I hate the Yankees, which makes me automatically root for the Red Sox every year (my Pirates are eliminated from the playoffs every year a week after pitchers and catchers report). At any rate, you Red Sox fans owe me.
After they were blown out by the Yankees in game three of the ALCS, I told my mom:
“I am done with them. They are a bunch of overpaid losers. I wash my hands of them, and I refuse to root for them any more. I already root for enough losers, I don’t need the Red Sox on my resume as well.”
They are 6-0 since.
7-0 :-)
Random Numbers
They won 4 games in a row for the AL championship, and are 3-0 in the Series
M. Scott Eiland
Let’s review the situation:
–the Sox need one win to clinch the Series, and even if the Cards recover and beat them in the last two games in St. Louis, they have Schilling scheduled for Game Six on long rest and Pedro in Game Seven on normal rest;
–the only team in baseball history to come back from 3-0 in the postseason is the Sox themselves, just a few days ago;
–they’re the sentimental favorites in most of the country;
–Scott Rolen is 0 for 11 in the first three games of the Series.
In other words, everything possible is going well for the Sox right now.
God, are they screwed. ]:-)
Chris P
What, becoming the first team in the history of baseball to come back from an 0-3 deficit and win a pennant race…against the Yankees no less…in what will arguably go down as the best, most dramatic LCS series ever, wasn’t good enough for you?! Red Sox fans don’t owe you anything. It’s your own fault you gave up on them. You made your bed, now lie in it.
Go Sox!
Ralph Gizzip
Damn! Is it STILL baseball season?!?
Glad you’re a Republican. Maybe you should have voted for Kerry.