Driving to and from Kroger with my friend Tammy, I witnessed a bunch of Kerry supporters at a crowded intersection. As usual, they were up to their normal antics.
They had signs that begged you to honk to show support, and if you didn’t, they jeered you.
If you had the nerve to have a Bush sticker on your car, they jeered you, yelling either: “Fuck Bush” or “You’re gonna get drafted.”
It sure does make you think twice about voter suppression if that is what it is going to take to keep these jerks out of power.
Dr. Weevil
If you’re not careful, you’ll soon be thinking things like “maybe that guy who tried to run down Katherine Harris had a point”.
John I agree it is really bad now, but assuming Bush wins tomorrow, and I sure hope he does, it is going to get a lot worse after the Election.
Admitting there is fraud on both sides, I can’t help but note how much worse it is coming from the left. Especially with Clinton appointies like Judge Dlott in Ohio that say things like this about her Ohio ballot fraud decisions:
John Cole
Dr. Weevil- That was a joke.
Sandi, the point of appointing judges for life is that they don’t have to take public opinion into account when making their decisions.
I’m sorry that the Republican Party’s blatant attempt at race-based voter suppression was shut down by the courts (I’m not), but that’s no reason to claim spuriously that the Dems are worse. The reason things will be bad if Bush wins is because the people of Ohio and Florida will have thousands of individual accounts of suppression which will act as grievances, not because of some media-led conspiracy.
George W. Bush is not the Messiah, returned to lead the United States through the Rapture, incapable of sin. He’s a lousy President who doesn’t hold democratic or due process values dear.
wild bird
Boy what a narrow minded bunch of dweebs they are and foul mouthed as well you wont find them here in siskiyou county and they would probinly get their backsides kicked off we dont like these sewer spewers here
How many different accounts of suppression were recorded in Florida in 2000? Certainly not thousands. Or even hundreds. Not even tens. Do me a favor: actually go read the USCCR report from the summer of 2001. Read it all. Then come back and try peddling your talking points with a straight face.
Just to give you the benefit of a doubt, I’m chalking your last comment up to a dearth of knowledge. After you read the report, you won’t have that excuse.
because the people of Ohio and Florida will have thousands of individual accounts of suppression which will act as grievances
Absolute blathering bullsh!t…
I was an election worker in central Ohio today. Please tell me about all the votes that were suppressed in my precinct (we had a 90% turnout in a normally 60-65% turnout area).
Then, FOAD.
wild bird
Kerry unlike that dweeb al gore has conceated and has,nt dragged it out with lawsuits i mean gore is a rich spoiled brat and frankly kerry has shown more good spoartsmanship then gore and the rest of the hollywood socialists