Tom Maguire notes our intrepid reporters are beginning to pull back from the initial scary assertions that has made Kerry a bombastic liar for the past two days.
Maguire concludes:
We have a hint as to the timing of the ongoing investigation – evidence that the explosives were not at the site will only become available to the Times after Nov. 3.
I have never seen the media this in bed with anyone before. Ever. And I remember the Reagan hating. I remember the made up stories regarding Bush 1 being out of touch. This is just shameful.
Harry in Atlanta
Q: “By the time Kerry was protesting qand prolonging the agony of our POW’s, Nixon had the vast majority of soldiers home or on their way home. How does he get away with saying this shit?”
A: “I have never seen the media this in bed with anyone before. Ever.”
John you had already answered your question.
And I have to say we have a serious problem in this country if the three “free” networks in this country are shilling for one candidate or another. Because, ahem, all Americans own the airwaves. Right?
When Newt Gingrich was running for re-election for his house seat in Georgia back in the ’80s a reporter asked him why he felt it was so necessary for him to raise so much campaign money, and this was Gingrich’s reply, (I am paraphasing) “My opponet only has to run against me, whereas I have to run against the Atlanta Constitution.”
That kind of puts things in perspective about the press in this country.
“This is downright shameful.”
Shameful, John? It’s downright scary!
In my long lifetime, I’ve never been more concerned with the direction our country might be going than I am right now (and it isn’t about going into Iraq and kicking ass either… it’s about the anger and hysteria exhibited by the sorry extremists who have taken over what used to be a decent political party; the Democratic Party, and with the able assistance and blessing of the print and broadcast media.)
Tuesday can’t come soon enough. And sadly I fear that Tuesday will be only the beginning of something worse than what we’ve seen already.
Sam Miller
Anybody knows why Bush could not catch Bin Laden?
Didn’t he say would smoke him out?
Harry in Atlanta
Yea Sam I think he smoked him in a cave in Tora Bora instead.
capt joe
OBL is dead. There hasn’t been a reliable sighting of him since Dec 2001. Only tapes without voices or audio tapes without any time indicators.