Andy really has now officially shot all credibility:
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The commander of the first unit into the area told CBS he did not search it for explosives or secure it from looters. ‘We were still in a fight,’ he said. ‘Our focus was killing bad guys.’ He added he would have needed four times more troops to search and secure all the ammo dumps he came across.” – CBS’ latest press release on the missing explosives. Four times more troops. But that would have meant doing it right.
Four times the troops would have been close to a million troops, which means not doing it at all. The commander’s point, my dim-witted friend, is that this was not his mission, and that it would have been impossible to accomplish. Not that he was undermanned.
Maybe there is going to be a draft if Kerry and his supporters all think like Sully. Of course, Sully has nothing to worry about in the event there is a draft.
Question- Did Andy lose his analytical skills, and thus became a Democrat? Or did the act of becoming a Democrat cause him to lose his analytical skills?
Hack, either way.
Sully last year – NYT hopelessly anti-Bush
Sully last month – CBS story is devastating to Bush
Later – CBS actions are outrageous
Sully yesterday – Unforgivable criminal negligence based on NYT story
Sully today – NBC story irrelevant… hey here’s what CBS reports!
I must refer everyone to the wise words of Protein Wisdom with regard to any further consideration of Andy Sullivan.
I regularly followed Sullivan, for a long time, and thought him to be a clear voice of reason.
His conversion to the liberal lunatic fringe began just when the President came out against Gay Marriage