Gee- almost the entire staff of Slate is voting for Kerry. Who would have guessed?
Now, if I could just figure out who the staff writers for the Village Voice, the Nation, the American Prospect, the Media Matters Staff, George Soros, and Theresa Heinz-Kerry intend to vote for, and I might be able to make up my mind.
I mean really- how ever am I supposed to figure out who David Brock, Atrios, and Oliver Willis are going to vote for?
Dean Esmay
A herd of independent thinkers. :-)
One word, John: Hitch. That’s just too damn funny. Look’s to me like the Limeys don’t believe in the Bogeyman, and know a Bonehead when they see him. Hey, maybe you could blame it on Hitchens’ drinking. Surely, the conservative base fantasizes about a return to Prohibition. Maybe a future intention along these lines was revealed to Hitch recently, and like Sully, was enough to make him cross over from the right side of history.
John Cole
I am not sure why his vote surprises you? I never expected him to vote for Bush.
I see your point, John. Hitch is a contrarian, but he’s our contrarian, so there’s no real surprise that he’d come home.
Still, he was apparently touting Bush in the Nation but a few days ago. What a schlosh, huh?