters who masquerade as ‘black leaders,’ I have come to the decision that perhaps they just deserve each other. They have a weird symbiosis going, anyway. Every election, the black community gives the Democratic candidate 80-90% of the vote. In return, the Democrats ignore them for four years. Then, when it is election time, the Democrats send another white liberal to black churches all over the country to court their vote again.
I guess if it works for them…
Anything to keep the masses locked inside the ‘slave plantation’
Are the Dems perfect on racial issues? Nope. Is the alternative even worse? Yup. Black Americans aren’t just dumb-dumbs mes-mo-ized by the great white father…
Sharp as a Marble
Ollie, is your race card worn out from pulling it on people every 5 minutes?
Oliver’s idiotic, and totally predictable, response flies in the face of fact.
Look at your own party for racial demagoguing, Oliver.
During the race for mayor here (Philly) in 2003, both Philly congressman (Chaka Fattah and Bob Brady) have admitted they played the race card to the hilt with regard to the bug found in Mayor Streets’ office.
It obviously worked as a close race turned into a rout and people who were planning on sitting it out couldn’t vote for Street fast enough (or enough times, this being Philly and Street being a Democrat). All because the Street campaign and their surrogates were able to portray it as the mean, evil, white Republicans in the Ashcroft justice department trying to bring down a black elected official.
All this, despite the fact that A) the bug was found by Street’s own security people and had they not found it, the justice department wasn’t going to release anything about the investigation until after the election and B) it’s been proven completely that the investigation was justified and that there IS rampant corruption in Mayor Street’s office and among his top contributors and aides.
Oliver is quite correct that all black Americans aren’t just dumb-dumbs. But, that being the case, black “leaders” and Democratic party leaders should stop treating them that way.
Hey, the Dems have done such a great job running the inner-cities (uninterrupted) for the last 2 generations, why should anyone think about voting otherwise.
As a human, it’s sad…..but, my kid will be more prepared to compete than your kid, Oliver.
That is, if you ever had kids.
How does this post square with the “voters are not idiots” post two clicks back?
The lure of Utophia is what mesmerizes, color is irrelevant.
Have you heard, the civil rights movement ended and people of all race, color and creed won.
Why do you wish to keep racial- hate alive?
Ricky, somehow I got raised by black folks and didn’t turn into a hoodlum. Guess that shatters your little stereotype – I thought you were all about the south playing against type? No, I’m not planning on having kids any time soon, but I’m quite sure they’ll be well prepared — even though they’re black.
Who’s playing the race card? John asks why black voters go for the Dems, and I answered. Facts are facts.
From reading what this Ricky fella said, the lack of preparedness he mentions is referring to what Democrats (black AND white) have done to major cities, ie the public schools there.
He didn’t come remotely close to saying simply being black is being unprepared.
If you can’t read, Oliver, you really won’t be prepared. You might wanna work on that.
So, to answer your “who’s playing the race card” question, the answer would be you.
Now step away from the computer, put down the happy meal and go get your patholigical liar boss another cup of coffee.
Harry in Atlanta
The black electorate has severely mariginalized by almost completely attaching itself to the Democratic party. So much so that Republicans regularly get elected with little or no black support and only need to peel ten percent away from a Democratic challenger to damn near have a landside. So what the black constituency has done has made themselves to be taken for granted by the Democrats and have Republicans only need to pander to ten percent. Because of this blacks wield less clout than they realize because the only party that they could possibly cause serious damage to is the Democratic party, and they would have to do that by voting Republican or Green. I have to say, and I am quite sorry to say this, but from the historical standpoint Republicans really don’t need a significant percentage of the black vote to attain and retain politcal office whereas the Democrats do. So when it comes to the black vote who really has more to lose and who are the real winners? Hmmph, go figure.
Hmmm, a real head-scratcher here for me. A mere twenty-three minutes earlier, you tell us how voters are not idiots and can see right through those rascally liberal’s tactics.
Then you provide a shrill, over-the-top reaction to some perceived race-baiting in a fairly benign report on race in politics.
Since we’ve established that voters aren’t idiots, perhaps you’re suggesting that the exception to that are black ones and race-relation conscious ones?
Many thanks, Jeff. It was a noble effort on your part, but we all know that Oliver was (as usual) lashing out and arguing against a strawman because the facts are against him.
Then, statistically speaking, it would be wise for you to live in a red district.
You guys with the hamburger stuff: Fuck you.
Ok, but be sure to use a condiment.
you know, right after the civil war, the union veterans campaigned by saying “every bullet fired at a union man was fired by a democrat”. the south under Jim Crow was just about 100% democrate- am I missing something?
Your frontal lobe would be my guess.
Okay, bos’un-the Democrats were the people who ran the south and enforced segregation quite strongly before the 1960’s. You’d do well, however, to recall that Strom Thurmond, among many examples, left the Democratic party over the national party’s rejection of segregation. This was the essence of the “Dixiecrat” ticket on which he ran for president and that Trent Lott got into hot water for recalling so warmly. So, essentially, when the Democratic party turned away from being the party of institutionalized segregation, the Repblican party was there to welcome the disaffected Democrats into its ranks and celebrate them. This isn’t difficult stuff to see, folks.
Black voters see this stuff also. They also see a Republican party that appears to want to avoid speaking seriously to economic problems in the inner city, that appears to be very happy to use race-baiting when convenient (Willie Horton?), and that is willing to have its members publicly support things like racial profiling, and then Republicans wonder why black voters don’t support them?
This argument can go round and round, and I know that this is the perception of Republicans among many black voters. Moreover, the Republican party does not seem that interested in changing that. Jack Kemp made efforts to offer serious programs addressing the inner cities-anyone heard from him recently?
Oh, and stop calling Oliver fat.
Interesting how “fact” and “opinion” get conflated in your post.
“Okay, bos’un-the Democrats were the people who ran the south and enforced segregation quite strongly before the 1960’s. You’d do well, however, to recall that Strom Thurmond, among many examples, left the Democratic party over the national party’s rejection of segregation. This was the essence of the “Dixiecrat” ticket on which he ran for president and that Trent Lott got into hot water for recalling so warmly. So, essentially, when the Democratic party turned away from being the party of institutionalized segregation, the Repblican party was there to welcome the disaffected Democrats into its ranks and celebrate them. This isn’t difficult stuff to see, folks.”
So, your thesis is that, following passage of the seminal federal civil rights legislation (which was done with the votes of Republicans, and over the vehement objections of Southern Democrats), Southern Democrats bolted the party in large numbers? Horseshit. Not even CLOSE to true. Yes, there were splinter third parties (Dixiecrats, American Independent), and SOME Dems defected to the Republican Party – but most didn’t. Check registration statistics (until VERY recently). And your blithe assumption that the ones that did become Republicans because they viewed the Republicans as being more sympathetic to “Jim Crow” is a stretch, given that it was the Republican Party that voted for the laws killing Jim Crow. Yes, perhaps some unreconstructed segregationists came over the the GOP – but it was far more likely because they found common cause in the GOP on a VARIETY of social issues, like welfare reform, school prayer, etc. Besides, you guys kept Bobby “KKK” Byrd – and many more like him.
“Black voters see this stuff also. They also see a Republican party that appears to want to avoid speaking seriously to economic problems in the inner city, that appears to be very happy to use race-baiting when convenient (Willie Horton?), and that is willing to have its members publicly support things like racial profiling, and then Republicans wonder why black voters don’t support them?”
No, they see a party that doesn’t pander to them and give them slick, dishonest answers to tough problems. The Democrats promise more and more “entitlements” and “social safety nets” and other euphemisms for the various flavors of welfare, and the Republicans promise them (well, until W and some others started enjoying that pork WAY too much) programs to improve schools (school choice, anyone? It is overwhelmingly favored by inner city blacks, and the Dems sure as hell aren’t going to deliver it!), and reduced taxes to stimulate the economy. Beyond that? Educate and discipline your kids, and get a job. Message doesn’t “resonate” with urban blacks? Sorry. Instead, let’s offer them more of the “Great Society” Kool Aid that has damn near destroyed the black nuclear family. And don’t EVEN give me that Willie Horton shit, dude. Go do a little research, and find out who REALLY originated that Willie Horton ad, eh? And what about that EXECRABLE ad that the NAACP ran against W last go around? Don’t even try to compare Republican race baiting to what the Dems do.
“This argument can go round and round, and I know that this is the perception of Republicans among many black voters. Moreover, the Republican party does not seem that interested in changing that. Jack Kemp made efforts to offer serious programs addressing the inner cities-anyone heard from him recently?”
No, the Republican Party isn’t (or at least hasn’t been) interested in abandoning its core beliefs to pander to one group of voters. I know that’s a tough concept for a Democrat, but it’s kinda how we do things.
“Oh, and stop calling Oliver fat.”
Well, I’ll admit it’s a little juvenile. But, then, on the other hand, when you see a fat sack of shit like Michael Moore calling me and my ilk “Stupid White Men,” I don’t have a lot of concern over the “feelings” of Mikey Moron and Oliver. If they can’t take it, they shouldn’t dish it out.
Or, are you contending that Oliver is NOT fat?????
“Ricky, somehow I got raised by black folks and didn’t turn into a hoodlum. ”
How is that possible? How did you avoid it?
There’s a difference between telling the truth and being an obnoxious jerk.
You guys are pathetically funny. More pathetic than funny, but still…
Al Maviva
1865 – 1960 – Segregationist Dems, the heirs to the slaveholders, run the Jim Crow South.
1964 – 1965 – More Republican members of Congress than Dems vote for the historic civil rights acts.
1972 – Nixon invents modern government affirmative action with the “Philadelphia Plan”
2000 – I’m sitting on a subway when a self-identified NAACP member comes down the aisles of the mostly Black-filled car, stating that Bush’s main campaign promise to Whites is to revoke the 13th Amendment and reinstate slavery. NAACP also compares Bush to a lynch mob leader for failing to sign hate crimes bill in Texas – which would have what, given out more death penalties? I thought y’all were against the death penalty. But I digress.
2002 – Bush administration files a brief in Grutter & Gratz cases, refusing to take a stand against race-based affirmative action in college admissions.
2004 – Dems campaign claiming rabid, insanely out of control racism in the Republican Party. Cite Strom Thurmond (RIP) and Trent Lott (PNG) as proof. Meanwhile, The Hon. Robert Byrd (KKK, W-VA) chuckles.
Justin O.
More republicans are against gay marriage than democrats…..
Who’s the one’s putting a hold on civil rights currently?
***Who’s the one’s putting a hold on civil rights currently?****
The voters within both the blue states and the red states, who vote OVERWHELMINGLY agaisnt gay marriage. Nice attempt at spin, Justin, but it won’t go unchallenged. This issue is much like civil rights in the 60s, where Dems are agin it but their kneepadders pretend that it’s only GOPers.
Eat a half gallon of malt balls, Oliver. Use some of that money you made hookin’ for Soros.
Even in 2000 when a black man being dragged to his death behind a white man’s pick-up truck ad was in vogue, ol’ GWB still garnered 9% of the nations black voters.
This week a national poll shows that number has now doubled to 18%… GWB must be doing something right, or better, more black voters are figuring out the Dems lack of substance.
Quit messing with Oliver. It just makes for a tiring scroll past comments. There’s plenty to ding Oliver on, other than his being overweight.
Not that any of it makes an impression, but neither does the overweight bit.
Justin Ogren
Yeah I think Bush is getting more votes from some of the Jesus freaks this time around, from all cultures.
If you want some incredible irony, look at one of the favorite programs of the dems, Planned Parenthood. It should really be called Planned Non Parenthood. AND if you read some of the statements of the founder of PP, it reads more like supremist philosophy. Control the number of children of the “poor”, “uneducated”, so as to not dilute the gene pool. It is like Arian Nation stuff, and I can’t believe that the African American community does not see through this. This goes much further than an abortion issue.
First, Planned Parenthood does, counter to the ideas of some, serve a useful function. I used to date a lab tech who worked for them, and her full-time job was screening Pap smears for irregulars.
Second, population control is a legitimate concern for anyone at all who’s prepared to engage a few brain cells. Consider the consequences of China’s population increasing by 20% anytime soon.
Lastly, and unrelated: please do try to begin making sense soon, Justin.
M. Scott Eiland
Noticed a poll that had GWB getting 19% support from blacks. . .looks like it might be time for the NAACP to trot out James Byrd’s daughter for another one of their “nonpartisan” ads, since they probably won’t be able to get GWB to be a good sport and pose for them in a Klan robe holding a noose.
***Yeah I think Bush is getting more votes from some of the Jesus freaks this time around, from all cultures.****
And after Kerry tried so hard to out-Jesus Bush during the debates (don’t hold your breath awaiting the people who malign the GOP for being Jesus friendly to pretend to be consistent in their rhetoric…as if they have any credibility, anyway).
Sorry but the primary function of PP is what I was refering to not reading pap smears, which by the way don’t need to be done on younger women unless there are in a high risk category. And, population control is quite another issue that maybe you could mention that to Rev Sharpton, controling the African American population, they do have some thoughts about that. My specific post was about the foundation of PP and its founders philosophy, and the irony, but I guess you did not engage any brain cells when you read it.
I didn’t comment on them, vanderwall7, because I didn’t find them particularly comment-worthy. And not commenting on them doesn’t render what I said invalid in the least. I’m well aware of some of the less savory aspects of the origins of PP. What I’m not aware of is the ongoing nature of that agenda; if you can show me something of that nature I’d be appreciative.
Just to be clear, I think birth control is, in general, good and necessary. Birth control with a particular eugenic agenda, OTOH, I find distasteful.
“Birth control with a particular eugenic agenda, OTOH, I find distasteful.”
Well we agree on that, but I think distasteful is quite the understatement, how about something with a little more conviction. That is like calling what is happening in Darfur distasteful,,,well not quite but you get my point. I think Oliver would use a stronger indictment.
Think along the lines of what Jim Brown would say.
Ernest Brown
Or what Dick Gregory ACTUALLY said.
Probably depends on whether or not Oliver thinks they’re “handkerchief heads”, right Oliver?
I was going to put an ellipsis before “distasteful”, to indicate that maybe I’d considered something more harsh, but failed to find anything suitably harsh. But I was fresh out of ellipsis-es.
Quite accommodating. John gets sick, and you all show up and puke for him.
N. O'Brain
Jim Crow laws were invented, passed and enforced by Democrats.
Remember, “Bull” Connor was a Democrat.
wild bird
And lincoln was a republican and he signed the emanipation proclamation which ended slavery and the facts were many of the founding fathers dislaiked the idea of slavery and in case those fools have,nt noticed the demacrats were most likely proslavery and indeed BULL CONNOR was a demacrat and in fact one demacratic liberal politcian stated that I,LL HAVE THOSE N,,GERS VOTING DEMACRAT and clinton used the N word several times and dont forget how many dems opposed CLARENCE THOMAS
JP, Kemp’s idea at empowerment zones was completely turned away by black leadership. Who do you think the faithbased iniatives help the most??? Inner city minorities.
And Kerry and the rest continue to float the lies of the suppression of black voting which I researched here.
In response to Slartibartfast:
“Second, population control is a legitimate concern for anyone at all who’s prepared to engage a few brain cells. Consider the consequences of China’s population increasing by 20% anytime soon.”
Yes, so next we’ll have our government, like that of China’s, drowning “extra” children in their backyards. Sounds great!
Population control is a nice concept if it can be done without the use of abortion (i.e. genocide) and PP’s brand of birth control. Don’t try and tell me PP is “for the family” or even “for the people.” They are one of the many causes of this country’s insanely steep moral decline.
Oh, and about Kerry and the Jesus freaks? I am sick to death of him posing as a Roman Catholic. I want that bastard excommunicated NOW. The Church has never and will never condone abortion, euthanasia, or anything else on his agenda. The end.
Absolutely excommunicate that bastard!! How DARE he have a different interpretation of MY religion, or even THINK about secular considerations.
Seperation of church and state is for infidels.
(And I thought you were splattered all over the interior of a cave in Tora Bora!!)
As a Catholic, I have some reservations about the conservative bishops involving themselves in the Presidential campaign – NOT because they “don’t have the right to,” but because they don’t enforce their policy with any uniformity.
Look, dude, the Catholic Church is a private religious institution. It has EVERY RIGHT to make rules for its members – and to kick their asses out if they break the rules. Kerry has broken, does break, and will continue to break those rules, and the bishops have EVERY RIGHT to say, “Toe the line, or take a hike” . . . IF the take that position consistently with all their parishioners. If they do it to Kerry, they have to do it to the single Catholic mom who got an abortion because she couldn’t handle another kid.
But, if they take a CONSISTENT position, I’m all good with that. Kerry has every right in the world to espouse whatever bullshit he wants to, but he does NOT have the right, on the other hand, to USE his “Catholicism” to pander for Catholic (or even Christian) votes, and then trample on Church doctrine. He’s either a Catholic, or he’s not. Can’t have the benefits without the burdens, my friend; it doesn’t work like that. TANSTAAFL.
Seriously, that was in response to me? It was utterly disconnected with anything I said.
Unrelated, this and this. I think I may just have as keen an appreciation for the whole China situation as you do.
Justin Ogren
Yeah see, Kerry knows how to seperate church and state, Bush doesn’t, that’s why you see his policies with Middle East and Europe because he has alot of support from the Jesus ‘freaks’
Which might be a useful skill, should church and state become glued together somehow. We’ll have to remember to keep Kerry handy just in case.
Exactly right, FW!! No interpretation allowed! Black and white. America is SO weak with that seperation stuff. If we give in just a little, the next thing we know we’ll have a protestant movement of some sort–that John Kerry is just a Martin Luther wannabe anyway. Ah, if we could just back to the middle ages, we’d all be so much better off.
To hell with Republicans and Democrats–vote a straight Taliban ticket, my brother!!
(what I actually had for lunch, and you’re right, it ain’t free)
I guess you haven’t been to any of the campaign speeches he’s delivered from the pulpits of black churches, with a congregation waiving Kerry/Edwards signs.
Dude……you’re serving up slow fastballs.
I was right . . . at least whatever you had that passed for a brain has clearly been splattered all over a cave wall in Tora Bora.
Eat your falafel in peace, oh brainless one. We’ll be along to send the rest of your putrid carcass to your moon god sometime REAL soon. Allahu Akbar, asswipe.
For Justin:
One-upped by your own candidate. Just Damn.
I’m sure he meant that, Ricky, before he didn’t mean it.