Wow. I can’t believe how bad Lawrence O’Donnell broke down against John O’Neill. Although, if you have ever read the comments section at the Washington Monthly, Pandagon, or the Daily Kos, that is how the unhinged left argues. A conservative makes a statement, 40 leftists scream ‘liar’ or ‘brownshirt.’
If you want a classic example, check out this Ezra Klein post in which Ezra enligtens us that if the Democratic draft does become a reality, and Bush is re-elected, brave Ezra will dodge the draft. This is a great post for two reasons- it helps to give some insight into the mindset of the left, a group of people who swooned for 8 years over a draft-dodger and then decided the most important qualification to be President and basis for an entire general election was service in Vietnam. Except you aren’t allowed to question them on their service.
At any rate, check out Linda trying to have a civil conversation and get shouted down. Then think back to Mr. O’Donnell, who I will never listen to again. That’s the closest I have ever been to donating to the Swift Vets.
And remember kids- dissent is patriotic, and therefore, by extension, so is draft-dodging.
Jon Henke
Heh. Jesse has taken to claiming I think I’m better than him. Every time I comment, link, etc…he brings that up.
I’m not sure what brought it about – I’ve never suggested it – but he’s fixated on it. And that is BY FAR the nicest thing they have to say about me over there.
I really think it’s impossible to disagree over there without being called names. There’s no debate…there’s only comment>name-calling>reply>gang-tackle.
It’s an interesting dynamic, and I quickly begin to see how it can feed forward into an echo chamber, producing the kind of martyrdom they seem to believe they are experiencing.
Ralph Gizzip
Ah. the tolerant Left. Now that’s an oxymoron.
Ralph Gizzip
Whoops! The above link found via Obnoxious Fumes.
capt joe
yes, the tolerant left. An interesting article is
It shows a true blue Kerry supporter/journalism trying to find out how people would react to him wearing a shirt of the other party.
Tonights Scarborough (hosted by Pat Buchanan), Buchanan at the end of the show said Lawrence stepped over the line and that MSNBC assures it will not happen again. Watch for the upcoming transcripts.
Its truly amazing to me how self centered some of these extreme lefties are. They have no sense of honor or duty. They just can’t conceive how others sacrifice everything for a greater good. They come up with stuff like, “well they are poor, thats why they are in the military” Its truly sad. I used to get angry reading some of their claptrap. But now, I just pitty them. To go through life never understanding or recognizing something greater than themselves. It must be hell.
No John, its not questioning service, its making shit up about service. But I see know you’re running ads (and taking money from) the fictional Stolen Honor movie. Beyond hope.
John Cole
Iiwll run an ad for anyone who pays it.
BTW- Isaw Stolen Honor. It is adocumentary. Does it portray KErry in the wors possible lint inevery scxnerio. Like Charles Buckley, who said he would work for the KKK if they paid him the right amount.
At any rate- the honesty an integrity of ther film FAR exeeds that of t Michel Moore, your hero.
Thanks, Ralph, for the mention!
Personally, I wonder about the meltdown on the left. As bad as it is now, how much worse will it get when Bush wins re-election?
My guess is they’ll start to turn on themselves.
Am I imagining things or did the discredited Oliver Willis criticize someone’s source of income?
History really did begin yesterday with the fringies…..
I did it because John tries to smear me with “Soros” all the time (like I think that’s a bad thing, naughty Soros, donating his money to register voters — the nerve!). Go back to the fevered swamps Ricky, Brent Bozell is calling.
Anyone who thinks there’s any rational reasoning in Stolen Honor is beyond help anyhow.
Wow, what twisted logic from Oliver. Brent Bozell is the fevered swamp, but his pathological liar and totally discredited boss, David Crock, is somehow credible.
You know, i’ve been suffering from election fatigue to the point where i really say to myself “my life isn’t gonna be that much different if Kerry wins”, so why bother getting all worked up about it, but the best thing about Bush winning will be that Oliver and Atrios and most of the unemployed sheep that comment at their sites will probably all kill themselves.
capt joe
Wow, Oliver is complaining about fictional books and documentaries but yet there he was pushing Kitty Kelley’s book. So far there is no one except for Oliver who believes.
Talk about credibility. Come’on, you are a cheap Soros shill. You sold your ethics on the first gravy train into town, man.
Such Hypocrisy. You should try for the DNC leadership. You definitely have the right stuff. ;)
Part of the reason that you’ve been discredited, Oliver, is your constant “Bozell” references to me. Search my site (I don’t hide archives that are unpleasant and then claim that they had to be deleted for space, like some cowards) and you’ll find one entry (IIRC) where I fisked him. I like the MRC, but I don’t care for Bozell….and this is the 4th time I’ve presented the information to you.
Either you’re stupid or you’re dishonest. I don’t think you’re stupid.
I think you’re supremely dishonest (and have laid out evidence to prove that you are), and I say that as someone who once considered you a cyber-friend (who doesn’t care about one’s personal politics).
BTW, should I ever decide to shrink a foot, gain a 100 pounds, become unattractive and unable to find companionship and live a life of loneliness, then I might have some issues with inferiority.
Until then, I’m just a bloke with a keyboard and an opinion… leave it at that, as an intelligent person would.
Chris Arndt
I recall watching O’Donnell on the McLaughlin Group well before the election season began and he seemed to be a reasonable, intelligent moderate. I didn’t even know he was a liberal until he said he was out loud.
Since the election season began he came back onto the Group and has been lefty and loud and quite dismissive and even illogical. I’ll say I’ve seen the face frozen on Michelle Malkin’s blog entry. I haven’t watched this exchange because I don’t have cable but I will tell you that it all matches up.
I’m still used to the old Lawrence O’Donnell. This new one surprises and disgusts me.