The following individuals might want to get in touch with John Kerry, the DNC, CBS, and the NY Times and tell them ‘thanks.’
Joe Manchin, III– (D.) candidate for governor of WV
Barbara Evans Fleishcauer– (D) candidate for the WV House of Delegates
Robert “Bob” Beach– (D) candidate for the WV House of Delegates
Why would you want to get in touch with the Kerry campaign? Because I had planned to vote for you in the general election, but because of Kerry’s behavior the past two days, I decided to tell all Democrats to go to hell. When I heard Kerry saying ‘soldiers are being fired upon by the weapons left unguarded,’ trying to pimp a bullshit story for political advantage, I almost had a minor stroke.
How do you fire these explosives? Do they have a trigger? How do you aim them? LYING SACK OF SHIT.
It was at that point, I couldn’t take it anymore. I went downtown to the Sneior Center and voted early. I have to get on with my life.
At any rate, I normally vote 40-50% Republican, 25% libertarian, 25% Democratic. Not this year. Every Democrat is guilty as far as I am concerened. YOu chose this man, you live with him. I refuse to reward the behavior I have seen over the past four years.
I did, however, vote for John Perdue (D), for State Treasurer. He is just too fundamentally decent a man to punish, and would have been governor (wiith my suppoert) three times over had the monied fratboys that run our state Democratic party not blocked his candidacy every year.
The rest of the Democrats- to hell with them. Guilt by association works for me.
I am right there with you, John and usually vote in a similar fashion.
Here in Texas, due to re-districting, we have Martin Frost (D) and Pete Sessions (R), both incumbants, now running in the same district. I had problems with both of them – BUT
Last night, Martin Frost ran an ad accusing Pete Sessions of promoting a national sales tax of 30%. The advertisement was quite specific “..$100.00 worth of groceries will cost you $130.00” if Pete Sessions has his way.
I am so disgusted with this blatant, political perversion of the Fair Tax – that I will vote a straight Republican ticket – for the 1st time ever.
I got no problem with that since I’ve decided to do the exact same thing, also for the first time: Straight dem ticket for me.
Yeah, except John didn’t say he was voting straight anything down the ticket.
Mine is a humble opinion, but anyone who votes a straight one-party ticket is, very simply, a fool. Unfortunately, that seems to be the majority of likely voters.
That was my decision a month ago – even down to the local city council and community commissionars. Well execpt for the local libertarians.
Kathy K
I’ve never voted a straight party ticket and I’m not going to this time either. We’ve got a Republican carpet-bagger (from the other side of the state) running for Congress here. He’s someone I wouldn’t vote for if he were running for dog-catcher. He’s not QUITE as far-right as Alan Keyes… but close. And he’ll probably win anyway.
I certainly hope you cut-and-paste your message into letters to those you’re not voting for. I think it only fair that they understand a) that they didn’t get your vote and b) exactly why.
Don’t leave them any more clueless than they are. If you don’t draw a line, they’ll think it’s okay to transgress it without penalty.
When I heard Kerry saying ‘soldiers are being fired upon by the weapons left unguarded,’ trying to pimp a bullshit story for political advantage, I almost had a minor stroke.
Wow, I thought the phrase “the truth hurts” was just a saying.
Apparently not.
And you know what? I was about to vote a straight Republican ticket until I saw one too many right wing nutcases lying and pretending they were about to vote Democrat and then giving a completely ridiculous answer about why they changed their minds. That sort of deceitfulness just rubs my fur the wrong way.
Now – Kerry all the way, baby, just put the yard sign up.
Thanks for the help in making my decision.
Did the same thing myself in early voting here in TN. It is just so sad it has come to this.
You are welcome for the help. I am just stunned, STUNNED I say, that your fur got rubbed the wrong way. Enjoy your yard sign.
The Lonewacko Blog
‘soldiers are being fired upon by the weapons left unguarded,’
What are the chances you think I could find a quote from “our troops” supporting that exact statement?
Here it is: The insurgents probably are using weapons and ammunition looted from the nearby Qa-Qaa complex, a 3-mile by 3-mile weapons-storage facility about 25 miles southwest of Baghdad, said Maj. Brian Neil, operations officer for the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, which initially patrolled the area. The facility was bombed during last year
The Lonewacko Blog
And, just in case it isn’t clear, the use of “our troops” is a comment on the obscene smear that any criticism of the Commander in Chief implies criticism of those in the military.
“At any rate, I normally vote 40-50% Republican, 25% libertarian, 25% Democratic. Not this year.”
To quote an esteemed blogger.
John Cole
You simply don;t know WV politics, then.
A.) Half our Democrats would be Republican in any other state.
B.) Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-1 in the state, and if you did not vote for Democrats, you would be voting for the Governor and the President only.
C.) I have repeatedly voted for Democrats in elections- for magistrate, for state house and senate, for sheriff, etc. I don’t care if you believe me or not, but you are wrong.