I love this ad from Americans for Peace Through Strength.
For what it is worth, I still have a Reagan era “Peace Through Strength” button.
by John Cole| 2 Comments
This post is in: Politics
I love this ad from Americans for Peace Through Strength.
For what it is worth, I still have a Reagan era “Peace Through Strength” button.
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The stream feed was slow but it was worth the wait. I hope it gets played a lot.
The Lonewacko Blog
But, the question is, besides the slogan, aren’t there major differences between Ronald Reagan and George Bush? This isn’t exactly helping the comparison: …Those who still believe in Bush have tried to play up comparisons with Ronald Reagan, but I knew Reagan and he was no George W. Bush. It’s not just that Reagan read widely, thought deeply about issues and wrote prolifically. He really believed in the primacy of individual liberty and of limited, constitutional government…